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    This chapter provides tests for the estimation of the number of viable aerobic microorganisms present and for freedom from designated microbial species in pharmaceutical articles of all kinds, from raw materials to the finished forms. An automated method may be substituted for the tests presented here, provided it has been properly validated as giving equivalent or better results. In preparing for and in applying the tests, observe aseptic precautions in handling the specimens. Unless otherwise directed, where the procedure specifies simply “incubate,” hold the container in air that is thermostatically controlled at a temperature between 30 and 35 , for a period of 24 to 48 hours. The term “growth” is used in a special sense herein, i.e., to designate the presence and presumed proliferation of viable microorganisms.
    此章节提供了检验方法,以便在所有种类的药用物品——从原料到成品中,估计其中存在的各种好氧微生物的数量,并确保其不含有指定种类的微生物。只要已经通过验证证明自动方法能够产生相等或更好的结果,即可用其代替在此呈现的方法。在准备和实施此试验的过程中,注意处理样品时的无菌预防措施。除另有规定,当操作步骤仅要求“培养”,将该溶液置于恒温控制在30 与35 之间的空气中24至48小时。名词“生长”在此用于特殊的含义,例如指明各种微生物的存在与推测的增殖。

    The validity of the results of the tests set forth in this chapter rests largely upon the adequacy of a demonstration that the test specimens to which they are applied do not, of themselves, inhibit the multiplication, under the test conditions, of microorganisms that may be present. Therefore, preparatory to conducting the tests on a regular basis and as circumstances require subsequently, inoculate diluted specimens of the material to be tested with separate viable cultures of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Salmonella. This can be done by adding 1 mL of not less than 10 3 dilution of a 24-hour broth culture of the microorganism to the first dilution (in pH 7.2 Phosphate Buffer, Fluid Soybean–Casein Digest Medium, or Fluid Lactose Medium) of the test material and following the test procedure. Failure of the organism(s) to grow in the relevant medium invalidates that portion of the examination and necessitates a modification of the procedure by (1) an increase in the volume of diluent, the quantity of test material remaining the same, or by (2) the incorporation of a sufficient quantity of suitable inactivating agent(s) in the diluents, or by (3) an appropriate combination of modifications (1) and (2) so as to permit growth of the inocula.
    此试验结果的有效性很大程度上取决于一项论证的充分性,即试验所针对的供试品,在试验条件下,其自身不会抑制可能存在的微生物的繁殖。因此,须预备定期如后续内容要求进行此试验,将供试品的稀释样品接种到单独的、生长良好的金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、绿脓杆菌、沙门氏菌培养物中。方法如下:将1mL该微生物24小时肉汤培养物的10 3倍稀释液加入供试品的首次稀释液(于pH7.2磷酸盐缓冲液,液体大豆酪蛋白消化物培养基,或液体乳糖培养基中)。如该微生物不能在相关培养基中生长,则该试验所用的比例无效,并须对步骤进行如下修改:(1)增加稀释剂体积而供试品保持原数量;或者(2)加入充分数量的适当的灭活剂;或者(3)适当合并修改(1)和(2),以便使接种体得以生长。

    The following are examples of ingredients and their concentrations that may be added to the culture medium to neutralize inhibitory substances present in the sample: soy lecithin, 0.5%; and polysorbate 20, 4.0%. Alternatively, repeat the test as described in the preceding paragraph, using Fluid Casein Digest–Soy Lecithin–Polysorbate 20 Medium to demonstrate neutralization of preservatives or other antimicrobial agents in the test material. Where inhibitory substances are contained in the product and the latter is soluble, a suitable, validated adaptation of a procedure set forth in the section Membrane Filtration under Test for Sterility of the Product to be Examined under Sterility Tests 71 , may be used.

    If in spite of the incorporation of suitable inactivating agents and a substantial increase in the volume of diluent, it is still not possible to recover the viable cultures described above and where the article is not suitable for employment of membrane filtration, it can be assumed that the failure to isolate the inoculated organism is attributable to the bactericidal activity of the product. This information serves to indicate that the article is not likely to be contaminated with the given species of microorganism. Monitoring should be continued in order to establish the spectrum of inhibition and bactericidal activity of the article.
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    Culture media may be prepared as follows, or dehydrated culture media may be used provided that, when reconstituted as directed by the manufacturer or distributor, they have similar ingredients and/or yield media comparable to those obtained from the formulas given herein.

    In preparing media by the formulas set forth herein, dissolve the soluble solids in the water, using heat, if necessary, to effect complete solution, and add solutions of hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide in quantities sufficient to yield the desired pH in the medium when it is ready for use. Determine the pH at 25 ± 2 .
    在使用在此列出的配方配制培养基的过程中,将可溶性固体溶于水,如果需要,加热以达到彻底溶解,并且,在使用时加入足够量的盐酸或者氢氧化钠,使培养基的PH达到要求。在25 ± 2 测定该pH值。

    Where agar is called for in a formula, use agar that has a moisture content of not more than 15%. Where water is called for in a formula, use Purified Water.

