职位名称:销售工程师 职位描述/要求:德国元素中国分公司,是德国元素分析系统公司(Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH) 在中国的全资子公司,为Elementar集团旗下的元素分析仪和Isoprime稳定同位素质谱仪在中国提供销售支持、售后服务、技术支持、分析应用、耗材供应等服务。 elementar 德国元素在元素分析领域具有超过110年的专业经验,公司源于德国Heraeus,专注于制造专业元素分析仪器,蜚声国际。早在1923年,Fritz Pregl就在微量元素分析上取得成就,获得了诺贝尔化学奖。今天,Elementar在传统和创新中迸发出勃勃生机,已连续六年获得德国领先100最具创新公司奖,公司的员工均为提高产品的质量和服务而不断努力。时至今日,elementar已成为专业元素分析仪的代名词。 为进一步壮大公司业务,诚邀充满热情的专业人才加入我们共同发展!
ELEMENTAR offers the most dynamic range of elemental analyzers for determination of the elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen. Incorporating over 110 years of innovation and development into a technology-leading comprehensive product portfolio of elemental analyzers, Elementar targets the needs of many market sectors including Environmental, Fuels, Chemical Research, and Metals.
Arisen from the Analytical Instrumentation department of the Heraeus technology group, we have developed and manufactured instruments for elemental analysis for more than 110 years in Langenselbold near Frankfurt.
For the company’s business growth in China, we are looking for knowledgeable, efficient and customer oriented talents to join us.