


  • A. Memorizing Words Easily and Ebbinghaus curve
    Memorizing Words Easily is designed by Jiang Gang, distributed by Pugongying Company. A computer with a 486-66DX CPU, 16M RAM, 80M hard disk, is needed. It is a green software. When you uninstall it, there will be no garbage left. It first appeared in 1993, and is loved by millions of people for years. Many of them challenge to themselves, pursue perfection. For most of them, it is the first rightful edition of software, and is frequently used. It has strong functions, such as First Memorization of New Words, Intensification of Review, Interesting Target Practice, Exercise the Power of Listening, so on. Twelve functions are available.
    The designer Jiang Gang, has 8 years of teaching experience, and has made deep research on the teaching methods. For the first time, he put the Hermann Ebbinghaus' Forgetting Curve theory into the memorization cycle. The difficulty levels of all the words and example sentences have been carefully analyzed, and everyone of whatever background will find the proper level to start with, to grow, and to succeed.
    Memorizing Words Easily is based on the scientific theory of Hermann Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve:
    In information processing, memorization is the process of encoding, storing and retrieving the input information. The input information is accepted in the stage of perception, and then enters short-term memory. Nevertheless, the input information will be forgotten without prompt repetition. So forgetting is those we have memorized can’t be recognized or recalled, or wrong recognition and memory. Ebbinghaus in 1885 did an experiment on memory. He chose some meaningless syllables and later got some data (see Table 1). Ebbinghaus drew a curve (see Graph 1) by these data, which is the famous Ebbinghaus’ forgetting curve. The vertical axis represents the amount of memory while the abscissa axis means the fixed time. The curve displays the change of the amount of memory: forgetting is unbalanced, which is fast in the initial stage, and later slows down. At last, after a long time, forgetting will not occur. Forgetting is very fast on the first day, of which 25 percent remains. Later, the speed of forgetting slows down, and the amount of forgetting is less.
    Table 1
    Ebbinghaus’ experiment data on memory
    Time interval    Amount of memory
    Just finished remembering    100%
    20 minutes later    58.2%
    One hour later    44.2%
    8-9 hours later    35.8%
    One day later    33.7%
    2 days later    27.8%
    6 days later    25.4%
    One month later    21.1%
    Graph 1 Hermann Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (days)
    Memorizing Words Easily has 16908 sample sentences. When you are memorizing new words, the software will look up the sample sentences automatically, and display them on the screen. This will help you to better understand the meaning of it, and better memorize them. The sample sentences are read by qualified foreign teachers.
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  • thl315


    B. Selection of vocabulary books
    First, you should select the vocabulary book to start with. The books cover all levels of students, from primary school to college education, GRE, TOEFL, GMAT, IELTS, and MBA, so on. According to your major, you could decide which class of books to start with. For example, a self-taught student shall select the Self-taught class, while a junior high school student shall select the Junior High School English class. A proper difficulty level is very necessary. If it is too difficult, the following exercise will be frustrating. But if it is too easy, it will waste the precious time. Usually, you can guess directly from the menu the difficulty level of the book. If not, just select it, and open it to see if the words are too difficult. Usually, if less than half of the words are new to you, the difficult level is proper. Otherwise, it is too difficult.
    C. The first time memorization of new words
    After the vocabulary book is selected, you can now begin the first time memorization of new words. All your exercises are done through the typing of the keyboard. In the morning, allocate half hour for the task. But in the beginning, if your fingers are not very adroit, just get up earlier, and put more time on it. Several days ago, your fingers will get more dexterous, you will need only half hour to finish the job. The default setting of words number is 25 per group. It is unnecessary to change it. Every morning, three groups of them shall be memorized. That is to say, 75 words will enter your mind each day.
    Click at each word in the menu, the computer will read the word, and its sample sentences will appear at the right side of the screen. If you click at sample sentences, the computer will read them too. One word by one word, all of them shall be clicked. At meantime, notice the spelling of the words, especially those you are not familiar with. Then begin clicking at them again. This time, pay more attention to the spelling of unfamiliar words. Don’t be hurry. Just be calm. Now, click at them for the third time. Make sure that you can spell out every word in the menu. If so, click the Test button, to test if you really know them. The paraphrase of the words will appear on top of the screen, and the computer will read them out one by one. At the middle of the screen, a cursor is flickering, waiting for you to input the words. Just input it, and press the Enter key. If the input is correct, the computer will give you a signal. If not, another signal. Then another word will appear on the screen, till the last one. If you give wrong answers, the computer will tell you to input them again, and again, till you give correct answers. When the test is over, according to the time and the answers of your input, the computer will mark for the test. The highest is 100, while less then 60 is disqualified.
    D. Intensification of review
    After a successful cycle of the first time memorization of new words, you can now enter the third step: intensification of review. Click the button Intensification of Review on the main menu, you will see a small plane on a curve. The curve is similar to Ebbinghaus curve. From the curve, we can see that in the same day, the word should be reviewed twice. Then the next day, it should be reviewed once. By this way, two days later and three days later it should also be reviewed. In a week, a word will be reviewed five times.
    When the plane is clicked, again the paraphrase will appear, and the computer will read it again. A cursor flickers, waiting for you input. Just input the word and press Enter. The computer will not tell you it is right or wrong right after your input. When you have inputted all of them, it will ask you to submit your answers. Then the computer will check the answers one by one. If there are wrong answers, it will ask you to input them again. Then computer will mark for the review. If the mark is over 60, the small plane will disappear. The next day, it will appear and fly further to the next stop on the curve automatically.
    The computer will decide for you when you should review a group of new words. You are only needed to turn on the computer each day, click at the planes on the screen till all of them disappeared. Before you begin a new task, make sure that you have calmed down. The pose is also very important. Adjust the height of your desk, and seat. When typing, put your hands on the keyboard gently, moving your fingers lightly and easily, like flying on the keyboard. Try to develop a feeling, that you are playing a game, not doing a hard job. Be passionate and active. Days and months later, you will love playing it,and the new words will be engraved into your mind quietly.

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  • happyjyl




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  • thl315


    在我学英语的过程中,用到薄公英的轻轻松背单词, 金山词霸,Sitman PC repeater, 等到软件.其中,背单词软件帮我在两个月记完本科段词汇.

    在学二外日语的过程中,用到日语一典通(带输入法), 日语背单词(需自己录入词汇,自己定时间)



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  • zongjianmin



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  • benben_xm



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  • happyjyl



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  • yunliangguo



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  • thl315


    日语一典通有90M, 可以网上下载.轻轻松松背单词有1000M, 没法上传.

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  • thl315


    斑竹可以从网上下载.是免费的. 叫"日语背单词180".

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  • jiangping



    thl315 发表:在我学英语的过程中,用到薄公英的轻轻松背单词, 金山词霸,Sitman PC repeater, 等到软件.其中,背单词软件帮我在两个月记完本科段词汇.

    在学二外日语的过程中,用到日语一典通(带输入法), 日语背单词(需自己录入词汇,自己定时间)