    PH 7.2 Phosphate Buffer
    PH 7.2磷酸盐缓冲液
    Stock Solution— Dissolve 34 g of monobasic potassium phosphate in about 500 mL of water contained in a 1000-mL volumetric flask. Adjust to pH 7.2 ± 0.1 by the addition of sodium hydroxide TS (about 175 mL), add water to volume, and mix. Dispense and sterilize. Store under refrigeration.

    For use, dilute the Stock Solution with water in the ratio of 1 to 800, and sterilize.

    Media 培养基
    Unless otherwise indicated, the media should be sterilized by heating in an autoclave (see Steam Sterilization under Sterilization 1211 ), the exposure time depending on the volume to be sterilized.

    I. Fluid Casein Digest–Soy Lecithin–Polysorbate 20 Medium
    Pancreatic Digest of Casein酪蛋白胰酶消化物    20 g
    Soy Lecithin大豆卵磷脂    5 g
    Polysorbate 20聚山梨酯20    40 mL
    Water水    960 mL
    Dissolve the pancreatic digest of casein and soy lecithin in 960 mL of water, heating in a water bath at 48 to 50 for about 30 minutes to effect solution. Add 40 mL of polysorbate 20. Mix, and dispense as desired.
    将酪蛋白胰酶消化物和大豆卵磷脂溶于960mL水中,48 至50 水浴加热30分钟使其溶解。加入40mL聚山梨酯20。混匀,并按需要分装。

    II. Soybean–Casein Digest Agar Medium 大豆酪蛋白消化物琼脂培养基
    Pancreatic Digest of Casein酪蛋白胰酶消化物    15.0 g
    Papaic Digest of Soybean Meal大豆粉木瓜蛋白酶消化物    5.0 g
    Sodium Chloride氯化钠    5.0 g
    Agar琼脂    15.0 g
    Water水    1000 mL
    pH after sterilization: 7.3 ± 0.2.
    灭菌后pH值:7.3 ± 0.2

    III. Fluid Soybean–Casein Digest Medium液体大豆酪蛋白消化物培养基
    Prepare as directed for Soybean–Casein Digest Medium under Sterility Tests 71 .按照无菌检查<71>项下规定的大豆酪蛋白消化物培养基的方法进行配制。

    IV. Mannitol–Salt Agar Medium甘露醇-氯化钠琼脂培养基
    Pancreatic Digest of Casein酪蛋白胰酶消化物    5.0 g
    Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue动物组织胃蛋白酶消化物    5.0 g
    Beef Extract牛肉浸膏    1.0 g
    D-Mannitol D-甘露醇    10.0 g
    Sodium Chloride氯化钠    75.0 g
    Agar琼脂    15.0 g
    Phenol Red酚磺酞    0.025 g
    Water水    1000 mL
    Mix, then heat with frequent agitation, and boil for 1 minute to effect solution.
    pH after sterilization: 7.4 ± 0.2.
    灭菌后pH值:7.4 ± 0.2。

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    V. Baird–Parker Agar Medium
    Pancreatic Digest of Casein酪蛋白胰酶消化物    10.0 g
    Beef Extract牛肉浸膏    5.0 g
    Yeast Extract酵母提取物    1.0 g
    Lithium Chloride氯化锂    5.0 g
    Agar琼脂    20.0 g
    Glycine 甘氨酸    12.0 g
    Sodium Pyruvate丙酮酸钠    10.0 g
    Water水    950 mL
    Heat with frequent agitation, and boil for 1 minute. Sterilize, cool to between 45 and 50 , and add 10 mL of sterile potassium tellurite solution (1 in 100) and 50 mL of egg-yolk emulsion. Mix intimately but gently, and pour into plates. (Prepare the egg-yolk emulsion by disinfecting the surface of whole shell eggs, aseptically cracking the eggs, and separating out intact yolks into a sterile graduated cylinder. Add sterile saline TS to obtain a 3 to 7 ratio of egg yolk to saline. Add to a sterile blender cup, and mix at high speed for 5 seconds.)
    加热伴以频繁搅拌,并煮沸1分钟。灭菌,放凉至45 与50 之间,加入10mL无菌亚碲酸钾溶液(1:100)和50mL乳状蛋黄。轻轻混合至均匀,倒入平皿。(制作乳状蛋黄时,消毒带壳蛋的表面,以无菌方式打开鸡蛋,并将完整无缺的蛋黄分离至无菌量桶。加入无菌盐试液,以使蛋黄与盐水比例为3比7。加入至无菌搅拌器,高速混合5秒。)
    pH after sterilization: 6.8 ± 0.2.
    灭菌后pH值:6.8 ± 0.2。

