

报价 ¥100万 - 150万













Provides higher-resolution images through optimization of the electron optics system

With the newly developed tabletop microscope TM3030, Hitachi High-Tech has improved the resolution of observed images in order to meet the needs of customers seeking to perform high-resolution observations without sample preparation. By optimizing the electron optics system, Hitachi High-Tech has provided a “5kV mode” that enables sharper observations of the finest structures of sample surfaces, which cannot be observed at high accelerating voltages. Observations under high magnification also provide sharper, higher resolution observation images.

Tabletop Microscope TM30030 Specifications



Magnification 15 to 30,000× (digital zoom: 2×, 4×)
Observation condition 5kV/15kV/EDX
Observation mode Standard mode 
Charge-up reduction mode
Image mode COMPO/Shadow 1/Shadow 2/TOPO
Sample stage traverse X: ±17.5mm, Y: ±17.5mm
Maximum sample size 70mm in diameter
Maximum sample height 50mm
Electron gun Pre-centered cartridge filament
Signal detection system High-sensitive semiconductor 
4-segment BSE detector
Auto image adjustment function Auto start, Auto focus, Auto brightness/contrast
Frame memory 640 × 480 pixels, 1,280 × 960 pixels
Image data memory HDD of PC and other removal media
Image format BMP, TIFF, JPEG
Data display Micron marker, micron value, date and time, image number and comments, Image mode, Observation condition, D*(Distance), Observation mode
Evacuation system (vacuum pump) Turbomolecular pump: 30L /s × 1 unit,
Diaphragm pump: 1m3/h × 1 unit
Operation help functions Raster rotation, Magnification preset (two steps)
Image shift (±50µm@D*=4.5mm)
Safety device Over-current protection function, built-in ELCB

*D (Distance) is defined as the distance between lower surface of a high-sensitive semiconductor BSE detector and sample surface.

Required PC specifications



OS Windows® 7 Professional (32/64bit version)
CPU Intel® CoreTM i5-2520M (Equivalent or higher)
Memory size 2GB minimum
Display monitor 1,280 × 800 pixels or 1,368× 768 pixels
Display size 15-Type display
Interface connector Installing USB2.0 and PC-card slot
(IEEE1394 (6pin) for Oxford EDX is indispensable.)
Memory device With HDD DVD-ROM Drive
Other More than 100MB of free space in HDD is required
Interface connector USB 2.0

*An associated PC to be procured locally.
*Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
*Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corp. or its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries.
*Specifications of a PC are subject to change.

Dimensions and Weight


Description(Width x Depth x Height, Weight)

Main unit 330 × 606 × 565mm, 63.0kg (manual stage)
330 × 630 × 565mm, 66.0kg (motor drive stage)
Diaphragm pump 145 × 256 × 217mm, 4.5kg

Installation condition



Room temperature 15 to 30?C (Δt=±2.5?C/h or less)
Humidity 45%-70%RH
Power source (TM3030) Single-phase AC100 to 240V
(Minimum: 90 [V], Maximum: 250 [V])
Grounding 100 ohm or less

*Another power source for PC is required.

*A table with casters is not suitable to put a main unit of TM3030 on.
*Recommended table size: 1,200×800mm, withstand load: 100kg or more.
*Periodical maintenance is required for this apparatus.
*Limited to indoor operation.
*TM3030 is not approved as a medical device.
*Powercables, earth terminal and table should be prepared by users.
*Please put a diaphragm pump under the table.
*Please make room for more than 200mm to the left side of a main unit and put it the closest to the center position of the table.
*It is advisable not to install or relocate the instrument by yourselves.
*When relocating the system, please contact in advance the sales department that handles your account or a maintenance service company designated by Hitachi.
*Dedicated mentors, teachers who received the operation training of the instrument are required at compulsory schools.



