新下载的ISO 11357-3-2018里面,条款9.4步骤中以前的℃都换成了K 比如: 旧版:“9.4.3 perform and record a first heating run,preferabably at rate of 10K/min or 20K/min,heating the cell to a temperature high enough to erase the test material's previous thermal history,typically 30℃ above the extrapolated end melting temperature, Tefm” 新版: “9.4.3perform and record a first heating run,heating the cell to a temperature high enough to erase the test material's previous thermal history,typically 30K above the extrapolated end melting temperature, Tefm。preferred heating rates are 10K/min or 20K/min,but also higher heating rates may be used to delete thethermal ....” 以上可以看出,温度单位从℃---变成K了,这个是书写错误还是什么原因? 有大神研究过吗?