
【讨论】奥运来了 悬赏翻译 New Test Makes Cheating With Drugs In Sports Easier To Detect


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风之彩 2008/08/10


wzx0923 2008/08/09

一种新的质谱方法可用来帮助反违禁药物官方来检测是否运动员服用过 提高类固醇的药物。与以前的方法相比,这种方法更灵敏,更快地检测 出体内特定的可疑化学物质,而且能够在标准的药物监视实验设备上运 行。 男性化激素睾酮的作用之一是增加肌肉的大小和力量,所以,服用外 源性的睾酮或可被机体利用转化为睾酮的外源性的化合物可以提高运动 员的成绩。因此,服用此类药物是被世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)禁止的 。 睾酮的水平在不同的人之间变化很大,所以单单检测运动员尿液中的 总睾酮水平不能表明他/她是否故意服用了违禁药物。然而,体内还有 一种化合物,表睾酮,通常是与睾酮大致成比例存在的。比较睾酮与表 睾酮的比可以表明运动员是否服用了睾酮或前体物质。 问题是要测量这两种物质并不总是一件容易的事,尤其是当它们在 尿液中以非常低的浓度存在时。 犹他州大学运动医学研究检测实验室的一队科学家已经研究出了一 种方法,利用[url=https://insevent.instrument.com.cn/t/5p][color=#3333ff]液相色谱[/color][/url]-串联质谱进行检测。这种方法具有很高的灵敏 度(检测下限是1ng/ml),而且增加了官方的检测能力,可以在一个样 品中同时检测睾酮和表睾酮。 该研究的第一负责人Dr Jonathan Danaceau说:“我们的方法意味着可 以在很大的可信度上来确定睾酮与表睾酮的比,因此在辨认药物违例而 不冤枉无辜运动员方面很有优势。”同僚Scott Morrison说:“这种方 法不仅更加灵敏,而且更加快速。”

2001smile 2008/08/09

[quote]原文由 [B]redanqi[/B] 发表: A new mass spectrometry test can help sports anti-drug doping officials to detect whether an athlete has used drugs that boost naturally occurring steroid levels. The test is more sensitive compared to previous alternatives, more capable of revealing specific suspicious chemical in the body, faster to perform, and could be run on standard drug-screening laboratory equipment. [/quote] 一个新的质谱分析测试可以帮助体育反禁药官员查出运动员是否使用了那种在体内可以促进自然产生的类固醇药物。 与早先选择比较,这一测试更加敏感,更容易显露体内的可疑化学物质,更加快速执行,并且可以在标准药物实验室设备上进行。

卡布奇诺 2008/08/09

[size=1]One of the roles of the masculinising hormone testosterone is to increase muscle size and strength. Taking extra testosterone, or taking a chemical that the body can use to create extra testosterone, could therefore enhance an athlete's performance. For this reason taking it is banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). The exact level of testosterone varies considerably between different people, so simply measuring total testosterone in an athlete's urine can not show whether he or she has deliberately taken extra. There is, however, a second chemical in the body, epitestosterone, which is normally present in approximately equal proportions to testosterone. Comparing the ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone can then indicate whether testosterone or a precursor has been taken. The problem is that it is not always easy to measure these two substances, particularly as they are only present in urine at very low concentrations. A team of scientists the Sports Medicine Research and Testing Laboratory at the University of Utah have developed a test that makes use of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. This method has incredibly high sensitivity (down to 1 ng/ml) and increases the power with which officials can search for both testosterone and epitestosterone within a sample. "Our system means that we can determine the testosterone/epitestosterone ratio in a sample with greater confidence, and therefore be in a better position to spot doping violations without falsely accusing innocent athletes," says lead investigator Dr Jonathan Danaceau. "Not only is the test more sensitive, it is also faster to perform," says colleague Scott Morrison. [/quote] 雄性激素中的一个角色——睾甾酮,它的作用是增加肌肉大小和力量。 因此获取额外睾甾酮或者摄取某种身体可能习惯产生额外睾甾酮的化学药品,可以因此提高某个运动员的成绩。 由于这个缘故,采用它的行为被世界反对添加剂代办处(WADA)所禁止。 睾甾酮的确切的水平在不同人之间有显著的变化,所以简单的测量一个运动员的尿液中的总睾甾酮的量并不能显示他或她是否故意采用了额外的睾甾酮。 如果有,然而,在身体里的第二种化学制品——表睾甾酮,通常状态其存在的比例与睾甾酮的近似相等。 比较睾甾酮比率与表睾甾酮能够因而表明睾甾酮或其前体是否被采取了。 问题是测量这两种物质总是不容易的,特别是当他们只是以非常低的浓度存在于尿液中时。 一组来自犹他大学的运动医学研究和测试实验室的科学家已经开发了一个利用液体色谱串联质谱分析的实验。 这个方法具有难以置信地高敏感性(小于1 ng/ml)和提高官能够在一个样品中搜寻睾甾酮和表睾甾酮的能力。 “我们的系统意味着我们可以以更加伟大的可信度来确定在一个样品中的睾甾酮和表睾甾酮的比率,并且因此处于更好的状态来发现掺杂违规者,而无需错误指责无辜的运动员。”调查主任乔纳森博士说。 "不仅是测试更加灵敏了,它也是更快的去完成任务, “斯科特莫里森的同事说。[/size] ruojun: 一些词语的翻译需要改进:伟大的可信度??它也是更快的去完成任务??并且因此处于更好的状态来发现掺杂违规??