    VI. Vogel–Johnson Agar Medium
    Vogel-Johnson 琼脂培养基
    Pancreatic Digest of Casein酪蛋白胰酶消化物    10.0 g
    Yeast Extract酵母提取物    5.0 g
    Mannitol甘露醇    10.0 g
    Dibasic Potassium Phosphate磷酸氢二钾    5.0 g
    Lithium Chloride氯化锂    5.0 g
    Glycine 甘氨酸    10.0 g
    Agar琼脂    16.0 g
    Phenol Red酚磺酞    25.0 mg
    Water水    1000 mL
    Boil the solution of solids for 1 minute. Sterilize, cool to between 45 and 50 , and add 20 mL of sterile potassium tellurite solution (1 in 100).
    将这些固体的溶液煮沸1分钟。灭菌,放凉至45 与50 之间,加入20mL无菌亚碲酸钾溶液(1:100)。
    pH after sterilization: 7.2 ± 0.2.
    灭菌后pH值:7.2 ± 0.2。

    VII. Cetrimide Agar Medium 十六烷三甲基溴化铵琼脂培养基
    Pancreatic Digest of Gelatin白明胶胰酶消化物    20.0 g
    Magnesium Chloride氯化镁    1.4 g
    Potassium Sulfate硫酸钾    10.0 g
    Agar琼脂    13.6 g
    Cetyl Trimethylammonium Bromide (Cetrimide)
    十六烷三甲基溴化铵    0.3 g
    Glycerin甘油    10.0 mL
    Water水    1000 mL
    Dissolve all solid components in the water, and add the glycerin. Heat, with frequent agitation, and boil for 1 minute to effect solution.
    pH after sterilization: 7.2 ± 0.2.
    灭菌后pH值:7.2 ± 0.2。

    VIII. Pseudomonas Agar Medium for Detection of Fluorescin
    Pancreatic Digest of Casein酪蛋白胰酶消化物    10.0 g
    Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue动物组织胃蛋白酶消化物    10.0 g
    Anhydrous Dibasic Potassium Phosphate无水磷酸氢二钾    1.5 g
    Magnesium Sulfate (MgSO4•7H2O)硫酸镁    1.5 g
    Glycerin甘油    10.0 mL
    Agar琼脂    15.0 g
    Water水    1000 mL
    Dissolve the solid components in the water before adding the glycerin. Heat, with frequent agitation, and boil for 1 minute to effect solution.
    pH after sterilization: 7.2 ± 0.2.
    灭菌后pH值:7.2 ± 0.2。

    IX. Pseudomonas Agar Medium for Detection of Pyocyanin
    Pancreatic Digest of Gelatin白明胶胰酶消化物    20.0 g
    Anhydrous Magnesium Chloride无水氯化镁    1.4 g
    Anhydrous Potassium Sulfate无水硫酸钾    10.0 g
    Agar琼脂    15.0 g
    Glycerin甘油    10.0 mL
    Water水    1000 mL
    Dissolve the solid components in the water before adding the glycerin. Heat, with frequent agitation, and boil for 1 minute to effect solution.
    pH after sterilization: 7.2 ± 0.2.
    灭菌后pH值:7.2 ± 0.2。

    X. Fluid Lactose Medium 液体乳糖培养基
    Beef Extract牛肉提取物    3.0 g
    Pancreatic Digest of Gelatin白明胶胰酶消化物    5.0 g
    Lactose乳糖    5.0 g
    Water水    1000 mL
    Cool as quickly as possible after sterilization.
    pH after sterilization: 6.9 ± 0.2.
    灭菌后pH值:6.9 ± 0.2。

    XI. Fluid Selenite–Cystine Medium液体亚硒酸-双硫丙氨酸(胱氨酸)培养基
    Pancreatic Digest of Casein酪蛋白胰酶消化物    5.0 g
    Lactose乳糖    4.0 g
    Sodium Phosphate磷酸钠    10.0 g
    Sodium Acid Selenite亚硒酸钠    4.0 g
    L-Cystine L-胱氨酸    10.0 mg
    Water水    1000 mL
    Final pH: 7.0 ± 0.2.
    最终pH值:7.0 ± 0.2。
    Mix, and heat to effect solution. Heat in flowing steam for 15 minutes. Do not sterilize.

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    XII. Fluid Tetrathionate Medium液体连四硫酸盐(四连磺酸钠)培养基
    Pancreatic Digest of Casein酪蛋白胰酶消化物    2.5 g
    Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue动物组织胃蛋白酶消化物    2.5 g
    Bile Salts牛胆盐    1.0 g
    Calcium Carbonate碳酸钙    10.0 g
    Sodium Thiosulfate硫代硫酸钠    30.0 g
    Water水    1000 mL
    Heat the solution of solids to boiling. On the day of use, add a solution prepared by dissolving 5 g of potassium iodide and 6 g of iodine in 20 mL of water. Then add 10 mL of a solution of brilliant green (1 in 1000), and mix. Do not heat the medium after adding the brilliant green solution.

