
检测样品 食用油脂制品

检测项目 营养成分

关联设备 共2种 下载方案


采用意大利VELP脂肪测定仪测定两种样品的结果均符合预期值,具有较低的相对标准偏差,表明结果的重复性较高。因此,SER 158脂肪测定仪是测定黄油和人造黄油中脂肪含量的理想仪器。


APPLICATION NOTEF&F-S-002-2017/A1 CRUDE FAT DETERMINATION IN BUTTER AND MARGARINERANDALLMETHOD Crude Fat Determination in Butterand Margarine according to the Randall method Reference AOAC 938.06 Fat in butter. Tested with VELP Scientifica SER 158/6 Solvent AutoExtractor (Code S303A0380) Introduction Butter and margarine are two fats commonly used in food preparation, from every day cooking methods like frying orroasting; to baking cakes, biscuits and other desserts; even ice cream. Butter is a dairy product containing up to 80% butterfat (in commercial products) which is solid when chilled and at roomtemperature in some regions and liquid when warmed. It is made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk, toseparate the butterfat from the buttermilk. Modern margarine is made mainly of refined vegetable oil and water, and may also contain milk. In some places in theUnited States it is colloquially referred to as "oleo", short for oleomargarine. Margarine, like butter, consists of a water-in-fat emulsion, with tiny droplets of water dispersed uniformly throughout a fatphase in a stable crystalline form. In some jurisdictions margarine must have a minimum fat content of 80% to belabelled as such, the same as butter. Fat Determination in Butter and Margarine Hot solvent extraction process with SER 158 Series can be summed up in 5 steps, for a fully unattended operation: During IMMERSION the sample is immersed in boiling solvent. Then the REMOVING step automatically lowers the levelof the solvent to below the extraction thimble. During WASHING the condensed solvent flows over the sample andthrough the thimble to complete the extraction process. The fourth step involves solvent RECOVERY. Approximately90% of the solvent used is collected in the internal recovery tank. The final step is the COOLING of the extraction cupscontaining the extracted matter. The cups are raised to prevent burning. The extraction cups containing the extract areplaced in a drying oven, cooled in a desiccator and weighed for the extract percentage calculation. Sample Butter→ Fat labeled value: 83% Margarine→Fat labeled value: 80% Chemicals and Equipment Required Analytical balance, 3 decimals ●Extraction thimbles (33x80 mm) (Code A00000295) ●Glass extraction cups Vaflon seals ●Diethyl ether as solvent ●Sodium sulphate anhydrous Defatted cotton Sample Preparation Fix the Extraction thimbles with the Extraction thimbles holders (Code A00000312). Then, add about 5 g of sodiumsulphate anhydrous directly in the VELP extraction thimbles using the Thimble weighing cup (Code A00000310). Put 2 gof Sample* and mix thoroughly using a glass rod. Clean the glass rod using a piece of clean defatted cotton and place itinto each thimble, over the sample. (*)Use both samples at room temperature (around 20°℃). Glass Extraction Cups Preparation · Position the empty extraction cups in a drying oven (105C) for 1 hour. Cool them in a desiccator until constant weight of the tare (Tare). Position the extraction thimbles in the extraction cups The extraction cups containing the extraction thimble can now be placed on the ultra-fast heating plate of SER158. Extraction Procedure with SER 158 On the ControlPad select“Analysis”, and then create a method in a customer panel including