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Benzoic Acid, Sorbic Acid and Dehydroacetic Acid的分析

检测样品 食品添加剂

检测项目 食品添加剂、UA检测

关联设备 共1种 下载方案


本报告根据《卫生化学分析标准方法》中所述的食品添加剂的检测方法,对苯甲酸、山梨酸和脱氢乙酸这三种食品防腐剂进行了分析。 关键词: HPLC、食品添加剂、防腐剂、苯甲酸、山梨酸、脱氢乙酰酸、UV检测、C18柱


在食品添加剂中,有几种食品防腐剂。虽然其中许多是有毒的,但它们具有抑制导致食物腐烂的各种微生物增殖的功能。因此,此类防腐剂的使用受到限制,目标食品受《食品卫生法》的监管。本报告根据《卫生化学分析标准方法》中所述的食品添加剂的检测方法,对苯甲酸、山梨酸和脱氢乙酸这三种食品防腐剂进行了分析。Application Note 2/2 Analysis of Benzoic Acid, Sorbic Acid and Dehydroacetic Acid In t rod u c t i o n Among the food addi t ives, there are severa l food preservatives. While many of them are toxic,they have a function to inhibi t proliferation of vario u s microorganisms which cause food to rot.Accordingly, t h e usage of su c h preservatives is limited and the t a rget foods are regulated by the Food Sani t ation Law. This report describes the analysis of three kinds of food preservat i ves , Benzoic Acid, Sorbic Ac i d and Dehydroacetic Acid, according to the t e st i ng method for food additiv e s described in the Standa r d methods of Analysis for Hygienic Chemistry. Jas c o PU-2080 Plus pump Keywords: HPLC, Food additive, preservat i ve, Benzoic acid,Sorbic acid, Dehydroaceticacid,UVdetection, C18 column Application Note A n a l y s i s o f B e n z o i c Aci d , S o rbi c Ac i d and D eh y droac e t i c Ac id E xperimenta l Eluent Pump: PU-2080 Degasser: DG-2080-53 Column Oven: CO-2060 Autosampler: AS-2057 Detector: UV-2075 Column: CrestPak C18S (4.6 mml.D. x 150 mmL, 5 pm) Eluent: 5 mmol/LCitrate buffer (pH 4.1) (70/20/10) Eluent Flow Rate: 1.0 mL/min Column Temperature: 40°℃ Wavelength: 230nm Injection Volume: 10 pL Benzoic acid, Sorbic acid, Dehydroacetic acid 2 ug/mL each in water Fig. 1 shows t h e s tr u c t ure of e a ch preser v a tive. COH CCH. H,C OH H,C ○ Be n zoic ac i d S o r bic ac i d Dehy d roacet i c acid R esu l ts The chrom a togram o f s t an da r d m ixt ur e di sp l aye d in Fig.2 s h o ws a goo d separ a t i on o f t h e th ree c om p onent s with in 9 m inu tes . JASCO INC. A p plicat i o n L i br a r y : htt p ://www.j as co i n c .c o m /ap p l i c a ti o n s

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佳士科商贸有限公司为您提供《Benzoic Acid, Sorbic Acid and Dehydroacetic Acid的分析》,该方案主要用于食品添加剂中食品添加剂、UA检测检测,参考标准《暂无》,《Benzoic Acid, Sorbic Acid and Dehydroacetic Acid的分析》用到的仪器有JASCO高效色谱仪LC-4000。


