

  • nanfeiyan9999
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  • 悬赏金额:30积分状态:已解决
  • 抗生素药品说明书的内容

    1.Annotated pages from Part1 Specificaitons and clean pages of Section 1 Specifications are attached。
    说明书PartⅡE 1.1部分注释页和说明书Section 3.2.P.5.1相互联系。(“相互联系”是否有更好的翻译方法?)

    2.Scale Up Batch#3

    3.Engineering Run(注释:是否有人在类似翻译里见过这个?)

    4.This practice was necessary due to the large sample-to-sample variability that has been observed from samples pulled from different filing time points in the process (i.e.,differences are observed from vials pulled at the beginning,the middle and the end of the filling process)。因为在不同时间装瓶的样品可观察到明显的样品间差异(如:在样品测定发现,装瓶的前期,中期和后期装入药瓶的样品,测定结果即具有差异)。(注释:前期中期后期是什么啊?)
    mhq111111: 请指出这个实验测定的是什么项目?我直觉不是装瓶而是从瓶中抽取液体。

    5.The changes in chromatographic performance for BM-55 may result from the degredates pH dependent ionization state。

    6.色谱柱: Poraplor Q-HT (25 m x0.53 mm, with a 2.5 m particle trap), 20 μm film thickness or equivalent column。
    进样器: 200℃, packed inlet w/adapter
    Helium Flow(carrier gas): 8mL/ min. 氦气流速 (载气)
    Reference Flow: 48 ml/min.
    Auxilliary Flow: 4 nil/mrn. (注释:气相的参数相,都是什么意思啊?我查了以前HPPY斑竹发过的一个相关帖子和其他资料,但还是不明白。辅助气应该是空气和氢气,但Reference Flow: 48 ml/min.是空气吗?)

    7.Determination of Net Contents Assay,Degradates,Content Uniformity and Identity of EP-55 in the Drug Product by Gradient HPLC。通过HPLC梯度洗脱法检测药品中EP-55效价,降解产物,含量均匀度和鉴定EP-55.(注释:本文为抗生素,其中Assay应该翻译成效价,但整句总觉得协调不好。)

    8.Weigh approximately 50mg of a previously released lot of EP-55 drug substance into a 25mL volumetric flask。称量约50mg以前生产的BM-55药品,放入25ml容量瓶中。(注释:a previously released lot怎么翻译合适?)

    9.Those peaks which are bulk drug process impurities are disregarded,since they are controlled in the active pharmaceutical ingredient。不考虑原料药杂质峰,因为其在活性成分中的含量得到控制。(注释:整句因果关系及bulk drug process impurities是什么?)

    10.Inject the Sample Preparations such that each sample set is bracketed by a Working Standard Solution。注入样品,每个样品组由进样用标准溶液得到。