    XIII. Brilliant Green Agar Medium亮绿琼脂培养基
    Yeast Extract酵母提取物    3.0 g
    Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue动物组织胃蛋白酶消化物    5.0 g
    Pancreatic Digest of Casein酪蛋白胰酶消化物    5.0 g
    Lactose乳糖    10.0 g
    Sodium Chloride氯化钠    5.0 g
    Sucrose蔗糖    10.0 g
    Phenol Red酚磺酞    80 mg
    Agar琼脂    20.0 g
    Brilliant Green亮绿    12.5 mg
    Water水    1000 mL
    Boil the solution of solids for 1 minute. Sterilize just prior to use, melt the medium, pour into petri dishes, and allow to cool.
    pH after sterilization: 6.9 ± 0.2.
    灭菌后pH值:6.9 ± 0.2。

    XIV. Xylose–Lysine–Desoxycholate Agar Medium
    Xylose木糖    3.5 g
    L-Lysine L-赖氨酸    5.0 g
    Lactose乳糖    7.5 g
    Sucrose蔗糖    7.5 g
    Sodium Chloride氯化钠    5.0 g
    Yeast Extract酵母提取物    3.0 g
    Phenol Red酚磺酞    80 mg
    Agar琼脂    13.5 g
    Sodium Desoxycholate脱氧胆酸钠    2.5 g
    Sodium Thiosulfate硫代硫酸钠    6.8 g
    Ferric Ammonium Citrate柠檬酸铁铵    800 mg
    Water水    1000 mL
    Final pH: 7.4 ± 0.2.
    最终pH值:7.4 ± 0.2。
    Heat the mixture of solids and water, with swirling, just to the boiling point. Do not overheat or sterilize. Transfer at once to a water bath maintained at about 50 , and pour into plates as soon as the medium has cooled.
    加热这些固体与水的混合物,伴以旋转搅拌,至恰好到沸点。不得过度加热或灭菌。立刻转移至保持在约50 的水浴,并在培养基刚刚放凉时,立即倒入平皿。

    XV. Bismuth Sulfite Agar Medium亚硫酸铋琼脂培养基
    Beef Extract牛肉提取物    5.0 g
    Pancreatic Digest of Casein酪蛋白胰酶消化物    5.0 g
    Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue动物组织胃蛋白酶消化物    5.0 g
    Dextrose葡萄糖    5.0 g
    Sodium Phosphate磷酸钠    4.0 g
    Ferrous Sulfate硫酸亚铁    300 mg
    Bismuth Sulfite Indicator亚硫酸铋指示剂    8.0 g
    Agar琼脂    20.0 g
    Brilliant Green亮绿    25 mg
    Water水    1000 mL
    Final pH: 7.6 ± 0.2.
    最终pH值:7.6 ± 0.2。
    Heat the mixture of solids and water, with swirling, just to the boiling point. Do not overheat or sterilize. Transfer at once to a water bath maintained at about 50 , and pour into plates as soon as the medium has cooled.
    加热这些固体与水的混合物,伴以旋转搅拌,至恰好到沸点。不得过度加热或灭菌。立刻转移至保持在约50 的水浴,并在培养基刚刚放凉时,立即倒入平皿。

    XVI. Triple Sugar–Iron–Agar Medium三糖-铁-琼脂培养基
    Pancreatic Digest of Casein酪蛋白胰酶消化物    10.0 g
    Pancreatic Digest of Animal Tissue动物组织胰酶消化物    10.0 g
    Lactose乳糖    10.0 g
    Sucrose蔗糖    10.0 g
    Dextrose葡萄糖    1.0 g
    Ferrous Ammonium Sulfate硫酸亚铁铵    200 mg
    Sodium Chloride氯化钠    5.0 g
    Sodium Thiosulfate硫代硫酸钠    200 mg
    Agar琼脂    13.0 g
    Phenol Red酚磺酞    25 mg
    Water水    1000 mL
    pH after sterilization: 7.3 ± 0.2.
    灭菌后pH值:7.3 ± 0.2。

    XVII. MacConkey Agar Medium麦康凯(MacConkey)琼脂培养基
    Pancreatic Digest of Gelatin白明胶胰酶消化物    17.0 g
    Pancreatic Digest of Casein酪蛋白胰酶消化物    1.5 g
    Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue动物组织胃酶消化物    1.5 g
    Lactose乳糖    10.0 g
    Bile Salts Mixture牛胆盐混合物    1.5 g
    Sodium Chloride氯化钠    5.0 g
    Agar琼脂    13.5 g
    Neutral Red中性红    30 mg
    Crystal Violet结晶紫    1.0 mg
    Water水    1000 mL
    Boil the mixture of solids and water for 1 minute to effect solution.
    pH after sterilization: 7.1 ± 0.2.
    灭菌后pH值:7.1 ± 0.2。

