

  • 省部重点实验室
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  • 给文章设计标题犹如给小孩起名字,起得好就很好。起标题没有固定模式,这需要感觉。如果对研究课题和这篇文章具体的立意、特点、研究到达的层次有很清楚的了解,那么设计标题就能设计得很好。可以说,标题是要为文章量体裁衣、度身定做的。好的标题非常specific,能突出文章做了什么,优点在什么地方,强调的要点在什么地方,和其它文章、其它方法的区别在于什么地方。现在我介绍一下我为一些文章(有的是第一作者文章,有的是第二作者文章)度身定做标题的设计思想。可以说,这些都是靠长期的时间悟出来的。

    15. H.G. Zhu, Z. Ma, J.C. Clark, Z.W. Pan, S.H. Overbury, S. Dai*, Low-Temperature CO Oxidation on Au/Fumed SiO2-based Catalysts Prepared from Au(en)2Cl3 Precursor, Applied Catalysis A: General 326 (2007) 89-99. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apcata.2007.04.004


    1) 用了什么催化剂?Au/SiO2
    2) SiO2是什么种类的?Fumed SiO2
    3) 用了什么方法?from Au(en)2Cl3 precursor
    4) 做了什么反应?CO oxidation
    5) 得到什么效果?low-temperature

    这样,就把事情介绍得很清楚。特别是我在这里用了low-temperature CO oxidation字眼,一下子就吸引了审稿人的眼球。因为当谈论Au/SiO2的时候,别人从来不说low-temperature CO oxidation,因为达不到这一点。所以,既然达到了这一点,就要把特点在标题里强调出来!

    16. Z. Ma, S.H. Overbury, S. Dai*, Au/MxOy/TiO2 Catalysts for CO Oxidation: Promotional Effect of Main-Group, Transition, and Rare-Earth Metal Oxide Additives, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 273 (2007) 186-197. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.molcata.2007.04.007

    这篇文章讲述传统金催化剂是把黄金放在TiO2上,现在我把各种金属氧化物负载在TiO2载体上,再放黄金,结果发现效果有的更好,有的更坏。这篇文章的不足之处是表征不够充分,所以我设计标题不能说“synthesis, characterization, and catalytic performance of xxx catalysts”。相反,这里面要强调的是一种促进作用(promotional effect),并且强调我的工作量很大,探索了大量添加剂。因此,我设计标题就体现了这种思想。

    1) 用了什么催化剂?Au/MxOy/TiO2 catalysts
    2) 什么叫做MxOy?Main-group, transition, and rare-earth metal oxide additives
    3) 做了什么反应?CO oxidation
    4) 得到什么效果?Promotional effect

    17. Z. Ma, S. Brown, S.H. Overbury, S. Dai*, Au/PO43-/TiO2 and PO43-/Au/TiO2 Catalysts for CO Oxidation: Effect of Synthesis Details on Catalytic Performance, Applied Catalysis A: General 327 (2007) 226-237. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apcata.2007.05.019

    这篇文章讲的是设计出两种PO43-改性的金催化剂:一种是在TiO2上先放PO43-,再放黄金;另外一种是在TiO2上先放黄金,再放PO43-。然后我做了大量试验比较这两种方法的区别,研究了合成条件对CO氧化效果的影响。这篇文章的不足之处是表征不够充分,所以我设计标题不能说“synthesis, characterization, and catalytic performance of xxx catalysts”。相反,这里面要强调的是两种方法和制备细节对催化效果的影响。因此,我设计标题就体现了这种思想。

    1) 用了什么催化剂?Au/PO43-/TiO2 and PO43-/Au/TiO2 catalysts
    2) 制备顺序的区别?Au/PO43-/TiO2 and PO43-/Au/TiO2 catalysts
    3) 做了什么反应?CO oxidation
    4) 强调的重点?Effect of synthesis details on catalytic performance

    在这里,因为催化效果并不是单一地很好,而是受复杂的多重因素支配,不是用一句话能讲清楚的,所以我才说"Effect of synthesis details on catalytic performance"暗示这种复杂性。这是诚实的做法,正确的做法。反之,如果起标题说"promotional effect of xxx",那就是断章取义、取镜头了。

    18. H.G. Zhu, Z. Ma, S.H. Overbury, S. Dai*, Rational Design of Gold Catalysts with Enhanced Thermal Stability: Post Modification of Au/TiO2 by Amorphous SiO2 Decoration, Catalysis Letters 116 (2007) 128-135. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10562-007-9144-3


    1) 用了什么催化剂?Post modification of Au/TiO2 by amorphous SiO2 decoration
    2) 用了什么方法?Post modification of Au/TiO2 by amorphous SiO2 decoration
    3) 加了什么添加剂?SiO2 decoration
    4) 添加剂的物理性质?Amorphous
    5) 实验目的?Rational design of gold catalysts with enhanced thermal stability
    6) 强调的要点?Rational design

    我惯用的方法就是主标题加上副标题,这样就更加突出更加清楚了。相反,如果用catalytic CO oxidation over xxx catalysts这样的标题就不好,因为审稿人会问:已经有很多CO oxidation催化剂了,那么为什么要新的xxx catalysts?另外,那样的标题重点不突出,不痛不痒。


