


  • 下面是中国药典2005版中药用炭吸着力的一段翻译,贴出来让大家指正:
    吸着力: (1) 取干燥至恒重的本品1.0g,加0.12%硫酸奎宁溶液100ml ,在室温不低于20℃下,用力振摇5 分钟,立即用干燥的中速滤纸滤过,分取续滤液10ml,加盐酸1 滴与碘化汞钾试液5 滴,不得发生浑浊。
    (2) 精密量取0.1% 亚甲蓝溶液各50ml,分别置两个100ml 具塞量筒中,一筒中加干燥至恒重的本品0.25g,密塞,在室温不低于20℃下,强力振摇5 分钟,将两筒中的溶液分别用干燥的中速滤纸滤过,精密量取续滤液各25ml,分别置两个 250ml量瓶中,各加10%醋酸钠溶液50ml,摇匀后,在不断旋动下,精密加碘滴定液(0.05mol/L)35ml,密塞,摇匀,放置,每隔10分钟强力振摇1 次,50分钟后,用水稀释至刻度,摇匀,放置10分钟,分别用干燥滤纸滤过,精密量取续滤液各100ml,分别用硫代硫酸钠滴定液(0.1mol/L)滴定。两者消耗碘滴定液(0.05mol/L)的差数不得少于1.2ml。
    Absorbance capacity:   
    (1)Add 100 ml of 0.12% of quinoline sulfate into 1 gm of test sample previously dried to a constant weight. At room temperature that is not less than 20°C, shake the sample vigorously for 5 minutes and filter through a dry filter paper. Take 10 ml of filtrate and add 1 drop of hydrochloric acid and 5 drops of K2HgI4 TS. The solution should not turn turbid.
    (2)Accurately measure 50 ml of 0.1% of methylene blue solution respectively to two 100-ml graduated cylinders with stoppers. Add 0.25 g of test sample previously dried to a constant weight to the first graduated cylinder and stop. At room temperature that is not less than 20℃, shake the sample vigorously for 5 minutes and filter the both solution through a dry filter paper. Accurately measure 25 ml of the filtrate respectively to two 250-ml volumetric flasks. Add 50 ml of 10% of sodium acetate to each flask. Mix, then to each flask accurately add 35 ml of iodine volumetric solution while swirling, tightly stop and mix. Shake the samples vigorously every 10 minutes. After 50 minutes, dilute to the volume with water and mix. Allow to stand for 10 minutes. Filter each through a dry filter paper. Accurately measure 100 ml of the filtrate; respectively titrate with sodium thiosulfate volumetric solution. The difference between the volumes of sodium thiosulfate used to titrate the filtrate is not less than 1.2 ml.
    +关注 私聊
  • poorlittle


    Please check the figures in the translation against the original (some missing and inaccuracy)

    hyheying 发表:下面是中国药典2005版中药用炭吸着力的一段翻译,贴出来让大家指正:
    吸着力: (1) 取干燥至恒重的本品1.0g,加0.12%硫酸奎宁溶液100ml ,在室温不低于20℃下,用力振摇5 分钟,立即用干燥的中速滤纸滤过,分取续滤液10ml,加盐酸1 滴与碘化汞钾试液5 滴,不得发生浑浊。
    (2) 精密量取0.1% 亚甲蓝溶液各50ml,分别置两个100ml 具塞量筒中,一筒中加干燥至恒重的本品0.25g,密塞,在室温不低于20℃下,强力振摇5 分钟,将两筒中的溶液分别用干燥的中速滤纸滤过,精密量取续滤液各25ml,分别置两个 250ml量瓶中,各加10%醋酸钠溶液50ml,摇匀后,在不断旋动下,精密加碘滴定液(0.05mol/L)35ml,密塞,摇匀,放置,每隔10分钟强力振摇1 次,50分钟后,用水稀释至刻度,摇匀,放置10分钟,分别用干燥滤纸滤过,精密量取续滤液各100ml,分别用硫代硫酸钠滴定液(0.1mol/L)滴定。两者消耗碘滴定液(0.05mol/L)的差数不得少于1.2ml。
    Absorbance capacity:   
    (1)Add 100 ml of 0.12% of quinoline sulfate into 1 gm of test sample previously dried to a constant weight. At room temperature that is not less than 20°C, shake the sample vigorously for 5 minutes and filter through a dry filter paper. Take 10 ml of filtrate and add 1 drop of hydrochloric acid and 5 drops of K2HgI4 TS. The solution should not turn turbid.
    (2)Accurately measure 50 ml of 0.1% of methylene blue solution respectively to two 100-ml graduated cylinders with stoppers. Add 0.25 g of test sample previously dried to a constant weight to the first graduated cylinder and stop. At room temperature that is not less than 20℃, shake the sample vigorously for 5 minutes and filter the both solution through a dry filter paper. Accurately measure 25 ml of the filtrate respectively to two 250-ml volumetric flasks. Add 50 ml of 10% of sodium acetate to each flask. Mix, then to each flask accurately add 35 ml of iodine volumetric solution while swirling, tightly stop and mix. Shake the samples vigorously every 10 minutes. After 50 minutes, dilute to the volume with water and mix. Allow to stand for 10 minutes. Filter each through a dry filter paper. Accurately measure 100 ml of the filtrate; respectively titrate with sodium thiosulfate volumetric solution. The difference between the volumes of sodium thiosulfate used to titrate the filtrate is not less than 1.2 ml.