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    XVIII. Levine Eosin–Methylene Blue Agar Medium
    Pancreatic Digest of Gelatin白明胶胰酶消化物    10.0 g
    Dibasic Potassium Phosphate磷酸氢二钾    2.0 g
    Agar琼脂    15.0 g
    Lactose乳糖    10.0 g
    Eosin Y黄色曙红    400 mg
    Methylene Blue亚甲基蓝    65 mg
    Water水    1000 mL
    Dissolve the pancreatic digest of gelatin, the dibasic potassium phosphate, and the agar in the water, with warming, and allow to cool. Just prior to use, liquefy the gelled agar solution, add the remaining ingredients, as solutions, in the following amounts, and mix: for each 100 mL of the liquefied agar solution—5 mL of lactose solution (1 in 5), 2 mL of the eosin Y solution (1 in 50), and 2 mL of methylene blue solution (1 in 300). The finished medium may not be clear.
    pH after sterilization: 7.1 ± 0.2.
    灭菌后pH值:7.1 ± 0.2。

    XIX. Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Medium
    Dextrose葡萄糖    40 g
    Mixture of equal parts of Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue and Pancreatic Digest of Casein
    同比配制的动物组织胃酶消化物和酪蛋白胰酶消化物    10 g
    Agar琼脂    15 g
    Water水    1000 mL
    Mix, and boil to effect solution.
    pH after sterilization: 5.6 ± 0.2.
    灭菌后pH值:5.6 ± 0.2。

    XX. Potato Dextrose Agar Medium马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基
    Cook 300 g of peeled and diced potatoes in 500 mL of water prepared by distillation, filter through cheesecloth, add water prepared by distillation to make 1000 mL, and add the following:
    Agar琼脂    15 g
    Glucose葡萄糖    20 g
    Dissolve by heating, and sterilize.
    pH after sterilization: 5.6 ± 0.2.
    灭菌后pH值:5.6 ± 0.2。
    For use, just prior to pouring the plates, adjust the melted and cooled to 45 medium with sterile tartaric acid solution (1 in 10) to a pH of 3.5 ± 0.1. Do not reheat the pH 3.5 medium.
    使用时,在马上要倒入平皿之前,以酒石酸溶液(1:10)将溶化后又放凉至45 的培养基调节到pH值3.5±0.1。调节pH后不得再加热。

    Provide separate 10-mL or 10-g specimens for each of the tests called for in the individual monograph.

    Prepare the specimen to be tested by treatment that is appropriate to its physical characteristics and that does not alter the number and kind of microorganisms originally present, in order to obtain a solution or suspension of all or part of it in a form suitable for the test procedure(s) to be carried out.
    For a solid that dissolves to an appreciable extent but not completely, reduce the substance to a moderately fine powder, suspend it in the vehicle specified, and proceed as directed under Total Aerobic Microbial Count, and under Test for Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Test for Salmonella species and Escherichia coli.

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    For a fluid specimen that consists of a true solution, or a suspension in water or a hydroalcoholic vehicle containing less than 30 percent of alcohol, and for a solid that dissolves readily and practically completely in 90 mL of pH 7.2 Phosphate Buffer or the media specified, proceed as directed under Total Aerobic Microbial Count, and under Test for Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Test for Salmonella species and Escherichia coli.

    For water-immiscible fluids, ointments, creams, and waxes, prepare a suspension with the aid of a minimal quantity of a suitable, sterile emulsifying agent (such as one of the polysorbates), using a mechanical blender and warming to a temperature not exceeding 45 , if necessary, and proceed with the suspension as directed under Total Aerobic Microbial Count, and under Test for Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Test for Salmonella species and Escherichia coli.
    对于与水不混溶的液体、油膏、乳膏、蜡状物,以最小剂量的适合的无菌乳化剂,使用机械混合器并在需要时加温到不超过45 ,来制备悬浮液,并如好氧微生物总数检查法、金黄色葡萄球菌和绿脓杆菌检查法、沙门氏菌和大肠杆菌检查法项下的规定使用该悬浮液继续进行。

    For a fluid specimen in aerosol form, chill the container in an alcohol- mixture for approximately 1 hour, cut open the container, allow it to reach room temperature, permit the propellant to escape, or warm to drive off the propellant if feasible, and transfer the quantity of test material required for the procedures specified in one of the two preceding paragraphs, as appropriate. Where 10.0 g or 10.0 mL of the specimen, whichever is applicable, cannot be obtained from 10 containers in aerosol form, transfer the entire contents from 10 chilled containers to the culture medium, permit the propellant to escape, and proceed with the test on the residues. If the results of the test are inconclusive or doubtful, repeat the test with a specimen from 20 more containers.

