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检测样品 原料药

检测项目 含量测定

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奎宁酸是低级脂肪酸,在蔓越莓果实和咖啡种子里含量丰富。 由于能够保持尿液的弱酸性,对膀胱炎和尿路感染有预防作用。 它的亲水性很高,在反相色谱系统中无法被充分保留,但利用NH2柱的弱阴离子交换作用能够使其被保留从而进行分析。 文档中是经过简单前处理的罐装咖啡作为实际样品的分析结果。


Qulnlc acld 奎宁酸 奎宁酸是低级脂肪酸,在蔓越莓果实和咖啡种子里含量丰富。由于能够保持尿液的弱酸性,对膀胱炎和尿路感染有预防作用。它的亲水性很高,在反相色谱系统中无法被充分保留,但利用 NH2柱的弱阴离子交换作用能够使其被保留从而进行分析。下图是经过简单前处理的罐装咖啡作为实际样品的分析结果。 Quinic acid, a lower fatty acid, is contained in cranberry and coffee beans. It keeps urine weakly acidic, and prevents a urinary passage from infective disease. While it ishighly hydrophilic and hardy retained in a reversed-phase column, quinic acid could be seperated well with a NH: column based on weak anion-exchange chromatography. Thefollowing results were obtained after a simple pretreatment on coffee. 【HPLC Conditions 1】 ①奎宁酸 Quinic acid (M.W. 192.2) HPLC Conditions 1 HPLC Conditions 2 ba067Column : CAPCELL PAK NH: UG80 S5: 2.0mm i.d.x 150mmMobile phase : 10 mmol/L Phosphate buffer (KH:P0+; Na:HP0=1 ; 1 in molarratio) / CH:OH= 98 / 2Flow rate : 200 pL/minTemperature:40℃Detection : PDA 210nmInj.vol. : 2pLSample dissolvedin : Standard was dissolved in mobile phaseAmmonium hydroxide solution was added to coffee to make itat pH 9. A 0.5-mL portion of the treated coffee and 0.5 mL ofchloroform were placed in a 1-mL vial. The resultant liquid wasvigorously mixed and centrifuged. The chloroform layer wasdiscarded. The addition and extraction with chloroform wasrepeated three times. The cleaned water layer was passed through a 0.45-pm filter and ten-fold diluted with the mobile phase Column : CAPCELL PAK NH: UG90 S5: 2.0 mm i.d.x250 mm (Two columns connected in series)Mobile phase :10 mmol/L Phosphate buffer (KH:PO; Na:HPO+=1 ; 1 in molarratio)/ CH:OH=98/2Flw rate :160 pL/minTemperature :40℃Detection : PDA 210 nmInj. vol. :2pLSample dissoled i : Sample prepared according to the same procedure as that inConditions 1 ※1 pg/mL=1 ppm

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