penn007 2007/08/23

1.Annotated pages from Part1 Specificaitons and clean pages of Section 1 Specifications are attached。 说明书PartⅡE 1.1部分注释页和说明书Section 3.2.P.5.1相互联系。(“相互联系”是否有更好的翻译方法?) -----→>﹥同意2楼:一般说来……are attached是见附件的意思。比如参考EP制定了一个质量标准,就要把EP作为附件列在资料后面,这时就用attatched。再比如电子邮件的附件也可以用attatched. 2.Scale Up Batch#3 工艺放大后的批号3样品(注释:表格的一个空格内容) -----→>﹥工艺放大后的第3个批号 3.Engineering Run(注释:是否有人在类似翻译里见过这个?) -----→>﹥同意3楼:engineering run-这个词在工程学里有试生产、工程验证的意思。通常在正式生产前进行。 4.This practice was necessary due to the large sample-to-sample variability that has been observed from samples pulled from different filing time points in the process (i.e.,differences are observed from vials pulled at the beginning,the middle and the end of the filling process)。因为在不同时间装瓶的样品可观察到明显的样品间差(如:在样品测定发现,装瓶的前期,中期和后期装入药瓶的样品,测定结果即具有差异)。(注释:前期中期后期是什么啊?) [color=red]mhq111111: 请指出这个实验测定的是什么项目?我直觉不是装瓶而是从瓶中抽取液体。[/color] 不同意23楼:filling process我的理解是6个进样小瓶放同一种液体,测试重现性。由于进样时间不同,结果会有误差。事实上,短期的稳定性实验也是这样做,不过时间间隔为0,4,8,12,24,48h。 -----→>﹥filling process我的理解:虽然vial可以指HPLC 或 GC进样时用的进样瓶也可以指放进注射液的药品瓶,我认为samples pulled from different filing time points in the process 是指在灌装注射液(或药粉)入药品瓶的生产过程中,从不同灌装时间点拿出的样品瓶。at the beginning,the middle and the end of the filling process是指在一个生产批号中在生产的开始、中间和结束时的时间段(或点)。总体大意是:英文作者想说精确度(重现性,n=6, 在同一实验室内用同样一个样品储液)随生产中取样的不同有大的差异(虽然我认为不好理解) -----→>﹥i.e.是Latin字id est的缩写, 中文意思:that is(也就是) 5.The changes in chromatographic performance for BM-55 may result from the degredates pH dependent ionization state。 BM-55色谱参数改变可能来自于降解产物pH依赖的离子状态。 -----→>﹥同意11楼:降解产物的离子状态取决于pH,这就是BM-55色谱行为改变的原因。 [color=red] May: 就是 [/color] 6.色谱柱: Poraplor Q-HT (25 m x0.53 mm, with a 2.5 m particle trap), 20 μm film thickness or equivalent column 。 进样器: 200℃, packed inlet w/adapter Helium Flow(carrier gas): 8mL/ min. 氦气流速 (载气) Reference Flow: 48 ml/min. Auxilliary Flow: 4 nil/mrn. (注释:[url=https://insevent.instrument.com.cn/t/Mp][color=#3333ff]气相[/color][/url]的参数相,都是什么意思啊?我查了以前HPPY斑竹发过的一个相关帖子和其他资料,但还是不明白。辅助气应该是空气和氢气,但Reference Flow: 48 ml/min.是空气吗?) -----→>﹥我不知道,同意16楼 7.Determination of Net Contents Assay,Degradates,Content Uniformity and Identity of EP-55 in the Drug Product by Gradient HPLC。通过HPLC梯度洗脱法检测药品中EP-55效价,降解产物,含量均匀度和鉴定厄他培南.(注释:本文为抗生素,其中Assay应该翻译成效价,但整句总觉得协调不好。)通过HPLC梯度洗脱法来做该药品的鉴别、含量均匀度和主成分与降解产物的定量。 -----→>﹥Net Contents Assay 应该翻译成:活性物净含量(主成分或有效组分含量) 8.Weigh approximately 50mg of a previously released lot of EP-55 drug substance into a 25mL volumetric flask。称量约50mg以前生产的BM-55药品,放入25ml容量瓶中。(注释:apreviously released lot怎么翻译合适?) -----→>﹥同意11楼: 在本批样品之前放行的批次(既然是放行,肯定是检验合格的,lqqer的理解是对的)。质量保证部门(QA,在北美药厂内部唯一有权放行药品批号的部门)已经放行了的批号,可能在仓库或已经销售到市场。 9.Those peaks which are bulk drug process impurities are disregarded,since they are controlled in the active pharmaceutical ingredient。不考虑原料药杂质峰,因为其在活性成分中的含量得到控制。(注释:整句因果关系及bulk drug process impurities是什么?) -----→>﹥同意11楼:因为在活性成分中已经控制了原料药杂质,因此原料药杂质峰可忽略。bulk drug是那种大桶装的药物(一般是先用双层塑料袋包好再放入桶中),既可以是原料药,也可以是制剂中间体或还没有进行市售包装的成品。process impuroties是工艺杂质,是指药品在制备工艺过程中引入的杂质,它包括原料药中本身含有的杂质、没有反应完全的反应物、反应过程中所生成的中间体及副产物、反应过程中所使用的试剂及催化剂等。工艺杂质和降解产物是药品中最主要的杂质。 10.Inject the Sample Preparations such that each sample set is bracketed by a Working Standard Solution。注入样品,每个样品组由进样用标准溶液得到。 -----→>﹥同意11楼:每个样品组进样前先进一针工作标准品溶液。 对于HPLC进样:如果测定活性成分含量,一般进样顺序是:Trial STD Solution (Check system suitabilty to meet USP 30 supp. 1 & 2 requirments, such as Retention Time, resolution, USP Plate Count, k prime = capacity factor and/or tailing factor ) → 5 or 6 STD Injections (Meet RSD requirments) → Control STD Injection (Meet recovery requirments) → [color=red] 5 or 6 Sample (SPL) Injections → Check STD Injection→ 5 or 6 Sample (SPL) Injections → Check STD Injection →[/color]....

