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检测样品 食品添加剂

检测项目 糖精钠、食品添加剂、紫外检测器、甜味剂

关联设备 共1种 下载方案




食品和饮料制造中商业甜味剂的使用受到美国食品药品监督管理局等机构的严格监管。本申请说明展示了一种用于分析糖精(钠盐)的稳健方法,该方法在《食品卫生法》注释中发布的食品添加剂测试方法中进行了描述。Application Note 2/2 Analysis of Saccharin Sodium Th e use of commercial sweeteners in the manufacture of food and drinks is strictly regulated by agencies such as the FDA. This application note demonstrates a robust method for the an a lysis of saccharin (sodium salt ), descr i bed in a Food Additive Test Method posted in an annotat i on of the Food Hygien e Law. Keywords Food additive, Sweetener , Saccharin sodium, C18column, UV detection HPLC JASCO H PLC S y stem at www.jasc o inc.com Application Note Analysis of Saccharin Sodium Experimental Equipment Conditions Pump: PU-2080 Degasser: DG-2080-53 Column Oven: CO-2060 Autosampler: AS-2057 Detector: UV-2075 Column: CrestPak C18S (4.6mml.D. x150 mmL, 5 pm) Eluent: 0.05 mol/L Phosphatebuffer (pH 6.9)/Methanol(90/10) Flowrate: 1.0mL/min Column Temp.: 40℃ Wavelength: 230 nm Injection Volume: 10 pL Standard Sample: Saccharin (sodium salt) 0.5ug/mL in water Structural formula of saccharin (sodium salt ) is shown in Fig. 1. F i g. 1. Structural For m ula of Sacchar i n (Sodium salt) Results A chromatogram of a saccharin standard is shown in Fig. 2. F i g. 2. Chromatogram of a Standard Sample of Saccharin

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