简单 2008/08/09

A new mass spectrometry test can help sports anti-drug doping officials to detect whether an athlete has used drugs that boost naturally occurring steroid levels. The test is more sensitive compared to previous alternatives, more capable of revealing specific suspicious chemical in the body, faster to perform, and could be run on standard drug-screening laboratory equipment. 一种新型的质谱能帮助反兴奋剂机构检测出运动员是否服用促进提高固醇类水平的药物,这种检测与以前的检测相比,更灵敏,更能有效地检测出体内特殊的可疑化学物而且操作更快,是一种能够连续运行的标准药物检测实验设备。 呵呵!!中国话说的不明白!更别说英文翻译了!! 还得练习呀!!谢谢评论!!!

    +关注 私聊
  • 何当奇


    A new mass spectrometry test can help sports anti-drug doping officials to detect whether an athlete has used drugs that boost naturally occurring steroid levels. The test is more sensitive compared to previous alternatives, more capable of revealing specific suspicious chemical in the body, faster to perform, and could be run on standard drug-screening laboratory equipment.

    One of the roles of the masculinising hormone testosterone is to increase muscle size and strength. Taking extra testosterone, or taking a chemical that the body can use to create extra testosterone, could therefore enhance an athlete's performance. For this reason taking it is banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).
    The exact level of testosterone varies considerably between different people, so simply measuring total testosterone in an athlete's urine can not show whether he or she has deliberately taken extra. There is, however, a second chemical in the body, epitestosterone, which is normally present in approximately equal proportions to testosterone. Comparing the ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone can then indicate whether testosterone or a precursor has been taken.
    The problem is that it is not always easy to measure these two substances, particularly as they are only present in urine at very low concentrations.
    A team of scientists the Sports Medicine Research and Testing Laboratory at the University of Utah have developed a test that makes use of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. This method has incredibly high sensitivity (down to 1 ng/ml) and increases the power with which officials can search for both testosterone and epitestosterone within a sample.
    "Our system means that we can determine the testosterone/epitestosterone ratio in a sample with greater confidence, and therefore be in a better position to spot doping violations without falsely accusing innocent athletes," says lead investigator Dr Jonathan Danaceau.
    "Not only is the test more sensitive, it is also faster to perform," says colleague Scott Morrison.

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  • westfairy


    "Not only is the test more sensitive, it is also faster to perform," says colleague Scott Morrison.

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  • zjshht


    一个新的质谱分析测试可能帮助体育反对服用麻醉品的掺杂的官员查出运动员是否使用了促进自然发生的类固醇水平的药物。 测试是更加敏感的与早先选择比较,能够显露在身体的具体可疑化学制品,更加快速执行,并且可能跑在标准药物掩护实验室设备。

    男子化的激素睾甾酮的角色的One是增加肌肉大小和力量。 因此采取额外睾甾酮或者采取身体可能使用创造额外睾甾酮的化学制品,可能提高运动员的表现。 为此采取它由世界反对添加剂代办处(WADA)取缔。
    睾甾酮的The确切的水平相当地变化区别人民之间,在运动员的尿的那么测量的总睾甾酮不可能显示他或她是否额外故意地采取了。 有,然而,在身体, epitestosterone的第二种化学制品,通常是存在对睾甾酮的大约相等比例。 比较睾甾酮比率与epitestosterone可能然后表明睾甾酮或前体是否被采取了。

    科学家A队犹他大学的运动医学研究和测试实验室开发了利用液体色谱法纵排质谱分析的一个测试。 这个方法有难以置信地高敏感性(下来对1 ng/ml)和增量官员能搜寻在样品之内的睾甾酮和epitestosterone的力量。

    "我们的系统意味着我们可以确定在一个样品的睾甾酮或epitestosterone比率有更加伟大的信心,并且在察觉掺杂的一个更好的位置侵害,无需错误指责无辜的运动员, “Danaceau说调查主任乔纳森博士。

    "不仅是更加敏感的测试,它也是更加快速的执行, “Morrison说同事斯科特。


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  • 风之彩


    A new mass spectrometry test can help sports anti-drug doping officials to detect whether an athlete has used drugs that boost naturally occurring steroid levels. The test is more sensitive compared to previous alternatives, more capable of revealing specific suspicious chemical in the body, faster to perform, and could be run on standard drug-screening laboratory equipment.

