【序号】:1 【作者】:VelaN,Perez G,Navarro G,Navarro S, 【题名】:Gas chromatographic determination of pesticide residues in malt,spent grains, wort, and beer with electron capture detection and massspectrometry 【期刊】:Journal of AOAC International 【年、卷、期、起止页码】:2007【卷】:90【期】:2【起页】:544【止页】:549 【全文链接】: 【序号】:2 【作者】:HengelMJ,Shibamoto T 【题名】:Method development and fate determination of pesticide-treated hopsand their subsequent usage in the production of beer 【期刊】:Journal of Agricultural and FoodChemistry 【年、卷、期、起止页码】:2002【卷】:50【期】:12【起页】:3412【止页】:3418 【全文链接】:
【序号】:3 【作者】:Walsh, Douglas B.,O'Neal,Sally D.,George, Ann E.,Groenendale, Daniel P.,Henderson, Ruth E.,Groenendale,Geoffrey M.,Hengel, Matt J 【题名】:Evaluation of PesticideResidues from Conventional, Organic, and Nontreated Hops on ConventionallyHopped, Late-Hopped, and Wet-Hopped Beers 【期刊】:Journal of the AmericanSociety of Brewing Chemists 【年、卷、期、起止页码】:2016【卷】:74【期】:1【起页】:53【止页】:56 【全文链接】: