联 系 人:许全斌 (总经理) 13983782993
地 址:重庆市沙坪坝区三峡广场正升自由康都B栋27-13号
联系电话:023-65302836 65302816(业务部) 65302286(经理室)
传 真:023-65305985
邮 编:400030
邮 箱:wanlihe_xqb@163.com
网 址:www.welivo.com
Our company’s homepage : www. justinbdnl.com
We are remarkable semiconductor used tools supplier for Front-end , Back-end & ATE .
We offer a full range of Front-end / Back-end semiconductors processing equipment.
Also we satisfy our customers by provide our services, such as Modification, Refurbish, Parts provide, Technology support, Repair service and so on.
Now we're actively marketing the following Back-End and ATE tools for sale, as below information:
All tools are available for inspection in Korea.
Please contact us if you're interested in.
My Email address: chris.wang@justinbdnl.com
1. Disco DFG840 Back Grinder, 4 sets
@U$45,000.00 per system
@U$40,000.00 per system for packaged deal of 4 sets/package
All tools are located in Korea
2. Disco DFD640 Dicing Saw, 4 sets
@U$40,000.00 per system
@U$38,000.00 per system for packaged deal of 4 sets/package
All tools are located in Korea
3. TSK AWD5000A Dicing Saw, 2 sets
@U$40,000.00 per system
@U$38,000.00 per system for packaged deal of 2 sets/package
All tools are located in Korea
4. Nitto DR8500 Laminator (Taper), 5 sets
@U$25,000.00 per system
@U$20,000.00 per system for packaged deal of 2 sets/package
All tools are located in Korea
5. Nitto HR8500 Tape Remover, 3 sets
@U$25,000.00 per system
@U$20,000.00 per system for packaged deal of 2 sets/package
All tools are located in Korea
6. Takatori ATRM2100 Tape Remover, 2 sets
@U$25,000.00 per system
@U$20,000.00 per system for packaged deal of 2 sets/package
All tools are located in Korea
7. TSK UF200 Probe Station, 1 set
@U$18,000.00 per system
@U$15,000.00 per system for packaged deal of 10 sets/package of UF200S
All tools are located in Korea
8. TSK UF200S Probe Station, 15 sets
@U$18,000.00 per system
@U$15,000.00 per system for packaged deal of 10 sets/package
All tools are located in Korea
9. TSK UF200SA Probe Station, 15 sets
@U$19,000.00 per system
@U$15,000.00 per system for packaged deal of 10 sets/package
All tools are located in Korea
10. TSK A-PM-90A Probe Station, 15 sets
@U$6,500.00 per system
@U$5,000.00 per system for packaged deal of 10 sets/package
All tools are located in Korea
11. TEL P8 Probe Station, 15 sets
@U$12,000.00 per system
@U$10,000.00 per system for packaged deal of 10 sets/package
All tools are located in Korea
12. TEL P8XL Probe Station, 2 sets
@U$19,000.00 per system
@U$15,000.00 per system for packaged deal of 2 sets/package
All tools are located in Korea
备注说明:共两箱:主机:780kg 123×80×180cm
控制器+电脑+控制台:100kg 135×68×87cm
本产品执行标准:GB/T 3722 《液压式压力试验机》
最大试验力 300KN
测量范围 0-300Kn
手动 度盘指示0-60kN、0-300kN、0-60kN、0-300kN
度盘分度值 0-60kN时 0.2kN/格 0-150kN时 0.5kN/格 0-300kN时 1kN/格
自动恒速加载时 计算机显示
试验机预热30分钟后,在15分钟内的零点漂移不超过满量程的 ±0.2%
示值相对误差 ±1%
活塞直径×最大行程 Φ125×120(mm)
加载速率(可自行设定) 0.6~9.0kN/s
加载速率误差 ±7%
承压板净距 280mm
承压板直径 φ150mm
外形尺寸(长×宽×高) 1050×800×1500(mm)
包装尺寸 123×80×180/135×68×87cm
毛重/净重 800/880kg
电压功率 380V/1000W
联系人:马晓锋 电话:0510-82711289