
Guidelines for Keeping Lab Notebooks

  • nikang3148
  • 私聊


  • A laboratory notebook is a critical record events leading to patentable discovery. The information can help to establish dates of conception and reduction to practice and inventorship.


    #1 Do use bound books
    Use permanently bound notebooks

    #2 Do sign and date
    Each notebook should be signed and dated on the inside front cover and each entry should be signed and dated. An independent witness, i.e., someone who understands the technology but will not be named as co-inventor of the invention, should sign and date each entry after the statement:“ Read and understood by __.”(The witness should preferably sign the entries on a contemporaneous or fairly contemporaneous basis, but entries can also be reviewed, signed, and dated on a periodic, e.g., weekly or monthly, basis.)

    #3 Do use ink
    Notebook entries should be made in ink and in chronological order. Entries should not be erase or “whited out.” If an entry contains an error, a line should be draw through the error and new text should continue in the next available space.

    #4 Do use past tense
    Use the past tense (e.g. “was heated”) to describe the experiments that were actually performed.

    #5 Do explain abbreviations and special terms
    Explain all abbreviations and terms that are non-standard.

    #6 Do staple attachments
    Attachments (e.g. graphs, computer printouts) should be permanently affixed in the notebook (e.g. by stapling) and both the attachment and the notebook page signed and dated. Attachments that cannot be attached should be placed in an envelope and the envelope attached to the notebook page. The envelope and page should then be signed and witnessed making reference to the attachment being placed in the envelope.

    #7Do outline new experiments
    When a new project or experiment is started, the objective and rationale should be briefly outlined, in a short paragraph or by providing a flowchart.

    #8Do record lab meeting discussions
    relevant discussions from lab meetings should be recorded including ideas or suggestions made by others. The names of the people making the suggestions should be documented.

    #9Do provide detail
    Record test descriptions, including preferred operation conditions, control conditions, operable and preferred range of conditions. And alternate specific materials; test device. Conclusions should be short and supported by the factual data. Opinions or speculation about the invention should be avoided.

    #10 Do track notebooks
    Ideally, each lab should maintain a catalogue of notebooks in which each notebook is assigned a number, and the name of the author of each notebook is recorded.

    #11Do save completed notebooks
    All completed notebooks should be indexed (e.g. by number, by author, by subject area) and safely kept in a central repository.

    #12 Don’t leave blank spaces
    Blank gaps between entries should be avoided. If a blank space is left on a page, a line or cross should be drawn through the blank space and the page dated to prevent subsequent entries.

    #13 Don’t modify
    Prior entries should not be modified at a later date. If data were omitted, the new data can be entered under a new date and cross-referenced to the previous entry.

    #14Don’t remove originals
    No original page should be removed from the notebook.
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    +关注 私聊
  • 第4楼2005/12/08





    2. 务必签字和标日期

    3. 务必使用墨水













    +关注 私聊
  • 第5楼2005/12/08

    An independent witness, i.e., someone who understands the technology but will not be named as co-inventor of the invention, should sign and date each entry after the statement:“ Read and understood by __.”
    我的理解是:实验记录本应设计成这样的格式:每一页都印有“Read and understood by "的字样,每个独立的观察员(指那些不作为合作者而署名,但是理解实验技术的人员)在“Read and understood by "字样的空白处签名并写上日期。实验记录本的设计应当满足定期复查的需要,比如说,每月复查一次的,由于每次复查都要签名并写上日期,实验记录本的设计就应该做到每一页印有12条Read and understood by "。我觉得"The witness should preferably sign the entries on a contemporaneous or fairly contemporaneous basis, "意思是说每次定期复查应该在每个月的同一天,如果是每周复查,就应该在每周的同一天。

    Attachments (e.g. graphs, computer printouts)

    The envelope and page should then be signed and witnessed making reference to the attachment being placed in the envelope.

    Record test descriptions, including preferred operation conditions, control conditions, operable and preferred range of conditions.
    我的理解是:preferred operation conditions-最佳实验条件,比如HPLC里的最佳流速;control conditions-需要控制的条件,比如程序升温;operable and preferred range of conditions-许可的实验条件的范围,超出这个范围则实验失败或不准确,比如某滴定反应用酚酞作为指示剂,酚酞的变色范围是PH8.0-10.0,则该反应的operable and preferred range of conditions之一就是PH8.0-10.0。

    Prior entries should not be modified at a later date.
    我的理解是:Prior entries是指先前的记录,而不是主要的记录。因为所有的实验记录在之后都不能修改。

    No original page should be removed from the notebook
    我的理解是:实验记录本中的每一页原始记录都不能撕去。No在这里表示的意思是”不允许“,而不是”非“。用法同No Smoking(严禁吸烟)。


    +关注 私聊
  • 第6楼2005/12/08


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  • 第9楼2005/12/11

    Use permanently bound notebooks老师说是使用精装本,我不知道应该怎么看什么才是精装本呢?