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  • 省部重点实验室


    Flame-made WO3/TiO2 nanoparticles: Relation between surface acidity, structure and photocatalytic activity
    Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Volume 79, Issue 1, 21 February 2008, Pages 53-62
    Kranthi K. Akurati, Andri Vital, Jean-Philippe Dellemann, Katarzyna Michalow, Thomas Graule, Davide Ferri, Alfons Baiker

    Flame-synthesized LaCoO3-supported Pd: 1. Structure, thermal stability and reducibility
    Journal of Catalysis, Volume 252, Issue 2, 10 December 2007, Pages 127-136
    Gian Luca Chiarello, Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Davide Ferri, Frank Krumeich, Cesare Oliva, Lucio Forni, Alfons Baiker

    Flame-synthesized LaCoO3-supported Pd: 2. Catalytic behavior in the reduction of NO by H2 under lean conditions
    Journal of Catalysis, Volume 252, Issue 2, 10 December 2007, Pages 137-147
    Gian Luca Chiarello, Davide Ferri, Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Lucio Forni, Alfons Baiker

    Gold supported on Cu–Mg–Al and Cu–Ce mixed oxides: An in situ XANES study on the state of Au during aerobic alcohol oxidation
    Journal of Catalysis, Volume 250, Issue 2, 10 September 2007, Pages 313-323
    Peter Haider, Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Ruth Seidel, Alfons Baiker

    Gold supported on Cu–Mg–Al-mixed oxides: Strong enhancement of activity in aerobic alcohol oxidation by concerted effect of copper and magnesium
    Journal of Catalysis, Volume 248, Issue 2, 10 June 2007, Pages 175-187
    Peter Haider, Alfons Baiker

    Combination of flame synthesis and high-throughput experimentation: The preparation of alumina-supported noble metal particles and their application in the partial oxidation of methane
    Applied Catalysis A: General, Volume 316, Issue 2, 10 January 2007, Pages 226-239
    Stefan Hannemann, Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Peter Lienemann, Detlef Günther, Frank Krumeich, Sotiris E. Pratsinis, Alfons Baiker

    Flame-derived Pt/Ba/CexZr1−xO2: Influence of support on thermal deterioration and behavior as NOx storage-reduction catalysts
    Journal of Catalysis, Volume 243, Issue 2, 25 October 2006, Pages 229-238
    Reto Strobel, Frank Krumeich, Sotiris E. Pratsinis, Alfons Baiker

    Steric and electronic effects in enantioselective hydrogenation of ketones on platinum modified by cinchonidine: Directing effect of the trifluoromethyl group
    Journal of Catalysis, Volume 240, Issue 2, 10 June 2006, Pages 203-212
    Angelo Vargas, Fatos Hoxha, Norberto Bonalumi, Tamas Mallat, Alfons Baiker

    Chiral Modification of Rh and Pt Surfaces: Effect of Rotational Flexibility of Cinchona-Type Modifiers on Their Adsorption Behavior
    Schmidt, E.; Ferri, D.; Vargas, A.; Baiker, A.
    J. Phys. Chem. C.; (Article); 2008; 112(10); 3866-3874.

    Pt and Pt/Al2O3 Thin Films for Investigation of Catalytic Solid-Liquid Interfaces by ATR-IR Spectroscopy: CO Adsorption, H2-Induced Reconstruction and Surface-Enhanced Absorption
    Ferri, D.; Burgi, T; Baiker, A.
    J. Phys. Chem. B.; (Article); 2001; 105(16); 3187-3195. DOI: 10.1021/jp002268i

    Why are α-hydroxycarboxylic acids poor chiral modifiers for Pt in the hydrogenation of ketones?
    Journal of Catalysis, Volume 237, Issue 2, 25 January 2006, Pages 230-236
    Mihaela Maris, Davide Ferri, Lucia Königsmann, Tamas Mallat, Alfons Baiker

    Zwitterion formation: a feasible mechanism for the Pt-catalyzed enantioselective hydrogenation of ketones?
    Journal of Catalysis, Volume 234, Issue 1, 15 August 2005, Pages 242-246
    Elisabeth Orglmeister, Tamas Mallat, Alfons Baiker

    Conformational rigidity: a necessary prerequisite of chiral modifiers used in heterogeneous enantioselective catalysis?
    Journal of Catalysis, Volume 232, Issue 1, 15 May 2005, Pages 137-142
    Elisabeth Orglmeister, Thomas Bürgi, Tamas Mallat, Alfons Baiker

    Enantioselective hydrogenation of aromatic ketones over cinchona-modified rhodium: a new opportunity?
    Journal of Catalysis, Volume 230, Issue 2, 10 March 2005, Pages 499-506
    Otmar J. Sonderegger, Gabriel M.-W. Ho, Thomas Bürgi, Alfons Baiker

    Formylation with supercritical carbon dioxide over Ru/Al2O3 modified by phosphines: heterogeneous or homogeneous catalysis?
    Journal of Catalysis, Volume 229, Issue 1, 1 January 2005, Pages 144-153
    Markus Rohr, Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Alfons Baiker

    Oxidic or Metallic Palladium: Which Is the Active Phase in Pd-Catalyzed Aerobic Alcohol Oxidation?
    Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Caravati, M.; Baiker, A.
    J. Phys. Chem. B.; (Letter); 2006; 110(51); 25586-25589.

    Supercritical Carbon Dioxide: An Inert Solvent for Catalytic Hydrogenation?
    Burgener, M.; Ferri, D.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Mallat, T.; Baiker, A.
    J. Phys. Chem. B.; (Article); 2005; 109(35); 16794-16800.