happyjyl 2007/08/23

[quote]原文由 [B]penn007[/B] 发表: filling process我的理解:虽然vial可以指HPLC 或 GC进样时用的进样瓶也可以指放进注射液的药品瓶,我认为samples pulled from different filing time points in the process 是指在灌装注射液(或药粉)入药品瓶的生产过程中,从不同灌装时间点拿出的样品瓶。at the beginning,the middle and the end of the filling process是指在一个生产批号中在生产的开始、中间和结束时的时间段(或点)。[/quote] 同意这个观点。

poorlittle 2007/08/23

[quote]原文由 [B]happyjyl[/B] 发表: repeatablity是[color=#DC143C]重复性[/color],是指[color=#DC143C]同一实验室[/color]的分析人员用相同的分析法在短时间内对同一样品重复测定结果之间的相对标准偏差。[color=#DC143C]reproducibility[/color]才是重现性(又叫再现性),是指[color=#DC143C]不同实验室[/color]的不同分析人员用相同分析对同一被测对象测定结果之间的相对标准偏差。)[/quote] Basically correct, but not completely. For the full details of Repeatability and Reproducibility, please refer to Clause 5.6 and 5.7 of JJF1001-1998 通用计量术语及定义 When I was deployed to the laboratory several years ago, I knew very little about testing. I even did not know whether error = indicated value – true value or true value – indicated value. At that time, the “International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in Metrology (VIM)” was my ABC book for my career in metrology. The VIM and JJF1101-1998 are highly recommended for everyone in the field of testing. [img]https://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/affix.gif[/img][url=http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/download.asp?ID=61961]JJF1001-1998 籵蚚數講扲逄摯隅砱[/url] [img]https://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/images/affix.gif[/img][url=http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/download.asp?ID=61961]JJF1001-1998 通用计量术语及定义[/url]

深海的海豚 2007/08/22

[quote]原文由 [B]nanfeiyan9999[/B] 发表: 8.Weigh approximately 50mg of a previously released lot of EP-55 drug substance into a 25mL volumetric flask。称量约50mg以前生产的BM-55药品,放入25ml容量瓶中。(注释:a previously released lot怎么翻译合适?) [/quote] a previously released lot译成"上批"如何? 是否在试验过程中,用上批合格样品进行的一种对比试验? 我们有做到过。

happy水中月 2007/08/22

GC [E- I .C.]法检测水,条件如下: 色谱柱: Poraplor Q-HT (25 m x0.53 mm, with a 2.5 m particle trap),20 μm film thickness or equivalent column。 (色谱柱:Poraplor Q-HT (25 m x0.53 mm, 带有2.5m的粒子阱,可能是做类似[url=https://insevent.instrument.com.cn/t/5p][color=#3333ff]液相[/color][/url]的预柱使用,膜厚20μm或同等的。它分析要求的柱子和我们买的商业柱子不同,它是我们通常使用的毛细管柱子中口径最大的那种。我想我们通常做水分分析用填充柱,它这是介于毛细和填充柱子之间的用法。) 进样器: 200℃, packed inlet w/adapter(带气体适配器) 检测器: TCD ,250℃温度下 柱箱温度: 90℃加热5分钟;每分钟25℃的增加速率直到250℃;250℃保持5分钟。每两针之间,系统在90℃ 平衡1分钟。 进样体积: 1.0 μL 保留时间: 水为~l-2 分钟. Helium Flow(carrier gas): 8mL/ min(载气为氦气8mL/ min) Reference Flow: 48 ml/min.(参比气体48 ml/min,是由检测器决定的,它仪器有一个参比池。) Auxilliary Flow: 4 ml/min.(辅组气4 ml/min,类似我们以前说的尾吹气,它是由检测器和毛细管柱决定) 系统适应性: 测得水峰的进样精密度,和水峰与甲醇峰的分离度。 我也不是很清楚,介绍GC的就是这部分,主要用于检测放行检验中的水检验.

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  • poorlittle


    Scale Up Batch#3
    mhq111111: 是3批样品不是批号3样品。

    But I did read some papers in which #1, #2, #3…. were used to represent No. 1, No. 2 No. 3…… “批号3样品” may be correct, but still depends on the requirement of this form as this is a表格的一个空格内容.


    i.e., differences are observed from vials pulled at the beginning,the middle and the end of the filling process…..

    i.e. =in other words 即; 换句话说就是…….
    e.g. =for example 如; 例如


    1. Annotated pages from Part1 Specificaitons and clean pages of Section 1 Specifications are attached。
    说明书PartⅡE 1.1部分注释页和说明书Section 3.2.P.5.1相互联系。(“相互联系”是否有更好的翻译方法?)
    mhq111111: 可以译为相关。

    附上 “Annotated pages from Part1 Specificaitons” 和 “clean pages of Section 1 Specifications”

    Why相互联系? Any typing error (or missing) in the English version?
    What is clean page?

    +关注 私聊
  • happyjyl


    一般说来……are attached是见附件的意思。比如参考EP制定了一个质量标准,就要把EP作为附件列在资料后面,这时就用attatched。再比如电子邮件的附件也可以用attatched.

