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【序号】:4 【题名】:Observation of melt onset on multiyear Arctic sea ice using the ERS 1 synthetic aperture radar 【作者】:Winebrenner, D. P., E. D. Nelson, R. Colony, and R. D. West 【期刊】:JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH 【年卷期】:VOL. 99, NO. C11, PP. 22,425-22,441, 1994 【链接】:http://www.agu.org/journals/ABS/1994/94JC01268.shtml
【序号】:5 【题名】:Application of a SeaWinds/QuikSCAT sea ice melt algorithm for assessing melt dynamics in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago 【作者】:Howell, S. E. L., A. Tivy, J. J. Yackel, and R. K. Scharien 【期刊】:JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH 【年卷期】:VOL. 111, C07025, 21 PP., 2006 【链接】:http://www.agu.org/journals/ABS/2006/2005JC003193.shtml