
检测样品 聚合物基复合材料

检测项目 聚合物添加剂、分离、柱、分析时间

关联设备 共1种 下载方案


关键词:SFC,聚合物添加剂,C18柱,紫外检测器,Irgafos 168,Irgafus 168磷酸盐,Tinuvin 327,Chimassorb 81


SFC已被很好地用于手性药物分离和纯化,最近也被用于非手性药物化合物。随着SFC柱技术的不断探索,SFC正被应用于各种行业,分析比以往更广泛的化合物。使用HPLC的典型聚合物添加剂分离可能需要40分钟以上。如果SFC能够成功地应用于聚合物添加剂分离,那么它的速度应该能够显著减少分析时间。Application Note 2/3The Analysis of Polymer Additives using Supercritical Fluid Chromatography The Analysis of Polymer Additives using Supercritical Fluid Chromatography SFC has been well established for chiral pharmaceutical separations and puri f ications and has also recently been ut i lized for achiral pharmaceutica l compounds . As SFC column technology continues to be explored, the SFC is being appl i ed to various industries analyz i ng a wider range of compounds that ever before. A typical polymer additive separ a tion using HPLC can take upwards of 40 minutes. The s p eed of SFC should be able to significantly reduce that analysis time if it can successfully be applied to polymer addi ti ve separations. Keywords: SFC, Polymer Additives, C18 column, UV Detector,Irgafos 168, I rgafos 168 phosphate , Tinuv i n 327, Chimassorb 81 Application Note E xperimenta l Equipment Co nd i t i ons CO, Delivery Pump: PU-2080-CO. Column: Autosampler: AS-2059-SF CO, Flowrate: UV Wavelength: Column Oven: CO-2060 CO, Flowrate: UV Detector: UV-2075 Back Pressure Regulator: BP-2080 Column Temperature: R esu l ts Fi gu r e 1. S t ack chromatogram s of Ti n uv i n 327 (6u g/u L) ,Ir g afos 168 (4ug/u L), Ir g afos 168 Phosphate (8ug /u L ) and Chimassorb 81 (10ug /u L). C o n ditions: Colum n Luna C18 (150x4.6 m m , 5um ) , Flow rate 3m L s /m in (100% CO 2), T em p erature 40C , Back Pr ess u re G r a d ie n t 150ba r to 250ba r ove r 4 mi n utes, 220nm , 50uL I n jection each. At t hese concent r at i ons t h e detecto r was c l earl y over l oaded with signal . The chromatogram of the 4 polymer additive standards separated using a pressure gradient is shown in figure 1. As seen the concentration of each was too high and thus t he concentration of each was reduced when a mixture of t he 4 was created. Figure 2 shows t he separation of that mixt u re using a solvent gradi e n t , wh i le figure 3 shows the separation using the same pressure gradient used in figure 1. Figur e 2. Chrom a togram o f T in uv in 327 (0.8ug /u L ), I r gafo s 168 (1.5ug/uL ), I rgaf o s 168 Ph os phat e (3u g/uL) a nd C h i m a s s o rb 81mixt u re (0.8ug /uL) i n A ce ton e . Con d i t i on s : Col u mn Lun a C18 (150x4.6 m m, 5um), Fl ow ra t e 3m L s/m in (Gr ad 0% t o 20%Met hano l o v e r 6 min ut e s), T e m p e ra tu re 40C, B ac k Pr essure 150b ar, 220n m, 15u L I nje ct i on . Fig ur e 3.Chromato gr a m of Ti n u v i n 327 (0.8u g /uL), I r ga f os 168 (1.5u g /u L), I r ga f os 168 Ph os p hate (3ug/u L ) and Ch i massorb 81 m ix t u r e (0.8ug /uL) in Acetone . Condit i ons: Col u m n L u n a C 18 (150x4.6 mm , 5um) , F l ow rate 3mLs/m i n (100% CO2),T emperat u re 40C , Back Pr essure G r adient 150bar to 200bar over 4 m i n utes, 220nm, 10u L I n jection. Concl u sion SFC successfully sepa r atedlrgafos 168, Irgafos 168 phosphate, T inuvin 327 and Chimassorb 81 using only CO2 as the mobile phase on a C18 column.

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佳士科商贸有限公司为您提供《聚合物添加剂的超临界流体色谱分析》,该方案主要用于聚合物基复合材料中聚合物添加剂、分离、柱、分析时间检测,参考标准《暂无》,《聚合物添加剂的超临界流体色谱分析》用到的仪器有JASCO SFC4000超临界流体色谱仪。


