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  • 化学课件大全
    有机化学(沈阳药科大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/19/index.php
    有机化学(沈阳药科大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/19/index.php
    有机化学(陕西科技大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/22/index.php
    有机化学(中国科技大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/56/index.php
    无机化学(四川理工学院) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/53/index.php
    无机化学(西昌学院) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/24/index.php
    普通化学(西北大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/11/index.php
    大学基础化学(福州大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/16/index.php
    大学物理(广东工业大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/67/index.php
    物理化学(广东工业大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/69/index.php
    物理化学(四川大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/27/index.php
    物理化学 http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/02/index.php
    普通生物学(四川农业大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/55/index.php
    基础生物化学(沈阳农业大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/60/index.php
    生物化学 (华中农业大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/hzndswhx/index.php
    生物化学讲义(内蒙古工业大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/38/
    生物化学 (四川农业大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/scndswhx/index.php
    生物化学教学讲义(上海交通大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/48/
    生物化学 (陕西科技大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/swhx/index.php
    生物化学(沈同) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/09/index.php
    生物化学教学讲义(上海交通大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/46/
    生物化学电子教案(上海交通大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/45/
    化工原理(广东工业大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/17/index.php
    化工原理(福州大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/68/index.php
    有机实验视频课件(陕西科技大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/20/index.php
    统计学(西华大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/58/index.php
    卫生统计学(山东大学) http://www.foodmate.net/lesson/41/
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    1、中国化学 Chinese Journal of Chemistry
    2、中国化学快报 Chinese Chemical Letters - Articles (1999-present) [PDF] ||| Chinese Chemical Society
    3、化学学报 Acta Chimia Sinica
    5、化学通报,国际网上化学学报 Chemical Journal on Internet
    6、 http://www.scichina.com/含下列期刊
    7、中国颗粒学报 China Particuology
    8、 http://www.ustb.edu.cn/xuebaozr/index.htm含下列期刊
    J. Univ. Sci. Technol. Beijing
    9、过程工程学报 (原名化工冶金)
    10、中华药学杂志, 台湾
    11、Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society中国化学会杂志台湾

    国外免费期刊(参照 http://www.abc.chemistry.bsu.by/current/fulltext.htm整理)
    Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry Section B (Organic Chemistry) - Reviews (1997 - 2001) [PDF] ||| Royal Society of Chemistry
    ARKIVOC - Articles (2000-present) [HTML+PDF] ||| Online journal of organic chemistry
    Heterocycles - Articles (2000-present) [PDF]; Also: databases Natural Products with Heterocyclic Ring System - Synthesis; Structure ||| The Japan Institute of Heterocyclic Chemistry Impact Factors 1.082
    MolBank - Short notes and communications (2002 - present) [HTML] ||| A subjournal of Molecules in 1997-2001, a separate journal since 2002.
    Molecules - Articles (1997 - present) [PDF] ||| Journal of Synthetic Chemistry and Natural Product Chemistry
    Natural Product Reports - Articles (v.15, 1998 - 2001) [PDF] ||| Royal Society of Chemistry

    Nucleic Acids Research - Articles (1996-present) [HTML, PDF] ||| Oxford University Press
    Archive at PubMed Central: Nucleic Acids Research - Articles (1974 (vol.1) --present) [HTML, PDF, GIF] ||| Oxford University Press
    Organic Syntheses 名气很大
    SYNTHESIS 需注册,试用期一个月,可连续注册 Impact Factors 2.074
    SYNLETT 需注册,试用期一个月,可连续注册 Impact Factors 2.741
    AAPS Journal - Articles (2004-...) [HTML, PDF] ||| Formerly AAPS PharmSci
    AAPS PharmSci - Articles (1999-2004) [HTML, PDF] ||| American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
    AAPS PharmSciTech - Articles (2000-present) [HTML, PDF] ||| American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
    Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin - Articles (open access during a one-year period after publication); accepted papers (button Online Journal in menu) [PDF] |||The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
    BMC Pharmacology - Articles (2001-present) [PDF+HTML]
    Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin - Articles (2001-present) [PDF] ||| Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
    Clinical Chemistry - Articles (1997 - ... (unavailable for a year after publication)) [HTML, PDF] ||| American Association for Clinical Chemistry
    Indian Journal of Pharmacology - Articles (1969-present) [PDF, HTML] ||| Indian Pharmacological Society
    International Journal of Drug Testing - Articles [HTML, PDF, DOC] ||| University of South Florida. Online journal
    Internet Journal of Pharmacology - Articles (2000-present) [HTML]
    Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences - Articles (1998 - present) [PDF, HTML] ||| Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences
    Molecular Cancer Research - Articles (2002-...- free after 1 year after publication) [HTML, PDF] ||| American Association for Cancer Research
    Pharmacy On-Line - Articles [HTML, PDF] ||| e-journal
    Polish Journal of Pharmacology - Articles (2001-present) [PDF] ||| Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences
    Toxicological Sciences - Articles (1999-present) [HTML, PDF] ||| Society of Toxicology
    Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research - Articles (2002-2003) [HTML] ||| Pharmacotherapy Group, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria
    YAKUGAKU ZASSHI - Articles (2001-present) [PDF] ||| The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan

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    Acta Biochimica Polonica - Articles (2000 - present) [PDF] ||| Journal of the Polish Biochemical Society and of the Committee of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences
    Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica - Articles (2000 - present) [PDF] ||| The Japan Society of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
    African Journal of Biotechnology - Articles (2002-present) [HTML, PDF] ||| Academic Journals
    Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy - Articles (1995-...(free after 6 months after publication)) [PDF+HTML or PDF] ||| American Society for Microbiology
    Also: Archive at PubMed Central: Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy - Articles (1972-...(unavailable for 6 months after publication)) [PDF, HTML, GIF]
    Australasian Biotechnology - Articles (1996-2002) [HTML] ||| Australian Biotechnology Association Ltd
    Biochemical Journal - Articles (1996 - ...(except for the current year)) [HTML, PDF] ||| Biochemical Society, London
    Biochemical Society Transactions - Articles (1999 -...(except for the current year)) [PDF+HTML]
    Biochemistry (Moscow) http://puma.protein.bio.msu.su/biokhimiya/index.htm or http://www.protein.bio.msu.su/biokhimiya/index.htm - Official English translation of Biokhimiya
    Selected articles (1996 - present) [HTML, PDF]
    Also: Special Issues - full texts of all articles
    Biokemia - (1998 - 2003) [single PDF for a whole issue] ||| Hungarian Biochemical Society
    Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry - Articles (2001-present) [PDF] ||| Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry
    Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry - Articles (1998 -...(except for the current year)) [PDF+HTML] ||| International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    Biological Chemistry - Articles, conference proceedings (1997) [HTML]
    BIOINFORMATICS Impact Factors 6.701
    BLOOD Impact Factors 10.12
    BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL Impact Factors 7.209
    BMC Biochemistry (2000 - present) [PDF, HTML]

    BMC Chemical Biology - Articles (2001-2003) [PDF+HTML]
    Chem-Bio Informatics Journal - Articles (2001-present) [PDF] ||| Chem-Bio Informatics Society (Japan)
    Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly (CABEQ) - Articles (2000-present) [PDF] ||| The official journal of: Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers, Slovenian Chemical Society, Austrian Association of Bioprocess Technology
    Electronic Journal of Biotechnology - Articles (1998-present) [HTML, PDF] ||| International e-journal, Chile
    European Journal of Biochemistry - Articles (1999-...(free after one year after publication)); Review Articles, Editorials (1999-present) [PDF, HTML] ||| Federation of European Biochemical Societies Impact Factors 3.001
    Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy - Articles (1997-present) [HTML, PDF] ||| The British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
    Journal of Biochemistry - JB Preprints [PDF]
    Also: Vol.128, July 2000 - Vol.132, Dec. 2002 - Articles [HTML] ||| Japanese Biochemical Society
    Journal of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (JBMB Online) - Articles (1968 - present) [PDF] ||| Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    Journal of Biological Chemistry ( JBC Online ) (1905 - ...(excepting the current year)) [PDF or HTML+PDF];
    also: JBC Papers in Press (PDF) ||| American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry -Articles (1997 - ... (unavailable for 1 year after publication)) [HTML, PDF] ||| Histochemical Society
    Nucleic Acids Research - Articles (1996-present) [HTML, PDF] ||| Oxford University Press
    Archive at PubMed Central: Nucleic Acids Research - Articles (1974 (vol.1) --present) [HTML, PDF, GIF] ||| Oxford University Press
    Protein Engineering, Design and Selection - Articles (1997-present) [HTML, PDF] ||| Prior to 2004, the journal was called Protein Engineering
    Protein Science - Articles (1992-...(unavailable for one year after publication)) [HTML, PDF] ||| The Protein Society
    Proteome Science - Articles, Supplemental Data (2003-present) [HTML, PDF] ||| Archive at PubMed Central
    RNA - Articles (1997-2002) [PDF] ||| Login as Guest, choose Alphabetically in the Browse Journals menu, and find RNA in the list