    One of the roles of the masculinising hormone testosterone is to increase muscle size and strength. Taking extra testosterone, or taking a chemical that the body can use to create extra testosterone, could therefore enhance an athlete's performance. For this reason taking it is banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).


    redanqi: 翻译的很好

    +关注 私聊
  • 风之彩


    The exact level of testosterone varies considerably between different people, so simply measuring total testosterone in an athlete's urine can not show whether he or she has deliberately taken extra. There is, however, a second chemical in the body, epitestosterone, which is normally present in approximately equal proportions to testosterone. Comparing the ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone can then indicate whether testosterone or a precursor has been taken.


    +关注 私聊
  • 风之彩


    The problem is that it is not always easy to measure these two substances, particularly as they are only present in urine at very low concentrations.
    A team of scientists the Sports Medicine Research and Testing Laboratory at the University of Utah have developed a test that makes use of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. This method has incredibly high sensitivity (down to 1 ng/ml) and increases the power with which officials can search for both testosterone and epitestosterone within a sample.

    但是有一个问题是这两种物质通常不是很容易检测,(特别是)因为它们在尿液里面的浓度极低。一个来自犹他大学运动医学研究和检测实验室的科学家团队建立了一种用液质联用仪来检测这两种物质的方法。这种方法有非常高的灵敏度(低至1 ng/ml),并且增强了(反兴奋剂的)工作人员仅靠一个样品来检测睾酮和表睾酮的能力。


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  • 风之彩


    "Our system means that we can determine the testosterone/epitestosterone ratio in a sample with greater confidence, and therefore be in a better position to spot doping violations without falsely accusing innocent athletes," says lead investigator Dr Jonathan Danaceau.
    "Not only is the test more sensitive, it is also faster to perform," says colleague Scott Morrison.

    “我们(建立)的这套方法使我们在测定睾酮/表睾酮比率时非常有信心,因此能更好地找出那些服用兴奋剂的不良行为,不会侮蔑一个无罪的运动员。”(兴奋剂)调查主任Jonathan Danaceau博士这样说道。
    “不仅检测更加灵敏,而且也更快。”(他的)同僚Scott Morrison说道。

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  • 春天的桃子


    A new mass spectrometry test can help sports anti-drug doping officials to detect whether an athlete has used drugs that boost naturally occurring steroid levels. The test is more sensitive compared to previous alternatives, more capable of revealing specific suspicious chemical in the body, faster to perform, and could be run on standard drug-screening laboratory equipment.

    译文: 一个新的质谱分析测试可以帮助官员查出运动员是否使用了促进自然发生的类固醇水平的药物。 测试是更加敏感的与早先选择比较,能显露具体可疑化学制品在身体,更加快速执行,并且可能跑在标准药物掩护实验室设备。


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  • 2001smile


    一个新的质谱分析测试可以帮助体育反禁药官员查出运动员是否使用了那种在体内可以促进自然产生的类固醇药物。 与早先选择比较,这一测试更加敏感,更容易显露体内的可疑化学物质,更加快速执行,并且可以在标准药物实验室设备上进行。

    redanqi 发表:A new mass spectrometry test can help sports anti-drug doping officials to detect whether an athlete has used drugs that boost naturally occurring steroid levels. The test is more sensitive compared to previous alternatives, more capable of revealing specific suspicious chemical in the body, faster to perform, and could be run on standard drug-screening laboratory equipment.

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  • 卡布奇诺


    [quote]原文由 redanqi 发表:A new mass spectrometry test can help sports anti-drug doping officials to detect whether an athlete has used drugs that boost naturally occurring steroid levels. The test is more sensitive compared to previous alternatives, more capable of revealing specific suspicious chemical in the body, faster to perform, and could be
    run on standard drug-screening laboratory equipment.

    一个新的质谱分析测试可以帮助反对服用麻醉品掺杂的官员查出运动员是否使用了促进自然发生的类固醇水平的药物。 测试与早先的方案比较是更加敏感的,更能够显现出身体里特殊的可疑化学制品,更快的执行,并且可能涉及标准药物筛选实验室设备。


