I have studied this manuscript very carefully with lemon juice and X-rays and have not detected a single flaw in either design or writing style. I suggest it be published without revision. Clearly it is the most concise manuscript I have ever seen-yet it contains sufficient detail to allow other investigators to replicate Dr. Upper's failure. In comparison with the other manuscripts I get from you containing all that complicated detail, this one was a pleasure to examine.
Surely we can find a place for this paper in the Journal-perhaps on the edge of a blank page.
Writer's block is a condition, associated with writing as a profession, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work. The condition varies widely in intensity. It can be trivial, a temporary difficulty in dealing withthe task at hand. At the other extreme, some "blocked" writers have been unable to work for years on end, and some have even abandoned their careers.It can manifest as the affected writer viewing their work as inferior or unsuitable, when in fact it could be the opposite.