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库仑法卡氏水份仪测定丙酮中水分含量 使用日本京都电子公司(KEM)-库仑法卡氏水份测定仪(MKC-520),带无隔膜电解电极,测定丙酮中水分含量的应用资料。


KCZ-06071Kyoto Electronics Manufacturing Co., LtdData No. LA39-06053 No.KCZ-06071 KEM Application NoteCoulometric Karl Fischer titration Moisture measurement on Acetone -Summary- As the result of the feasibility study of the moisture measurement for acetone by MKC-520, agood repeatability was observed. Therefore,this measurement is judged possible. -Measuring instrument- -Measuring instrument- Main unit:MKC-520 Coulometric KF moisture titrator Electrode: M-712 Twin Platinum Electrode #433-0048 Inner burette (one chamber) -Reagent- Anolyte: Coulomat AK -Measuring method- Preparation: (1) Put 150mL of Anolyte in the titration cell. (2) Pre-titrate it for dehydration. Measurement: (1) Take approximately 0.75g of the sample with the syringe and measure the moisture of it. -Equation- Moisture(%): ((Data-BG× t-Blank)/ (Wt1-Wt2))/10000 -Ambient conditions- Temperature:25.8°℃ Relative Humidity: 53 % Weather: Fine 京都电子工业株式会社-可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司.上海市漕溪路222号航天大厦北楼902室电话:021-54488867 电邮: kemu-kem@163.com网址: http://www.kyoto-kem.net.cn -Measurement parameter- -Printout data- 「TITR.PARA1 Method 1 Titr. Cell No.1 t(Stir) 0s t(Wait) 0 s t(Max) 0s Drift Stop Rel 0.1 pg/s Cont.Gain 5.0 Stable 0.1 pg/min Start Auto Oven Off 「CALCU.PAR A1 Calc. No. 2 Unit : % Weight : Variable Drift Comp: Auto ** *Result*** Sample No. 01-01 Date 2006/03/0413:50Titr. Cell No.1 Wt1 0.7619 gWt2 0.0000 g Net 0.7619 g Result 1470.9 ug 0.1931 % ***Result* ** Sample No. 01-02 Date 2006/03/04 14:10 Titr. Cell No.1 Wt1 0.7966 g Wt2 0.0000 gNet 0.7966 g Result 1525.2 ug 0.1915% ***Result*** Sample No. 01-03 Date 2006/03/04 14:24 Titr. Cell No.1 Wt1 0.7401 gWt2 0.0000 g Net 0.7401 g Result 1419.6 ug 0.1918% -Measurement results- Run Sample size (g) Moisture(ug) Conc.(%) Statistics 1234 5 0.76190.79660.74010.7004 0.8232 1470.91525.21419.61340.7 1587.3 0.19310.19150.19180.19140.1928 MeanSD RSD 0.1921 %0.0008 %0.4020 % -Comments- A reagent compatible with ketone is used as Anolyte in order to deter the formation ofwater by reaction with the ketone group in the sample. For your reference, an alternativemethod to deter this side reaction is to make measurements while cooling the measuringcell. ( 京都电子工业株式会社-可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司 电话:0 2 1-54488867 电邮: k e mu-kem@163.com ) 上海市漕溪路222号航天大厦北楼902室网址: http://www.kyoto-kem.net. cn

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