
IUCr CPD conference -- Accuracy in Powder Diffraction IV -- hold in NIST


  • Purpose:

    We are pleased to announce the location and dates for our next "Accuracy in Powder Diffraction" meeting. This meeting, designated APD-IV, is the fourth in the series which are held approximately every ten years. They constitute a review of the state of the art in powder diffraction techniques, instrumentation and data analysis methods. The meeting will host a program of invited presentations plus a contributed poster session. APD-IV will cover the broad range of developments in powder diffraction metrology and methodology in the time since APD-III. In addition, we will host an exhibition area where leading instrument manufacturers and providers will be available to discuss recent commercial developments in the diffraction context.




    The organizers invite contributed posters that also address issues of accuracy in powder diffraction measurements. The posters should be prepared in A0 format, portrait orientation. Download the abstract template (http://www.nist.gov/director/upload/APD-IV_Abstract_Template.docx). Abstracts should be sent to Jim Cline and Ian Madsen: james.cline@nist.gov and Ian.Madsen@csiro.au. Abstracts are due by April 1st, 2013.


    Download an invitation letter (http://www.nist.gov/director/upload/APD-IV_Invitation.pdf) for the purposes of obtaining travel documents.

    Also see http://sites.nationalacademies.org/PGA/biso/visas/ for additional information on obtaining travel documents to the United States.

    Security Instructions:

    If you are not registered, you will not be allowed on site.

    Registered attendees will receive security and campus instructions prior to the workshop.

    NON U.S. CITIZENS PLEASE NOTE: All foreign national visitors who do not have permanent resident status and who wish to register for the above meeting must supply additional information. Failure to provide this information prior to arrival will result, at a minimum, in significant delays (up to 24 hours) in entering the facility. Authority to gather this information is derived from United States Department of Commerce Department Administrative Order (DAO) number 207-12. You can download the required form NIST-1260 (http://www.nist.gov/mml/upload/n1260-Visitor.pdf). Fill out the form and email to James Cline [james.cline@nist.gov].

    Invited Speakers:

    Robert von Dreele
    Argonne National Laboratory, USA

    Jim Cline
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA

    Marcus Mendenhall
    Vanderbilt University, USA

    Soorya Kabekkodu
    International Centre for Diffraction Data, USA

    Mark D. Raven
    CSIRO, Australia

    Nicola Scarlett
    CSIRO, Australia

    Robert Dinnebier
    Max Planck Institute, Germany

    Andy Fitch
    European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France

    Dimitri N. Argyriou
    European Spallation Source

    Pamela Whitfield
    National Research Council Canada, Canada

    Yasukazu Nakye
    Rigaku, Japan

    Detlev Gotz
    PANalytical B.V., The Netherlands

    Roger Durst
    Bruker AXS, USA

    Ali Khounsary
    Argonne National Laboratory, USA

    Mike Hoyland
    IUCr Chester, UK

    Jacco van de Streek
    University of Copenhagen, Denmark

    Radovan Cerny
    University of Geneva, Switzerland

    Takashi Ida
    Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan

    Peter Chupas
    Argonne National Laboratory, USA

    John Evans
    Durham University, UK

    Kristian Ufer
    Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany

    Jonathon Wright
    European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France

    Maryjane Tremayne
    University of Birmingham, UK

    Johan de Villiers
    University of Pretoria, South Africa

    Doug Allen
    Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, USA

    Uwe König
    PANalytical B.V., The Netherlands

    Simon Billinge
    Columbia University, USA

    Daniel T. Bowron
    ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK

    Katharine Page
    Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

    Matteo Leoni
    University of Trento, Italy

    Andreas Leineweber
    Max Planck Institute, Germany

    Mark Daymond
    Queen’s University, Canada

    Henning Friis Poulsen
    Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

    Stuart R. Stock
    Northwestern University, USA

    Bill David
    Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK

    David L. Bish
    Indiana University, USA
  • 该帖子已被版主-秋月芙蓉加3积分,加2经验;加分理由:分享资料
    +关注 私聊
  • iangie



    下个月开的第四届APD,各种大牛在华山(华盛顿)论剑, 美国商务部国家标准技术局主办.


    转自NIST网站: http://www.nist.gov/mml/apdiv_conference_2013.cfm

    +关注 私聊
  • 秋月芙蓉



    iangie(iangie) 发表:下个月开的第四届APD,各种大牛在华山(华盛顿)论剑, 美国商务部国家标准技术局主办.


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