序号:1 题目:Targeted imaging of EGFR overexpressed cancer cells by brightly fluorescent nanoparticles conjugated with cetuximab 期刊: nanoscale 作者:Meng Gao,aHuifang Su,bGengwei Lin,aShiwu Li,aXingsu Yu,bAnjun Qin,aZujin Zhao,*aZhenfeng Zhang*b and Ben Zhong Tang*acd 链接:http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2016/nr/c6nr04439e#!divAbstract 序号:2 题目:Catching a virus in a molecular net 期刊: nanoscale
作者:L. Delalande,aI. B. Tsvetkova,*aC. Zeng,aK. Bond,aM. F. Jarrolda and B. Dragnea*a 链接:http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2016/nr/c6nr04469g 序号:3 题目:Topotactic synthesis of the overlooked multilayer silicene intercalation compound SrSi2 期刊: nanoscale