别人给我讲说40度不出峰,我还不相信,我说再试试,同时看看50度出峰吗。我问40度升温的方法有什么是否甚至不妥的地方吗,发现进样口分流比较大,为10:1,无溶剂延迟。由于当时没有看到色谱图,我想是不是一下子进入MS的溶剂太多而MS保护不采样呢?我说把分流比加大试试看出峰,结果分流比到100:1,还是不出峰。 以前为了回答网友的问题“分析柱子采用恒压模式才能保证正确一致的柱后分流效果,不能采用恒流模式”,也看过英文版“微板流路控制器分流器”的说明。其中一段话如下: Constant pressure operation The splitter uses a source of makeup gassupplied by electronic pneumatics control (EPC). This maintains the splitterat a known and constant pressure. Constant pressure allows easier splittingto vacuum detectors like the MSD. It simplifies choice of splitter parameters,allowing all aspects of the chromatographic setup to be calculated. Constantpressure makeup allows the column to be run in constant flow mode while stillmaintaining a constant split ratio between two detectors of different operatingpressures such as the FPD and the MSD. Because theEPC pressure can be time programmed, useful operations like backflushing unwanted heavymaterials from the column and changing columns in MSD systems withoutventing are possible. 大意是分流器用EPC提供补充气,分流器是恒压的(不是网友讲的分析柱子采用恒压模式才能保证正确一致的柱后分流效果,不能采用恒流模式)…….关键一句话(下划线文字)是讲(分流器)恒压补充气能让恒流模式下的分析柱子仍然在两个像FPD和MSD不同压力的检测器之间保持恒定的分流比。按照这段话讲就不会出现上面前后分流不一致的情况。但为什么会造成这种问题呢?