the following parameters: ●· Immersion Time: 50 minutes · Recovery Time: 20 minutes ° Removing Time: 15 minutes· Cooling Time: 5 minutes Washing Time: 50 minutes · Diethyl Ether: 110 ml Close the safety guard and add the solvent using the automatic solvent dispensing system SolventXpress TM to minimizeexposure to the solvent ensuring operator safety. Press START to begin the extraction process. At the end of analysis position the extraction cups containing the extractin a drying oven (1 hour at 105°C), cooled them in a desiccator to room temperature and record the accurate weight(Total). Typical Results on Margarine and Butter Analysis results are calculated automatically and stored in the ControlPad when entering the weights into the software(manually or automatically through the balance connection). The extract percentage calculation is performed by usingthe following formulas: Where: Sample= sample weight (g) Tare= weight of the empty extraction cup (g) Total= weight of the extraction cup + extract (g) Results of Butter Sample (g) Extract (g) Extract (%) 2,0253 1,6963 83,76% 2,0617 1,7314 83,98% 2,2170 1,8420 83,09% 2,0257 1,6910 83,48% 2,4417 2,0281 83,06% 2,5563 2,1374 83,61% Average ±SD% 83.50±0.36 RSD%* 0.439 Fat Labeled Value: 83 g / 100 g *RSD%=(Standard Deviation x 100) / Average Results of Margarine Sample (g) Extract (g) Extract (%) 2,0267 1,6274 80,30% 2,3905 1,9472 81,46% 2,1868 1,7648 80,70% 2,2169 1,7925 80,86% 2,0467 1,6573 80,97% 2,5113 2,0421 81,32% Average± SD% 80.93±0.42 RSD%* 0.520 Fat Labeled Value: 80 g / 100 g * RSD%=(Standard Deviation x 100) / Average Conclusion The results obtained for both of samples are reliable and reproducible in accordance with the expected values, with alow relative standard deviation, that means high repeatability of the results. Therefore, SER 158 Solvent Extractor is the ideal solution for the fat content determination in butter and margarine. Benefits of hot solvent extraction (Randall) by using the SER 158 Automatic Solvent Extractor: -Load&Go operation minimize the operator requested labor time and makes analysis faster and safer - up to 5 times faster than traditional Soxhlet (hot solvent vs. cold solvent); -low solvent consumption (high solvent recovery, approximately 90%)-limited cost per analysis; - no exposure to solvent thanks to SolventXpressTM -worldwide recognized official method; - full traceability of data with automatic result calculation and storage on the on-board archive.      黄油和人造黄油是两种通常用于食物制备的脂肪,从煎炸或烤等日常烹饪方法;能烘焙蛋糕、饼干等甜点。黄油是一种乳制品,含有高达80%的乳脂(在商业产品中),冷冻时为固体,在某些地区为室温,加热时为液体。它是通过搅动新鲜的或发酵的奶油或牛奶,从酪乳中分离出乳脂而制成的。现代人造黄油主要由精制植物油和水制成,也可能含有牛奶。人造黄油和黄油一样,是由脂肪中含水的乳剂组成的,微小的水滴以稳定的晶体形式均匀地分散在脂肪相中。在某些地区,人造黄油的脂肪含量必须低于80%才能被贴上标签,与黄油一样。实验样品:Butter → Fat labeled value: 83%Margarine → Fat labeled value: 80%检测仪器:意大利 velp 脂肪测定仪人造黄油和黄油的实验结果重量输入软件,分析结果会自动计算并存储在控制板中。黄油检测结果:                                                                                           人造奶油的结果:  实验结论:两种样品的结果均符合预期值,具有较低的相对标准偏差,表明结果的重复性较高。因此,SER 158脂肪测定仪是测定黄油和人造黄油中脂肪含量的理想仪器。使用SER 158自动溶剂萃取器热溶剂萃取(Randall)的好处:-加载和运行操作,减少操作人员所需的劳动时间,使分析更快和更安全-比传统索氏快5倍(热溶剂vs冷溶剂);-低溶剂消耗(高溶剂回收率,约90%)-限制每次分析的成本;-由于SolventXpressTM,没有暴露于溶剂-符合标准方法;-全面可追溯的数据,自动结果计算和存储档案。

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北京盈盛恒泰科技有限责任公司为您提供《黄油和人造黄油中粗脂肪检测方案(抽提萃取)》,该方案主要用于食用油脂制品中营养成分检测,参考标准《暂无》,《黄油和人造黄油中粗脂肪检测方案(抽提萃取)》用到的仪器有意大利VELP SER148/3脂肪测定仪、VELP-脂肪测定仪SER148/6。