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    Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry Section A (Inorganic Chemistry) - Reviews (1997 - 2001) [PDF] ||| Royal Society of Chemistry
    Applied Earth Science: Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B - Articles (2000-2002) [PDF] ||| Free registration with ingenta.com is needed to view full texts
    Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics and Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions (2001 - present) [PDF] ||| European Geosciences Union
    Crystal Research and Technology - Articles (1998 - 2003) [PDF] Note: not all full texts are accessible ||| Wiley-VCH
    Experiment in GeoSciences - Articles (1991-2001) [HTML, PDF; older volumes in other formats] ||| Journal of the Institute of Experimental Mineralogy (IEM), Russia
    Fluoride - Articles (1998-2003) [PDF, HTML; 1999-zipped DOC] ||| International Society for Fluoride Research
    Geochemical Journal - Articles (2000-2002) [PDF] ||| The Geochemical Society of Japan

    Geochemical Transactions - Articles (2000-2003) [PDF, HTML] ||| Royal Society of Chemistry

    Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences (JNRS Journal) - Articles (2000-present) [PDF] ||| The Japan Society of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences (JNRS)
    MEBOS - Metal-Based Online Survey - Articles (1995-1998) [PDF] ||| Review articles for d-elements from Coordination Chemistry Reviews and Chemistry of the Elements, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, UK, 1998
    Platinum Metals Review - Articles (1998 - present) [PDF]
    also: New site ||| e-journal since July 2004
    RADIOISOTOPES - Articles (1999-2001) [PDF] ||| The Japan Radioisotope Association
    Redox Report - Articles (1999-2002, #1 2004) [PDF] ||| Free registration with ingenta.com is needed to view full texts
    Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures (1998-present) [PDF, CFF] ||| International journal
    Platinum Metals Review. One more link - to a new site of the journal

    Acta Chromatographica - Articles (1996-present) [zipped DOC, PDF] ||| International Journal; Poland
    Analusis - Articles (1998-2000) [PDF] ||| A European Journal on Analytical Chemistry
    Analyst - Articles (1997 - 2001) [PDF] ||| Royal Society of Chemistry Impact Factors 2.251
    Analytical Communications - Articles (v.34, 1997 - v.36, 1999) [PDF] ||| Royal Society of Chemistry
    Analytical Sciences - Articles (1998 - present) [PDF] ||| International journal of The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
    Also: X page - X-ray Structure Analysis Online - The electronic only section reporting unpublished X-ray structure data of all classes of compounds (2003-present) [PDF, CIF] Impact Factors 1.140
    BUNSEKI KAGAKU - Articles (2000, 2003-present ) [PDF] ||| The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
    Current Separations - Articles (1995-present) [PDF] ||| Bioanalytical Systems, Inc.
    NDT.net - The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing - Articles (1996-present) [HTML] ||| Published by NDT.net, a private independent publishing company

    Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry Section C (Physical Chemistry) - Reviews (1997 - 2001) [PDF] ||| Royal Society of Chemistry
    Chemistry and Computational Simulation. Butlerov Communications - Himiya i kompiuternoie modelirovaniie. Butlerovskiie soobshcheniya (1999 - 2002) [HTML]
    Electronic Journal of Theoretical Chemistry - Articles (1995 - 1997) [PDF]
    Entropy - Articles (1999 - present) [HTML, PDF] ||| An International and Interdisciplinary (online) Journal of Entropy and Information Studies
    Interface (1997 - present) [PDF] ||| Electrochemical Society
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences - Articles (2000 - present) [PDF] ||| online journal
    Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design - Articles (2002-present) [PDF]
    Journal of Chemical Software - Articles (1999 - 2002) [PDF, HTML] ||| Chemical Software Society of Japan (japanese, selected papers in english)
    Journal of Computer Aided Chemistry (2000 - present) [PDF] ||| Division of Chemical Information and Computer Science, The Chemical Society of Japan
    Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan - Articles (2002-present) [PDF] ||| Society of Computer Chemistry, Japan
    Magnetic Resonance in Solids. Electronic Journal - Articles (1997-2001, 2004) [PDF, TeX, PS] ||| Kazan State University, Russia
    Molecular Vision - Articles (1995 - present) [HTML, PDF] ||| online journal
    New Journal of Physics - Articles (1998-present) [PDF, HTML] ||| Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft & Institute of Physics

