ICP-MS The technique is best used for elements with masses greater than 80, mainly in the determination of rare earth elements (REE) and U, Th and Pb in geological materials. The instrument can analyse up to 30 samples per day. Normally we run batches of similar elements, e.g. Batch 1 REE; Batch 2 Transitions; Batch 3 Rb, Sr, Ba, Cs; Batch 4 U, Th, Pb. Therefore a typical 4 batch run for 30 samples requires 4 days of instrument time. The general internal standard used is 10 ppb indium, for U, Th, and Pb 10 ppb bismuth is used and for the REE 10 ppb of rhenium and ruthenium. Detection limits in ppb are listed in the table below. It is recommended, however, to work with concentrations at least 100 times the quoted detection limits for each element.
Element Detection Limit ppb in solution Li 0.13 Be 0.02 B 22.02 Sc 0.73 V 0.02 Cr 0.51 Co 0.02 Ni 0.31 Cu 0.27 Zn 0.26 Ga 0.01 Ge 0.08 As 0.005 Se 0.53 Br 0.67 Rb 0.01 Sr 0.02 Y 0.006 Zr 0.01 Nb 0.03 Mo 0.33 Ru 0.03 Rh 0.01 Pd Ag 0.0006 Cd 0.04 In Sn 0.09 Sb 1.30 Te 0.09 I 0.69 Cs 0.002 Ba 0.06 La 0.06 Ce 0.02 Pr 0.01 Nd 0.01 Sm 0.02 Eu 0.01 Gd 0.02 Tb 0.004 Dy 0.02 Ho 0.005 Er 0.01 Tm 0.005 Yb 0.03 Lu 0.01 Hf 0.004 Ta 0.004 W 0.95 Re Os Ir Pt Au 0.0002 Hg 1.28 Tl 0.04 Pb 1.23 Bi 0.004 Th 0.01 U 0.01