


  • 悬赏金额:20积分状态:已解决
  • 题目见附件。


何当奇 2009/08/05

[quote]原文由 [B]hyheying[/B] 发表: [quote]原文由 [B]wenxina[/B] 发表: 看来20分恐怕送不出去了……[/quote] 有点难度,内容又多,恐怕无能无力啊[em09508] 楼主为什么不试着自己翻译?大家可以帮你改啊[/quote] 他要又不是翻译,单纯翻译的任务就好多了

影子 2009/08/05

[quote]原文由 [B]wenxina[/B] 发表: 看来20分恐怕送不出去了……[/quote] 有点难度,内容又多,恐怕无能无力啊[em09508] 楼主为什么不试着自己翻译?大家可以帮你改啊

阿宝 2009/08/02


爱杰杰 2009/08/02


jellyhu2000 2009/08/08

仔细看了你的附件,填空是来自你的教科书,比如第一空应该是工业革命(Industrial Revolution),2)contact 3)Haber ...仔细阅读一下应该能找到答案,可能要花比较多的时间。

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  • 中国龙



    lpr20 发表:附件在哪里?

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  • 爱杰杰



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  • 影子


    1. Filling the blanks in following paragraph
    Passage I
    The modern chemical industry came about during 1 about 1800. However, there was no 2 side of the industry to speak of before 1860. By the early years of the 20th century advances into synthetic pharmaceuticals and some new dyestuffs had been made, and two important processes-- 3 for sulphuric acid and 4 for ammonia were developed. The major industrial developments in organic chemicals initiated in the 1930-1940 period have continued since that time. Demand for 5 stimulated the explosive growth in petrochemicals in 1960s and 1970s. The chemical industry today is a very diverse sector of manufacturing industry. It makes thousands of different chemicals in the forms as raw materials, 6 and products, and it’s not as easy as it seems to definite “the chemical industry.”
    Chemical products arguably improve our lives and lifestyles, and we could not live the way we do without them. For example, agriculture relies on the chemical industry for its large quantities of 7 and 8 . Modern 9 and synthetic dyes provide a good market for clothing. We should also draw attention to the many life saving and therapeutic drugs and medicines produced by the 10 sector of the industry. Modern synthetic polymers play an increasing role in building industry, and plastics and polymers find many applications in leisure and transport areas.
    A major characteristic of the chemical industry is its great emphasis on 11 . The scale of operations within the industry ranges from quite small plants in the fine chemicals area extremely widespread use of 12 partly explain why the industry is 13 .

    wenxina 发表:题目见附件。

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  • 影子


    Passage Ⅱ
    There are enormous kinds of chemical compounds and the origins of are diverse, whereas most organic chemicals can 14 a single source. Now over 99% of organic chemicals are obtained from crude oil and natural gas via 15 . 16 and salt or brine are the important inorganic chemical sources. Some physical separation methods and the chemical treatment compose the 17 .
    Organic chemicals can be made from 18 , such as crude oil, natural gas and coal or 19 , such as carbohydrate. Although relative value of oil is much higher if it is used in chemical industry, most of it is still used as 20 .
    Carbohydrates may be a potential source of organic chemicals, viz. a major route of the 21 . Although this process is very 22 and it can make some very complex chemicals, it fails to compete with petrochemical for its high 23 cost, very slow reaction rate and very high 24 costs. Another source of organic chemicals is animal and vegetable oils and fats, which are mainly used in 25 and soap making.

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  • 影子


    2. Answer the following questions
    1)What are the contributions which the chemical industry has made to meet and satisfy our needs?
    2) Define the functions of the “pilot-plant”.
    3) What are the challenges that the basic chemical industry is now facing?
    4) Identify the major constitutes of petroleum.
    5) How many kinds of unit operations can you list?

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  • 影子


    3. Translate the following sentences into Chinese
    1) In continuous operations, material is usually not accumulated in the operation, and a material balance consists simply in charging the operation with all material entering and crediting the operation with all material leaving, in the same manner as used by any accountant. As long as the reaction is chemical and does not destroy or create atoms, it is proper and frequently very convenient to employ atoms as the basis for the material balance.
    2) Parallel developments in the discovery of modern synthetic dyes and the technology to bond them to the fiber has resulted in a tremendous increase in the variety of colors available to the fashion designer. Indeed they now span almost every color and hue of the visible spectrum. If a suitable shade is not available, structural modification of an existing dye to achieve this can readily be carried out, provided there is a satisfactory market for the product.
    3) In recent years, however, the most important process improvement activity has been to reduce the environmental impact of the process. Clearly, there have been two interlinked driving forces for this. Firstly, the public’s concern about the safety of chemicals and their effect on the environment and the legislation which has followed as a result of this. Secondly, the cost to the manufacturer of having to treat waste so that it can be safely disposed of , say by pumping into a river. This obviously represents a charge on the process which will increase the cost of the chemical being made.The potential for improvement by reducing the amount of waste is self-evident.
    4) The industry may well see increased consolidation as companies swap plants to achieve better economies of scale or better market position in specific products. This could leave an industry with far fewer players but with a better balance of supply and demand and better profitability. The industry will move more to serving the rest of the chemical industry and less to serving the farming industry.
    5) Agrochemicals, along with the pharmaceuticals sector, have constituted a bluechip sector of the chemical industry. Pharmaceuticals have been the glamorous sector of the industry for some years now because of their high levels of profitability—although this often seems to attract criticism that profits on some drugs are too high. The latter comments have to be set against the very high risks and costs of discovering and developing new products. This sector is unique in both its relationship with its custom,ers and the fact that demand for its products is little affected by economic recessions, in great contrast to all the other sectors.

    4. Writing a short paper within 250 words to describe what Chemical Engineering is .

    +关注 私聊
  • 何当奇



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  • 中国龙



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  • 影子



    wenxina 发表:看来20分恐怕送不出去了……