    Total Aerobic Microbial Count好氧微生物总数检查法
    For specimens that are sufficiently soluble or translucent to permit use of the Plate Method, use that method; otherwise, use the Multiple-Tube Method. With either method, first dissolve or suspend 10.0 g of the specimen if it is a solid, or 10 mL, accurately measured, if the specimen is a liquid, in pH 7.2 Phosphate Buffer, Fluid Soybean–Casein Digest Medium, or Fluid Casein Digest–Soy Lecithin-Polysorbate 20 Medium to make 100 mL. For viscous specimens that cannot be pipeted at this initial 1:10 dilution, dilute the specimen until a suspension is obtained, i.e., 1:50 or 1:100, etc., that can be pipeted. Perform the test for absence of inhibitory (antimicrobial) properties as described under Preparatory Testing before the determination of Total Aerobic Microbial Count. Add the specimen to the medium not more than 1 hour after preparing the appropriate dilutions for inoculation.
    对于能够充分溶解或透明、可以采用平皿法的样品,需使用该方法;否则,使用多管法。不管使用哪一种方法,首先将10.0g固体样品或精密量取的10mL液体样品,放入pH 7.2的磷酸盐缓冲液,或液体大豆酪蛋白消化物培养基,或液体酪蛋白消化物-大豆卵磷脂-聚山梨酯20中,制成100mL的溶液或悬浮液。对于在此初始的1:10溶液中无法移取的黏稠样品,稀释该样品直到得到可以移取的悬浮液,例如1:50或1:100等。如好氧微生物总数检查法之前的预备试验项下的描述,进行证实样品不具备抑制(抗微生物)特性的试验。在用于接种的适当稀释液制备之后1小时内,将样品加入培养基。

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    Dilute further, if necessary, the fluid so that 1 mL will be expected to yield between 30 and 300 colonies. Pipet 1 mL of the final dilution onto each of two sterile petri dishes. Promptly add to each dish 15 to 20 mL of Soybean–Casein Digest Agar Medium that previously has been melted and cooled to approximately 45 . Cover the petri dishes, mix the sample with the agar by tilting or rotating the dishes, and allow the contents to solidify at room temperature. Invert the petri dishes, and incubate for 48 to 72 hours. Following incubation, examine the plates for growth, count the number of colonies, and express the average for the two plates in terms of the number of microorganisms per g or per mL of specimen. If no microbial colonies are recovered from the dishes representing the initial 1:10 dilution of the specimen, express the results as “less than 10 microorganisms per g or per mL of specimen.”
    如果需要,进一步稀释液体,以便每1mL液体预期能够生成30到300个菌落。移取1mL最终稀释液到1个无菌平皿,共做两个平皿的平行样。迅速地在每个平皿里加入15至20mL此前已经加热融化并放凉到约45 的大豆酪蛋白消化物琼脂培养基。盖上皿盖,倾斜或旋转平皿以使供试品和培养基混匀,然后静置于室温使内容物凝固。倒置平皿,培养48至72小时。培养完成后,观察平皿内微生物生长状况,进行菌落计数,将两个平皿的平均值以每g或mL供试品中微生物的数量来表达。如果在代表初始的1:10样品稀释度的平皿中未检出微生物,则结果表达为“每g或每mL样品中微生物数量少于10个”。

    Into each of fourteen test tubes of similar size place 9.0 mL of sterile Fluid Soybean–Casein Digest Medium. Arrange twelve of the tubes in four sets of three tubes each. Put aside one set of three tubes to serve as the controls. Into each of three tubes of one set (“100”) and into a fourth tube (A) pipet 1 mL of the solution or suspension of the specimen, and mix. From tube A, pipet 1 mL of its contents into the one remaining tube (B) not included in a set, and mix. These two tubes contain 100 mg (or 100 µL) and 10 mg (or 10 µL) of the specimen, respectively. Into each of the second set (“10”) of three tubes pipet 1 mL from tube A, and into each tube of the third set (“1”) pipet 1 mL from tube B. Discard the unused contents of tubes A and B. Close well, and incubate all of the tubes. Following the incubation period, examine the tubes for growth: the three control tubes remain clear and the observations in the tubes containing the specimen, when interpreted by reference to Table 1, indicate the most probable number of microorganisms per g or per mL of specimen.

