
有人能介绍一下现在适合做in situ TEM 的ccd吗?


  • 我们实验室希望买一个适合in situ TEM的ccd,希望既有高的frame rate,又可以照高分辨图像。大概看了下,gatan的k2好像很好。联系报价钱,想问问坛子里有了解它大概价格的吗?或者可以推荐类似性价比高的产品? 谢谢大家!
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  • flyer84


    目前市场上做这种应用的相机,最顶尖的就是K2 IS了。 IS就是In-situ的缩写,是专门针对原位实验设计的K2相机。K2系列还有另外两个型号: K2 basic和K2 Summit。K2 Summit是冷冻电镜结构生物学应用中最顶尖的相机。

    另外还有一款相机OneView(1095),也非常适合In-Situ TEM,性价比非常高。

    alcestis(alcestis) 发表:我们实验室希望买一个适合in situ TEM的ccd,希望既有高的frame rate,又可以照高分辨图像。大概看了下,gatan的k2好像很好。联系报价钱,想问问坛子里有了解它大概价格的吗?或者可以推荐类似性价比高的产品? 谢谢大家!

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  • zwhn2001


    Our lab is removing K2 from the microscope today....

    K2 offer a six-month trial before purchasing it. It turned out not that good as expected, though it has a 400 frames per second. But there is only 15min capacity for video. Of course you can transfer the data to some other place and continue the experiment. But the data transferring takes a very loooong time. A video of 1min is about the size of 20 GBytes. Took about 4 hours. Maybe this is not a problem if you buy the quick transfer cable.

    There is another Camera called Direct Electron, I heard that the price is just about half of K2. Don't know about how is the performance.

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  • 小M



    The data capacity is really amazing!

    zwhn2001(zwhn2001) 发表:Our lab is removing K2 from the microscope today....

    K2 offer a six-month trial before purchasing it. It turned out not that good as expected, though it has a 400 frames per second. But there is only 15min capacity for video. Of course you can transfer the data to some other place and continue the experiment. But the data transferring takes a very loooong time. A video of 1min is about the size of 20 GBytes. Took about 4 hours. Maybe this is not a problem if you buy the quick transfer cable.

    There is another Camera called Direct Electron, I heard that the price is just about half of K2. Don't know about how is the performance.

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  • laguna_xu


    K2-IS can reach 1600 frames per second, generat the same volume of data, if you want!

    K2-IS, not only generate huge amount of data, but also gives a lot of information, that is the real thing an application will need. If an application needs a time resolution information, up to ms, only K2-IS can do that! Well, if an application does not sensitive to frame rate that much, of course, frame sum can be used to reduce the frame rate and trade off some data volume. It's free choice for customer. (That is to say, you can drive a sports car slowly, but you can't speed up a track to catch upa sports car.) Plus, you get high sensitivity and high resolution image by using Gatan's patented back thinned CMOS direct detection chip. Moreover, K2-IS can be covered to K2 Summit by customer, to give counting mode and super resolution mode, when needed. It is really worth the money.

    Any other camera can go to generate big data volume, either by adding useless pixels, or adding none-sense frames, or just draging to a longer acquisition time. But, what's the information a user can get from a camera, will make the different. There has not been any other camera, that can do the same thing as K2-IS.

    Yet, the data volume is huge, and it becomes a heavy loading for user to transfer. That's why Gatan develop new GMS in-situ application, that has look-back function, and improved data management control pannel. It helps you to organize your data, pull out useful information. You should always throw away useless date.

    zwhn2001(zwhn2001) 发表:Our lab is removing K2 from the microscope today....

    K2 offer a six-month trial before purchasing it. It turned out not that good as expected, though it has a 400 frames per second. But there is only 15min capacity for video. Of course you can transfer the data to some other place and continue the experiment. But the data transferring takes a very loooong time. A video of 1min is about the size of 20 GBytes. Took about 4 hours. Maybe this is not a problem if you buy the quick transfer cable.

    There is another Camera called Direct Electron, I heard that the price is just about half of K2. Don't know about how is the performance.