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    Advanced Engineering Materials - Articles (1999, 2000 #1-6) [PDF]
    Aerosol Science & Technology - Articles (1999-2002) [PDF] ||| Taylor and Francis
    American Mineralogist - Articles, Deposit Items (1998-2002) [PDF];
    also: Selected articles (1916-1997); Letters, Online Deposits (2003-present) ||| International Journal of Earth and Planetary Materials - Mineralogical Society of America
    British Ceramic Transactions - Articles (1999-2002) [PDF] ||| Free registration with ingenta.com is needed to view full texts
    British Corrosion Journal - Articles (1999-2002) [PDF] ||| Free registration with ingenta.com is needed to view full texts

    Bulletin of Materials Science - Articles (2000-present) [PDF] ||| Indian Academy of Sciences + Materials Research Society of India + Indian National Science Academy
    CHEMISTRY & INDUSTRY Impact Factors 0.192 free registration with 3 months
    Condensed Matter Physics - Articles (1993-present) [PDF, PS] ||| Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
    e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology - Articles (2003-present) [PDF] ||| Surface Science Society of Japan
    e-Polymers - Articles (2001 - present) [PDF] ||| Online journal of the European Polymer Federation
    Geological Materials Research - Articles (1998-2002) [PDF] ||| e-journal of the Mineralogical Society of America
    International Materials Reviews - Articles (#1 2004) [PDF] ||| Free registration with ingenta.com is needed to view full texts
    RANIAN POLYMER JOURNAL Impact Factors 0.250
    Ironmaking & Steelmaking - Articles (1999-2002, #1 2004) [PDF] ||| Free registration with ingenta.com is needed to view full texts
    Journal de Physique I - Articles (1991-1997) [PDF] ||| EDP Sciences || english, french || General physics - statistical physics - condensed matter - cross disciplinary physics
    Journal de Physique II - Articles (1991-1997) [PDF] ||| EDP Sciences || english, french || Atomic, molecular and cluster physics - chemical physics - mechanics and hydrodynamics

    Journal de Physique III - Articles (1991-1997) [PDF] ||| EDP Sciences || english, french || Materials science
    Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan - Articles (1998 - present) [PDF] ||| Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
    JCSE - Journal of Corrosion Science & Engineering - Articles (1999 - present) [HTML, PDF]
    Materials Science and Technology - Articles (1999-2002, #1 2004) [PDF] ||| Free registration with ingenta.com is needed to view full texts
    Materials World Impact Factors 0.086
    Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy: Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Section C - Articles (2000-2002, #1 2004) [PDF] ||| Free registration with ingenta.com is needed to view full texts
    MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research - Articles (1996 - present) [PDF, HTML] ||| Materials Research Society
    Plastics, Rubber and Composites - Articles (1999-2002, #1 2004) [PDF] ||| Free registration with ingenta.com is needed to view full texts
    Polymer Journal - Articles (2000-present) [PDF] ||| The Society of Polymer Science, Japan Impact Factors 0.887
    Powder Metallurgy - Articles (1999-2002, #1 2004) [PDF] ||| Free registration with ingenta.com is needed to view full texts
    Reviews on Advanced Materials Science - Articles (2000-present) [PDF] ||| Advanced Study Center Co. Ltd. (St.Petersburg, Russia)
    Science and Technology of Welding & Joining - Articles (1999-2002, #1 2004) [PDF] ||| Free registration with ingenta.com is needed to view full texts
    Sensors - Articles (2001 - present) [PDF] ||| Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI)
    SHIGEN-TO-SOZAI - Articles (1998-2001) [PDF] ||| Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan
    South African Journal of Chemical Engineering - Articles (2000-2003) [PDF] ||| South African Institution of Chemical Engineers
    Surface Engineering - Articles (1999-2002, #1 2004) [PDF] ||| Free registration with ingenta.com is needed to view full texts

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    Academic Open Internet Journal - Articles (2000 - present) [HTML, PDF] ||| International e-journal, Bulgaria
    Acta Chimica Slovenica - Articles (1998 - present) [PDF] ||| Slovenian Chemical Society
    Aldrichimica Acta - Articles (1998 - present) [PDF] ||| Each issue is in a single PDF file Impact Factors 7.077
    Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan (1999 - present) [PDF] ||| Free in 2004 Impact Factors 1.237
    Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society (1980 - 2003) [PDF]
    Chemical Communications (ChemComm) - Articles (1997 - 2001) [PDF] ||| Royal Society of Chemistry
    Also: Focus Article section, Recent Hot Papers (free for one month from the posting date); Electronic Supplementary Information
    Chemical Informatics Letters (July 2000 - present)