    Table 1. Most Probable Total Count by Multiple-Tube Method
    Observed Combinations of Numbers of
    Tubes Showing Growth in Each Set
    所观察到的每一组中显示微生物生长的试管数的组合    Most Probable
    Number of
    isms per g or per mL
    No. of mg (or mL) of Specimen per Tube
    (100 µL)    10
    (10 µL)    1
    (1 µL)   
    3    3    3    >1100
    3    3    2    1100
    3    3    1    500
    3    3    0    200
    3    2    3    290
    3    2    2    210
    3    2    1    150
    3    2    0    90
    3    1    3    160
    3    1    2    120
    3    1    1    70
    3    1    0    40
    3    0    3    95
    3    0    2    60
    3    0    1    40
    3    0    0    23

    Test for Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    To the specimen add Fluid Soybean–Casein Digest Medium to make 100 mL, mix, and incubate. Examine the medium for growth, and if growth is present, use an inoculating loop to streak a portion of the medium on the surface of Vogel–Johnson Agar Medium (or Baird–Parker Agar Medium, or Mannitol–Salt Agar Medium) and of Cetrimide Agar Medium, each plated on petri dishes. Cover and invert the dishes, and incubate. If, upon examination, none of the plates contains colonies having the characteristics listed in Tables 2 and 3 for the media used, the test specimen meets the requirements for freedom from Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

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    Table 2. Morphologic Characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus on Selective Agar Media表2:金黄色葡萄球菌在选择性琼脂培养基上的形态学特征
    Selective Medium
    可选择的培养基    Characteristic Colonial Morphology
    菌落的形态学特征    Gram Stain
    Agar Medium
    琼脂培养基    Black Surrounded by yellow zone
    黄色圈围绕的黑色菌落    Positive cocci
    (in clusters)
    Agar Medium
    琼脂培养基    Yellow colonies with yellow zones
    黄色圈围绕的黄色菌落    Positive cocci
    (in clusters)
    Agar Medium
    琼脂培养基    Black, shiny, surrounded by clear zones 2 to 5 mm
    黑色,有光泽,周围有2至5mm透明圈    Positive cocci
    (in clusters)

    Table 3. Morphologic Characteristics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on Selective and Diagnostic Agar Media
    Selective Medium
    选择性培养基    Characteristic Colonial
    菌落的形态学特征    Fluorescence in
    UV Light
    紫外荧光反应    Oxidase Test
    试验    Gram Stain
    Centrimide Agar Medium
    十六烷三甲基溴化铵琼脂培养基    Generally greenish
    通常为绿色    Greenish
    绿色    Positive
    阳性    Negative rods
    Pseudomonas Agar Medium for
    Detection of Fluorescin
    用于检测二氢荧光素的假单胞菌琼脂培养基    Generally colorless to yellowish
    通常为无色至微黄    Yellowish
    微黄    Positive
    阳性    Negative rods
    Pseudomonas Agar Medium for
    Detection of Pyocyanin
    用于检测绿脓菌素的假单胞菌琼脂培养基    Generally greenish
    通常为绿色    Blue
    兰色    Positive
    阳性    Negative rods

    Coagulase Test (for Staphylococcus aureus)— With the aid of an inoculating loop, transfer representative suspect colonies from the agar surfaces of the Vogel–Johnson Agar Medium (or Baird–Parker Agar Medium, or Mannitol–Salt Agar Medium) to individual tubes, each containing 0.5 mL of mammalian, preferably rabbit or horse, plasma with or without suitable additives. Incubate in a water bath at 37 , examining the tubes at 3 hours and subsequently at suitable intervals up to 24 hours. Test positive and negative controls simultaneously with the unknown specimens. If no coagulation in any degree is observed, the specimen meets the requirements of the test for absence of Staphylococcus aureus.
    凝固酶试验(针对金黄色葡萄球菌):用接种环从Vogel-Johnson琼脂培养基(或Baire-parker琼脂培养基,或Mannitol-Salt甘露醇-盐琼脂培养基)的琼脂表面挑取具代表性的可疑菌落,每个菌落分别接种到单独的试管,试管内含有0.5mL哺乳动物(最好是兔子或马)血浆,其中适当的添加剂可有可无。在37 水浴中培养,3小时开始观察直至24小时。同时做阳性对照管和阴性对照管。如果没有发现任何程度的凝结,判断样品符合不得检出金黄色葡萄球菌的检验要求。

    Oxidase and Pigment Tests (for Pseudomonas aeruginosa)— With the aid of an inoculating loop, streak representative suspect colonies from the agar surface of Cetrimide Agar Medium on the agar surfaces of Pseudomonas Agar Medium for Detection of Fluorescin and Pseudomonas Agar Medium for Detection of Pyocyanin contained in petri dishes. If numerous colonies are to be transferred, divide the surface of each plate into quadrants, each of which may be inoculated from a separate colony. Cover and invert the inoculated media, and incubate at 35 ± 2 for not less than three days. Examine the streaked surfaces under UV light. Examine the plates to determine whether colonies having the characteristics listed in Table 3 are present.
    氧化酶和色素试验(针对绿脓杆菌):用接种环从十六烷三甲基溴化铵琼脂培养基表面挑取具代表性的可疑菌落,接种到用于检测二氢荧光素的假单胞菌琼脂培养基和用于检测绿脓菌素的假单胞菌琼脂培养基上,每个可疑菌落分别接种。若需要接种的菌落数太多,可将接种的平皿分成四等分,每个区域接种一个可疑菌落。将接种后的培养基,盖上皿盖并倒置,在35 ± 2 条件下培养至少3天。用紫外光下观察接种菌落的表面。观察平皿以确定是否有具备表3所列的特征的菌落存在。

    Confirm any suspect colonial growth on one or more of the media as Pseudomonas aeruginosa by means of the oxidase test. Upon the colonial growth place or transfer colonies to strips or disks of filter paper that previously has been impregnated with N,N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride: if there is no development of a pink color, changing to purple, the specimen meets the requirements of the test for the absence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa may be confirmed by other suitable cultural and biochemical tests, if necessary.