    +关注 私聊
  • happyjyl


    engineering run-这个词在工程学里有试生产、工程验证的意思。

    +关注 私聊
  • nanfeiyan9999


    3.Engineering Run(注释:是否有人在类似翻译里见过这个?也是表格的一个空格内容,底下显示的是1,2,3等样品号,但我不知道该译为"试验运行还是样品编号之类?)

    4.This practice was necessary due to the large sample-to-sample variability that has been observed from samples pulled from different filing time points in the process (i.e.,differences are observed from vials pulled at the beginning,the middle and the end of the filling process)。因为在不同时间装瓶的样品可观察到明显的样品间差异(如:在样品测定发现,装瓶的前期,中期和后期装入药瓶的样品,测定结果即具有差异)。(注释:前期中期后期是什么啊?)
    mhq111111: 请指出这个实验测定的是什么项目?我直觉不是装瓶而是从瓶中抽取液体。

    5.The changes in chromatographic performance for BM-55 may result from the degredates pH dependent ionization state。

    6.色谱柱: Poraplor Q-HT (25 m x0.53 mm, with a 2.5 m particle trap), 20 μm film thickness or equivalent column。
    进样器: 200℃, packed inlet w/adapter
    Helium Flow(carrier gas): 8mL/ min. 氦气流速 (载气)
    Reference Flow: 48 ml/min.
    Auxilliary Flow: 4 nil/mrn. (注释:气相的参数相,都是什么意思啊?我查了以前HPPY斑竹发过的一个相关帖子和其他资料,但还是不明白。辅助气应该是空气和氢气,但Reference Flow: 48 ml/min.是空气吗?)

    8.Weigh approximately 50mg of a previously released lot of EP-55 drug substance into a 25mL volumetric flask。称量约50mg以前生产的BM-55药品,放入25ml容量瓶中。(注释:a previously released lot怎么翻译合适?)

    9.Those peaks which are bulk drug process impurities are disregarded,since they are controlled in the active pharmaceutical ingredient。不考虑原料药杂质峰,因为其在活性成分中的含量得到控制。(注释:整句因果关系及bulk drug process impurities是什么?)

    10.Inject the Sample Preparations such that each sample set is bracketed by a Working Standard Solution。注入样品,每个样品组由进样用标准溶液得到。

    +关注 私聊
  • 深海的海豚


    a previously released lot译成"上批"如何?

    nanfeiyan9999 发表:8.Weigh approximately 50mg of a previously released lot of EP-55 drug substance into a 25mL volumetric flask。称量约50mg以前生产的BM-55药品,放入25ml容量瓶中。(注释:a previously released lot怎么翻译合适?)

  • 该帖子已被管理者-设置为精华,下面是奖励记录:加3积分,加3声望
    +关注 私聊
  • nanfeiyan9999


    But I did read some papers in which #1, #2, #3…. were used to represent No. 1, No. 2 No. 3…… “批号3样品” may be correct, but still depends on the requirement of this form as this is a表格的一个空格内容.工艺放大翻译的对吗?


    i.e., differences are observed from vials pulled at the beginning,the middle and the end of the filling process…..

    i.e. =in other words 即; 换句了话说就是…….
    e.g. =for example 如; 例如
    哈哈,强,我真是没想过这问题.但filling process…是装药的过程吗?


    Why相互联系? Any typing error (or missing) in the English version?
    What is clean page?没打错,就是这个,我也纳闷呢,空白页?那还能有什么联系啊?也没有上下文.[/quote]

    +关注 私聊
  • nanfeiyan9999


    1.Annotated pages from Part1 Specificaitons and clean pages of Section 1 Specifications are attached。
    说明书Part1部分注释页和说明书Section 1相互联系。(“相互联系”是否有更好的翻译方法?)

    happyjyl 发表:一般说来……are attached是见附件的意思。比如参考EP制定了一个质量标准,就要把EP作为附件列在资料后面,这时就用attatched。再比如电子邮件的附件也可以用attatched.

    +关注 私聊
  • happyjyl


    那你有没有看到annotated pages和clean pages呢?它所谓的clean pages上面有哪些内容呢?

    nanfeiyan9999 发表:1.Annotated pages from Part1 Specificaitons and clean pages of Section 1 Specifications are attached。
    说明书Part1部分注释页和说明书Section 1相互联系。(“相互联系”是否有更好的翻译方法?)

    +关注 私聊
  • nanfeiyan9999


    a previously released lot译成"上批"如何?

    +关注 私聊
  • nanfeiyan9999


    是呀我就是没有这部分clean pages上面的内容,我确信其它部分也没看到.我再看看

    happyjyl 发表:那你有没有看到annotated pages和clean pages呢?它所谓的呢?