    +关注 私聊
  • 影子



    poorlittle 发表:Please check the figures in the translation against the original (some missing and inaccuracy)

    +关注 私聊
  • happyjyl


    absorbance capacity应改为adsorptive capacity。



    absorbance - (physics) a measure of the extent to which a substance transmits light or other electromagnetic radiation

    1. Biology The movement of a substance, such as a liquid or solute, across a cell membrane by means of diffusion or osmosis.
    2. Chemistry The process by which one substance, such as a solid or liquid, takes up another substance, such as a liquid or gas, through minute pores or spaces between its molecules. A paper towel takes up water, and water takes up carbon dioxide, by absorption. Compare adsorption.
    3. Physics The taking up and storing of energy, such as radiation, light, or sound, without it being reflected or transmitted. During absorption, the energy may change from one form into another. When radiation strikes the electrons in an atom, the electrons move to a higher orbit or state of excitement by absorption of the radiation's energy.

    adsoprtion - The process by which molecules of a substance, such as a gas or a liquid, collect on the surface of another substance, such as a solid. The molecules are attracted to the surface but do not enter the solid's minute spaces as in absorption. Some drinking water filters consist of carbon cartridges that adsorb contaminants.


    +关注 私聊
  • happyjyl


    温度上的“不低于”一般用not lower than。

    hyheying 发表:在室温不低于20℃下
    At room temperature that is not less than 20°C

    +关注 私聊
  • poorlittle


    One of my jobs is metrological measurement, therefore I am very sensitive to the figures, 职业病. There may be consensus in your trade that there is no significant difference between 1.0 g and 1 g in operation (everybody knows, with his judgment, how to weight one gram sample). However, since 1.0g is stipulated in the original, it is advisable to use the same figure in the translation.

    Some figures such as (0.05mol/L), (0.1mol/L) do not appear in the translation. Are these figures important in performing a test?

    There are differences amongst “is not”, “should not” and “shall not”. Since this is an official document (mandatory guide?), please consider an appropriate word.

    不过, 这都是小问题, 瑕不掩瑜。

    hyheying 发表:不太明白你的意思?我检查了,中文与中国药典05版是一样的啊,这个只是关于吸着力的

    +关注 私聊
  • 影子



    poorlittle 发表:One of my jobs is metrological measurement, therefore I am very sensitive to the figures, 职业病. There may be consensus in your trade that there is no significant difference between 1.0 g and 1 g in operation (everybody knows, with his judgment, how to weight one gram sample). However, since 1.0g is stipulated in the original, it is advisable to use the same figure in the translation.

    Some figures such as (0.05mol/L), (0.1mol/L) do not appear in the translation. Are these figures important in performing a test?

    There are differences amongst “is not”, “should not” and “shall not”. Since this is an official document (mandatory guide?), please consider an appropriate word.
    原文由 happyjyl 发表:温度上的“不低于”一般用not lower than。


