The procedure of a Table monograph是主语,direct是及物动词,意思是指导/引向,如果是指导要称重,direct在这里是用错了。更大问题是and finely powder,这个是连接词,但连接甚么呢?and的前后要平行,如果and前是动作,and后也是动作;and前是名词,and后也是名词,所以在这句真的搞不懂要称重跟幼细粉状有甚么关连。最后reduced to powder是需要a 的,“take a powder”是一句俗语,平常不用讲a powder,中文也不会讲一颗粉。
Where the procedure of a Table monograph requires to weigh the tablet in fine powder form, and the number of tablets used shall be not less than a give number, the exact number of tablets used shall be counted and reduce to powder before weighing.