

  • 高卧东山
  • 私聊


  • 悬赏金额:30积分状态:已解决
  • 1.
    标题:Expression of a zebrafish caudal homeobox gene correlates with the establishment of posterior cell lineages at gastrulation
    作者:Jean-Stéphane Joly, Martine Maury, Claire Joly, Philippe Duprey, Habib Boulekbache, Hubert Condamine
    页:75 - 87

    标题:RNA Methodologies (Third Edition) - A Laboratory Guide for Isolation and Characterization
    作者:Robert E. Farrell, Jr., Ph.D.
    ISBN: 978-0-12-249696-7

yilai1002 2009/05/24


大陆 2009/05/24

1 ok. [img]https://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/affix.gif[/img][url=http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/download.asp?ID=151663]Expression of a zebrafish caudal homeobox gene correlates with the establishment of posterior cell lineages at gastrulation---Differentiation.pdf[/url]

    +关注 私聊
  • hstudent



    Table of Contents

    Preface, Pages xxiii-xxv

    Chapter 1 - RNA and the Cellular Biochemistry Revisited, Pages 1-16

    Chapter 2 - Transcription and the Organization of Eukaryotic Genes, Pages 17-31

    Chapter 3 - Messenger RNA, Pages 32-46

    Chapter 4 - Resilient Ribonucleases, Pages 47-66

    Chapter 5 - RNA Isolation Strategies, Pages 67-113

    Chapter 6 - The Truth About Tissues, Pages 114-137

    Chapter 7 - Isolation of Polyadenylated RNA, Pages 138-162

    Chapter 8 - Quality Control for RNA Preparations, Pages 163-178

    Chapter 9 - Dot Blot Analysis, Pages 179-189

    Chapter 10 - Electrophoresis of RNA, Pages 190-237

    Chapter 11 - Photodocumentation and Image Analysis, Pages 238-260

    Chapter 12 - Northern Analysis, Pages 261-284

    Chapter 13 - Nucleic Acid Probe Technology, Pages 285-316

    Chapter 14 - Practical Nucleic Acid Hybridization, Pages 317-332

    Chapter 15 - Principles of Detection, Pages 333-360

    Chapter 16 - Quantification of Specific mRNAs by Nuclease Protection, Pages 361-386

    Chapter 17 - Analysis of Nuclear RNA, Pages 387-420

    Chapter 18 - cDNA Synthesis, Pages 421-438

    Chapter 19 - RT-PCR, Pages 439-489

    Chapter 20 - Quantitative PCR Techniques, Pages 490-535

    Chapter 21 - Transcript Subtraction Methods, Pages 536-554

    Chapter 22 - mRNA Differential Display, Pages 555-587

    Chapter 23 - High-Throughput Analysis of Gene Expression, Pages 588-600

    Chapter 24 - RNA Interference: Targeted Gene Silencing, Pages 601-619

    Chapter 25 - Genomes, Transcriptomes, Proteomes, and Bioinformatics, Pages 620-631

    Chapter 26 - An RNA Paradigm, Pages 632-643

    Epilogue - A Few Pearls of Wisdom, Pages 644-650

    Appendix A - Maintaining Complete and Accurate Records, Pages 651-653

    Appendix B - Useful Stock Solutions for the Molecular Biologist, Pages 654-660

    Appendix C - Phenol Preparation, Pages 661-665

    Appendix D - Disposal of Ethidium Bromide and SYBR Green Solutions, Pages 666-669

    Appendix E - DNase I Removal of DNA from an RNA Sample, Pages 670-671

    Appendix F - RNase Incubation to Remove RNA from a DNA Sample, Pages 672-673

    Appendix G - Deionization of Formamide, Formaldehyde, and Glyoxal, Pages 674-675

    Appendix H - Silanizing Centrifuge Tubes and Glassware, Page 676

    Appendix I - Centrifugation as a Mainstream Tool for the Molecular Biologist, Pages 677-683

    Appendix J - Trypsinization Protocol for Anchorage-Dependent

    Appendix K - Isolation of High-Molecular-Weight DNA by Salting-Out, Pages 687-690

    Appendix L - RNA Isolation from Plant Tissue, Pages 691-692

    Appendix M - Electrophoresis: Principles, Parameters, and Safety, Pages 693-706

    Appendix N - Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis, Pages 707-709

    Appendix O - Selected Suppliers of Equipment, Reagents, and Services, Pages 710-714

    Appendix P - Useful SI Units, Page 715

    Appendix Q - Common Abbreviations, Pages 716-717

    Appendix R - Trademark Citations, Pages 718-721

    Glossary, Pages 722-738

    Index, Pages 739-767