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    Test for Salmonella species and Escherichia coli
    To the specimen, contained in a suitable vessel, add a volume of Fluid Lactose Medium to make 100 mL, and incubate. Examine the medium for growth, and if growth is present, mix by gently shaking. Pipet 1-mL portions into vessels containing, respectively, 10 mL of Fluid Selenite–Cystine Medium and Fluid Tetrathionate Medium, mix, and incubate for 12 to 24 hours. (Retain the remainder of the Fluid Lactose Medium.)

    Test for Salmonella Species— By means of an inoculating loop, streak portions from both the selenite-cystine and tetrathionate media on the surface of Brilliant Green Agar Medium, Xylose–Lysine–Desoxycholate Agar Medium, and Bismuth Sulfite Agar Medium contained in petri dishes. Cover and invert the dishes, and incubate. Upon examination, if none of the colonies conforms to the description given in Table 4, the specimen meets the requirements of the test for absence of the genus Salmonella.

    Table 4. Morphologic Characteristics of Salmonella Species on Selective Agar Media表4:沙门氏菌属在选择性琼脂培养基上的形态学特征
    Selective Medium
    选择性培养基    Characteristic Colonial Morphology
    Brilliant Green
    Agar Medium
    亮绿琼脂培养基    Small, transparent, colorless or pink to white opaque (frequently surrounded by pink to red zone)
    Agar Medium
    木糖-赖氨酸-脱氧胆酸钠琼脂培养基    Red, with or without black centers
    Bismuth Sulfite
    Agar Medium
    亚硫酸铋琼脂培养基    Black or green
    If colonies of Gram-negative rods matching the description in Table 4 are found, proceed with further identification by transferring representative suspect colonies individually, by means of an inoculating wire, to a butt-slant tube of Triple Sugar–Iron–Agar Medium by first streaking the surface of the slant and then stabbing the wire well beneath the surface. Incubate. If examination discloses no evidence of tubes having alkaline (red) slants and acid (yellow) butts (with or without concomitant blackening of the butt from hydrogen sulfide production), the specimen meets the requirements of the test for the absence of the genus Salmonella.*

    Test for Escherichia coli— By means of an inoculating loop, streak a portion from the remaining Fluid Lactose Medium on the surface of MacConkey Agar Medium. Cover and invert the dishes, and incubate. Upon examination, if none of the colonies conforms to the description given in Table 5 for this medium, the specimen meets the requirements of the test for absence of Escherichia coli.

    Table 5. Morphologic Characteristics of Escherichia coli on MacConkey Agar Medium表5:大肠杆菌在麦康凯琼脂培养基上的形态学特征
    Gram Stain
    革兰氏染色    Characteristic Colonial Morphology
    Negative rods
    (球杆菌)    Brick-red; may have surrounding zone of precipitated bile
    If colonies matching the description in Table 5 are found, proceed with further identification by transferring the suspect colonies individually, by means of an inoculating loop, to the surface of Levine Eosin–Methylene Blue Agar Medium, plated on petri dishes. If numerous colonies are to be transferred, divide the surface of each plate into quadrants, each of which may be seeded from a separate colony. Cover and invert the plates, and incubate. Upon examination, if none of the colonies exhibits both a characteristic metallic sheen under reflected light and a blue-black appearance under transmitted light, the specimen meets the requirements of the test for the absence of Escherichia coli. The presence of Escherichia coli may be confirmed by further suitable cultural and biochemical tests.

    Total Combined Molds and Yeasts Count 霉菌与酵母菌联合总数检查
    Proceed as for the Plate Method under Total Aerobic Microbial Count, except for using the same amount of Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Medium or Potato Dextrose Agar Medium, instead of Soybean Casein Digest Medium, and except for incubating the inverted petri dishes for 5 to 7 days at 20 to 25 .
    采用好氧微生物总数检查法下的平皿法进行检测,但培养基需使用同样体积的Sabouraud葡萄糖琼脂培养基或马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基,以代替大豆酪蛋白消化物培养基,并且应在倒置的平皿中于20 至25 培养5至7天。

    Retest 复检
    For the purpose of confirming a doubtful result by any of the procedures outlined in the foregoing tests following their application to a 10.0-g specimen, a retest on a 25-g specimen of the product may be conducted. Proceed as directed for Procedure, but make allowance for the larger specimen size.

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