    Chemical Senses - Articles (1999-present) [HTML, PDF] ||| Oxford University Press Impact Factors 2.691
    Chemical Society Reviews - Articles (v.27, 1998 - 2001) [PDF] ||| Royal Society of Chemistry
    Chemicke Listy - Articles (2000-present) [PDF] ||| Association of Czech Chemical Societies. Published in Czech, Slovak, and English
    Chemistry Letters - Articles (1997 - present) [PDF] ||| Chemical Society of Japan Impact Factors 1.579
    One more site: (1995 - present)
    Chemistry for Sustainable Development - Khimiya v interesah ustoichivogo razvitiya - Articles (2000-2003) [PDF] Free registration is required ||| Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch. Registration is needed
    Croatica Chemica Acta - Articles (1998-present) [PDF] ||| Croatian Chemical Society
    Current Science - Articles (1998 - present) [PDF, HTML] ||| Current Science Association in collaboration with the Indian Academy of Sciences
    ICR Annual Reports - Reports (1996-2003, annually) [PDF] ||| Kyoto University, Institute of Chemical Research
    Interdisciplinary Science Reviews - Articles (1999-2002, #1 2004) [PDF] ||| Free registration with ingenta.com is needed to view full texts
    InterJournal ||| Online multidisciplinary journal consists of abstracts, comments and links to the original articles which are stored elsewhere
    Journal of the Brasilean Chemical Society - Articles (1990 - present); Forthcoming papers [PDF]
    Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society - Articles (2003 -present) [HTML] ||| Former Title: Boletin de la Sociedad Chilena de Quimica
    Journal of the Korean Chemical Society - Articles (1949 - 2002) [PDF]

    Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society - Articles (1999 - present) [PDF]
    NIPPON KAGAKU KAISHI (Journal of The Chemical Society of Japan, Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry) - Articles (2000-2002) [PDF] ||| The Chemical Society of Japan
    PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - (1990 -present) [PDF or PDF+HTML] Multidisciplinary, chemistry included; ||| Mirror site Impact Factors 10.272
    Archive at PubMed Central: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - Articles (1959 -...(unavailable for 6 months after publication)) [PDF, GIF]
    Proceedings - Chemical Sciences - Articles (2000-present) [PDF] ||| Indian Academy of Sciences Impact Factors 0.649
    Quimica Nova - Articles (2000-present) [PDF] ||| Brazilian Chemical Society; languages: English, Portuguese and Spanish
    美国《科学》周刊电子版国内镜像 Impact Factors 29.162
    South African Journal of Chemistry - Articles (2000-present) [PDF]
    Turkish Journal of Chemistry - Articles (1996 - present) [PDF]
    Chemical Education Journal (CEJ) - Articles (1997 - present) [HTML, PDF] ||| Division of the Society of Computer Chemistry, Japan

    CERP. Chemistry Education: Research and Practice - Articles (2000-present) [PDF] ||| University of Ioannina, Greece

    Educacion Quimica - Articles (1996-2002) [PDF] ||| Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Spanish, partly english

    HYLE International journal for philosophy of chemistry. - Articles (1995 - present) [HTML] ||| Karlsruhe, Germany

    Journal of Chemical Education - Selected items. ||| American Chemical Society

    Proceedings of the National Science Council, Republic of China. Part D: Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
    - Articles (1998-2003) [PDF] ||| Taiwan

    Resonance - journal of science education - Articles (2000-present) [PDF] ||| Indian Academy of Sciences

    University Chemistry Education - Articles (1997 - present) [PDF or PDF+HTML] ||| Royal Society of Chemistry

    Data Science Journal - Articles (2002-present) [PDF] ||| Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA)
    Electronic Journal of Environmental Agricultural and Food Chemistry - Articles (2002-present) [HTML, PDF] ||| University of Vigo at Ourense, Spain
    Journal of Applied Sciences & Environmental Management - Articles (2001-present) [HTML] ||| World Bank assisted National Agricultural Research Project (NARP) - University of Port Harcourt
    Journal of Hazardous Substance Research - Articles (1998-present) [PDF] ||| Published by the Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Hazardous Substance Research Center
    Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology - Articles (1982-present) [PDF]
    Pure and Applied Chemistry - Recommendations and Technical Reports (1996 - present) [PDF], or visit Compilations of all IUPAC Technical Reports and Recommendations ||| IUPAC Impact Factors 1.471

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