eMolecules - Searching the World's ChemistryTM
Welcome to eMolecules ... the chemical search engine you've been waiting for. We have actively assembled the world's largest repository of publicly accessible chemistry information. Now, it's easier and faster than ever to find the chemical information necessary to do your work more efficiently and effectively.
Draw chemical structures using drawing packages such as JME, ISIS/Draw, ChemDraw or ChemSketch.
Instantly search over 5.6 million unique chemical structures from more than 140 leading chemical suppliers, including Acros, ASINEX, ChemBridge, ChemDiv, Comgenex, Enamine, Fluka, Key Organics, Life Chemicals, Maybridge, Otava, Sigma-Aldrich, Specs, and others.
Search results include valuable reference links to properties and spectra from sources such as DrugBank, National Cancer Institute, NIST WebBook, PubChem, EPA and more.
Use powerful list management and export tools to facilitate internal compound screening and analytics.
Select compounds, create a list and automatically generate requests for quote from selected vendors.
What else is cool about eMolecules search?
eMolecules is designed and built by chemists; it's optimized for the special needs of chemistry professionals.
We search the way you think, using molecular structures to visualize, understand and search for chemistry data.
The eMolecules thesaurus has amassed a comprehensive chemistry name space — including common names, IUPAC names and trade names — with corresponding chemical structures.
We will continue to add valuable information such as calculated properties, MSDS, assay data, spectra, NMR and more.
eMolecules is bringing of the power of Web 2.0 to chemists around the world.
The wait is over ... start using the world's most powerful online chemical informatics system today.