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检测样品 消毒剂

检测项目 生化检验

关联设备 共0种 下载方案


(1)台式机尺寸的紧凑设计!可安装于HPLC实验室 ?可使用AC220 V电源 ?节省空间、紧凑的设计,实现了与HPLC系统相同的安装面积 ?成功将N2气体使用量控制在最小限度(最大流量3.0 L/min)。也可使用N2气瓶。 ?可与目前使用的HPLC进行连接(详情请向销售工程师咨询) (2)与HPLC检测器具有同等的操作性 ?仪器/方法的设定 为了使初次使用者都能进行质谱分析,避免了复杂的设定操作,实现了更为简单的操作性。 另外,针对HPLC用户感觉复杂的调谐,通过自动调谐功能,可轻松获得最佳仪器状态。 ?测量结果 通过等高线显示等可对整体的色谱洗脱模式进行确认。 与HPLC的DAD(二极管阵列)检测器的解析画面非常相似且简单易懂的操作画面,实现了与一般HPLC检测器相同的操作性。 (3)与HPLC检测器具有同等的维护性 当灵敏度下降及怀疑有污染物时,拆下大气压离子过滤器,可轻松进行清洗。 而且在拆下进行清洗时,无需停止真空泵,因此,进行维护后可顺畅地开始测量。


AS/MSD-007 Liquid Chromatograph@Hitachi High-Tech Science Corporationhttp://www.hitachi-hitec-science.comC2015 Hitachi High-Tech Science Corporation Analysis of Disinfectant (Triclosan) by Mass Detector Chromaster 5610 MS Detector is a mass detector with new concept, designed for LC users, and itis different from conventional mass spectrometers. This time, the analysis example of triclosan isintroduced here. Triclosan is used as a disinfectant for general bacteria in wide range of productsincluding health care products such as medicated soap and toothpaste and plastic and fabricproducts such as children’s toys. No complex condition setting is required for 5610 MS Detectorand thus, mass information can be obtained and a calibration curve can be generated with theoperability equivalent to that for UV detectors. LC-MS Analysis of Triclosan Table2 Analytical Conditions for HPLC Column LaChromⅡ C18(1.9 um)3.0 mm l.D. x 100mm Mobilephase CH3OH Flow rate 0.3 mL/min (1:50 sprit) Column temperature 40°C Detection wavelength UV 286 nm Injection vol. 10pL LC-MS Analysis Triclosan was dissolved in methanol. In the mass spectrum, [M+H]"ion peak was detected at m/z 288.6 (Figure 2).Figure 1 shows the results from the analyses of triclosan (10 ng/mL) by UV and mass detectors. In a conventionalHPLC system, the flow channel is split for the connection with a mass detector. In the SIM chromatogram oftriclosan, the sensitivity was found to be equivalent to that obtained by UV detection. The calibration curve for theconcentration range of 10- 100 ng/mL is also shown in Figure 3. Time (min) m/z Figure 2 Mass Spectrum of Triclosan Figure 1 Chromatogram of Triclosan (10 ng/mL) Figure 3 Calibration Curve Based on SIM Chromatograms

5110 Pump, 5210 Autosampler, 5310 Column Oven, 5420 UV-VIS Detector, 5610 MS Detector NOTE: These data are an example of measurement; the individual values cannot be guaranteed.

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