    +关注 私聊
  • 第10楼2005/12/11

    Each notebook should be signed and dated on the inside front cover 是说签名还是作上标记啊?

    +关注 私聊
  • 第11楼2005/12/12

    permanently bound notebooks


    我在网上查了一篇美国法律关于Keeping Laboratory Notebooks的记录,其中一句如下:
    The following guidelines should be followed with respect to all laboratory notebooks:
    1.The notebook should have permanently bound pages which are consecutively numbered and should be used by a single engineer or scientist.

    Proper Maintenance of a Laboratory Notebook

    The United States laws implementing the general agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT) came into force on June 8, 1995. As a result, as of January 1, 1996, it has been possible for foreign inventors to establish a date of invention in a U.S. patent application by reference to knowledge
    or use of the invention in a foreign country which is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), or activity with respect to it in a foreign country which is a member of the WTO. Since United States patents are awarded to the first person to invent, not the first applicant, an applicant's ability to obtain a patent for his invention may often depend upon how well he
    documents inventive foreign activity with respect to his invention. This applies, not only to the situation in which an inventor becomes involve in an interference, but also when he wishes to avoid or "swear behind" a reference applied against an application by proving a prior date of invention.

    Under the new law, it therefore becomes essential for foreign inventors to maintain an accurate and well-documented laboratory notebook.

    The following guidelines should be followed with respect to all laboratory notebooks:
    1.The notebook should have permanently bound pages which are consecutively numbered and should be used by a single engineer or scientist.
    2.Ideas, calculations and experimental results should be entered into the notebook as soon as possible, preferably the same date they occur, so that the laboratory notebook becomes a daily record of the inventor's activities.
    3.All entries should be made in the notebook in permanent black ink and should be as legible and complete as possible. Do not use abbreviations, code names or product codes without defining them clearly.
    4.Draw a line through all errors. Do not erase.
    5.Entries should always be made in the notebook without skipping pages or leaving empty spaces at the bottom of a page. If you wish to start an entry on a new page, draw a line through any unused portion of the previous page.
    6.Never tear out or remove a page from the notebook.
    7.Each page should be signed with the inventor's full name and dated. No entry should be changed or added to after signature. If the inventor has any additional information or corrections, a new entry should be made.
    8.Each page of the notebook should be witnessed, signed and dated by a colleague who understands the inventor's work. This should preferably occur daily and certainly no less frequently than weekly. The witness should not be a direct contributor to the work being reported.
    9.If an additional entry is made between the initial and final pages recording an experiment, the entry should identify the page on which the previous entry for that experiment occurs.
    10.When the laboratory notebook is completely filled and is no longer required for reference, it should be indexed and stored in a safe location and, thereafter, handled in accordance with the company's established record retention and destruction policy for such documents.

    Some factors which reduce the value or credibility of your laboratory notebook:

    illegible entries are totally worthless;
    unsigned or undated pages are almost totally worthless;
    notebook pages which have not been witnessed are almost as bad as unsigned and undated pages;
    a long delay between the signing of the page by the inventor and the witness raises questions;
    consecutive notebook pages which are not dated in chronological order raise questions;
    missing notebook pages raise questions;
    erasures and deletions raise questions -- instead, any later discovered mistakes should be corrected and explained on the next available blank page, referencing the page with the mistake.

    In modern laboratories it is often the habit of engineers to maintain records of their work in computer files. We do not believe that computer files can provide sufficient evidence of invention. The reason for having invention records is to be able to prove the earliest date of invention. Since computer records can be updated and changed at will, and their dates are subject
    to tampering, they cannot serve as evidence that their content was created at a particular time. With a bound notebook, it is clear that the work occurred in a particular sequence and was witnessed by others. Also, scientific experiments can be conducted on the ink and paper in a notebook to prove their age.

    If bound notebooks have not been kept, written invention disclosure forms submitted by the inventors to their intellectual property departments may be the best available evidence. Therefore, they should be a complete description of the invention, dated and signed by the inventor. They should also be witnessed, as soon as possible, by someone capable of understanding
    the invention.

    It may be difficult and somewhat expensive for companies to maintain invention records in a bound notebook. As a result, this procedure may not be followed in many cases. Nevertheless, the new statute provides benefits to foreign inventors by at least allowing them to prove dates of invention as early as the submission of disclosures to their company's intellectual property department or domestic patent agents.

    +关注 私聊
  • 第12楼2005/12/12


    +关注 私聊
  • 第13楼2005/12/12


    nikang3148 发表:Each notebook should be signed and dated on the inside front cover 是说签名还是作上标记啊?


