
【求助】(已应助)—几篇关于福美双的国外文献 谢谢!

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  • 悬赏金额:60积分状态:已解决
  • 以下几篇文献是cyd_2002朋友需要的,恳请各位帮忙!

    1、Malik A K,Kaul K N,Lark B S,et al.Simple and sensitive method for
    determination of tetramethylthiuram disulphide (thiram)[J].Pestic
    2、Ekroth S B,Ohlin B,Osterdahl B G.Rapid and simple method for
    determination of thiram in fruits and vegetables with high-performance
    liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection[J].J Agric Food

    3、Queffelec A L,Boisde F,Larue J P,et al.Development of an immunoassay
    (ELLSA) for the quantification of thiram in lettuce[J].J Agric Food

    2、A.López García, E.Blanco González, A.Sanz-Medel. Determination of
    Tetramethylthiuram disulfide(thiram) in river water by high-performance
    liquid chromatograthy:micellar versus conventional reversed phase
    chromatography[J]. chromatographia. 1996,43(11/12):607-611

    3、Aaneet Kumar Sharma, J. S. Aulakh, Ashok Kumar Malik.
    Thiram:degradation, application and analysis methods[J]. Environment.
    Monitoring, 2003,5:717-723

    4、Ana Juan-García, Jordi Ma?es, Guillermina Font. Evaluation of solid-phase
    extraction and stir-bar sorptive extraction for the determination of fungicide
    residues at low-μg kg? levels in grapes by liquid chromatography–mass
    spectrometry[J]. Journal of Chromatography A, 2004,1050(2):119-127

    5、C. Blasco, G. Font, Y. Picó. Determination of dithiocarbamates and
    metabolites in plants by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry[J].
    Journal of Chromatography A, 2003,1028(2): 267-276

    6、FAO/WHO. FAO plant production and protection paper. 131/1 Pesticide
    residues in food, 1994:1305

    7、 J.L.Martinez-vidal, D. Cervantes-ocaňa, A. R. Fernandez-alba, et al.
    Dtermination of metham and thiram in soils and vegetables grown in
    greenhouses[J]. Intern.J.Environ.Anal.Chem. 1994, 56: 11-21

    8、M.A. Hern á ndez-Olmos, L. Ag ü í , P. Y á ?ez-sede?o. Analytical
    voltammetry in low-permitivity organic solvents using disk and cylindrical
    microelectrodes. Determination of thiram in ethyl acetate. Electrochimica
    ACTA[J], 2000,46:289-296

    9、Mercedes R. U., M. Teresa sevilla escribano, lucas H. H. ,et al.
    Dtermination of thiram by high-performance liquid chromatography with
    amperometric detection in river water and fungicide formulations[J].
    Microchemical journal, 1990, 41: 22-28

    10、 Omar SA, Abdelsater MA. Microbial populations and enzyme activities in
    soil treated with pesticides[J]. Water air soil poll. 2001,127(1 4):49~63

    11、Susanne, B. Ekroth, Birgit ohlin, et al. Rapid and simple method for
    determination of thiram in fruits and vegetables with high-performance
    liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection[J]. Journal of agriculture
    and food chemistry. 1998, 46: 5302-5304(最为关键)

    12、Vaneet Kumar Sharma, J.S. Aulakh, A.K. Malik. Fourth derivative
    spectrophotometric determination of fungicide thiram (tetramethyldithiocarbamate) using sodium molybdate and its application[J]. Talanta, 1995,65(2): 375-379

    13、Wolfgang Schwack. Steven Nyanzi. Second-derivative UV spectrometric
    microdetermination of dithiocarbamate residues as methyl xanthate[J].
    journal of AOAC international. 1995,78(2):458-462

hanxm 2007/06/13

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