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  • 挪威PoHS最新進度 NO.26/2008執行日期一延再延的挪威消費性產品禁用特定物質 (Prohibition on Certain Hazardous Substances in consumer Products,簡稱PoHS) 法令,在近日有了最新進展。挪威污染管制局(Norwegian Pollution Control Authority SFT) 相信有更好且安全的替代材料,能取代有害物質,並將含有有害物質的產品自挪威市場移除,因此提議對消費性產品中的有害物質要求更嚴格的管制。SFT從2007年5月起開始收集針對初期提議的18項有害物質的諮詢建議,而整理超過100個諮詢意見後所作出的調整如下:

    SFT也參照國際工業標準和風險評估報告來進行調整,最後10項有害物質基於對人體環境有嚴重影響,被列為優先移除之有害物質(prioritised hazardous substances)。其他原本被列為考慮名單中的有害物質,歐盟正在進行討論。挪威當局決定等待歐盟的結果,再決定是否增加有害物質項目。

    中鏈氯化石蠟 (Medium- chain chlorinated paraffins - MCCP)

    雙酚A (Bisphenol A)

    二甲苯麝香 (Muskxylene)

    三氯沙 (Triclosan)

    全氟辛酸銨 (The perfluorinated compound PFOA)

    六溴環十二烷 (The brominated flame retardant HBCDD)

    五氯酚 (Pentachlorophenol - PCP)

    (The heavy metals lead, cadmium, arsenic and their compounds)

    含有上述有害物質的消費性產品的製造、進口、出口、和貿易將被管制。此項法令將不適用於已經有其他法令規範的消耗品、食品包裝、肥料、香菸和藥品。另外,運輸工具、輪胎、和其相關產品也都不適用此項法令。 SFT提交至挪威環保署的完整文件(英文版),將於8月18日後公佈於SFT官方網站。

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    Proposing stricter requirements for hazardous substances in consumer products
    The Norwegian Pollution Control Authority (SFT) proposes stricter regulations on the content levels of substances that can be harmful to health and environment. SFT intends to remove products that contain the most harmful substances from the Norwegian market, and believes that better and safer alternatives are available. Should the Ministry of the Environment back the proposal, Norway will become the first country in the world with such extensive product regulation with regards to health and environment.

    In May 2007 SFT sent out a proposal for comments, suggesting a ban on 18 hazardous substances in consumer products. Since then we have received more than 100 national and international comments.

    Products: Electronics are an important product group when working with reducing the spread of hazardous substances.

    Ten substances which are particularly harmful to health and environment
    SFTs suggestion includes 10 hazardous substances:
    Medium- chain chlorinated paraffins (MCCP)
    Bisphenol A
    The perfluorinated compound PFOA
    The brominated flame retardant HBCDD
    The heavy metals lead, cadmium, arsenic and their compounds.
    After reviewing the consultative statements, SFT has adjusted its proposals somewhat. We suggest waiting for EU regulations for some of the substances, but we maintain the proposal for stricter content requirements for ten substances in consumer products.

    -These ten substances are particularly harmful to health and environment. Regulation is important in order to limit harmful effects on health and environment from consumer products, says SFT Director General Ellen Hambro.

    Prioritised hazardous substances
    In today’s letter to the Ministry of the Environment, SFT points out that the substances we aim to regulate are among the most hazardous substances we know of. They are so-called prioritised hazardous substances; substances that have low degradability, they bio-accumulate (they accumulate in the food chain) and/or they are toxic. They are found in Norwegian nature and in the food we eat and they pose a serious threat to the health of coming generations, to the environment and to food security. Several of these substances are harmful to reproduction.

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    Important to regulate consumer products
    SFT recommends
    SFT upholds the proposal that the following substances need to be regulated in consumer products: Bisphenol A, the brominated flame retardant HBCDD, medium- chain chlorinated paraffins (MCCP), muskxylen, pentachlorophenol, triclosan, the perfluorinated compound PFOA and the heavy metals lead, cadmium and arsenic and their compounds.

    The ten substances have been chosen on the basis of their harmful effects, the knowledgebase of their occurrence in consumer products and in the environment, scientific documentation and proposal comments. Having gone through the comments, we suggest some changes in limit values and extent of exceptions for the ten substances where it has been deemed possible to ensure necessary protection of health and environment.

    Waiting for EU regulation of some of the substances
    There are currently ongoing separate processes in the EU for the phthalate DEHP, organotin compounds and the brominated flame retardant TBBPA. We recommend waiting for the results of these processes before proposing national regulations. SFT suggests leaving muskketone and tensides out of the evaluation as updated information states that based on current consumption there is no risk associated with these substances.

    Electronics and electrical appliances
    Previously particular attention has been given to the consequences of the ban will have for trade of electrical and electronic appliances, such as mobile phones, flat screen TVs and computers.

    SFTs suggestion for these products builds on international standards already followed by several large producers of EE-products. Consequently, there are already products on the market that fulfil the criteria, even though not all producers follow these standards and fulfil these demands today.

    SFT considers the utilitarian value of banning EE-products containing substances harmful to health and environment far greater than the costs to society related to banning the products.

    Consumers often lack knowledge related to health and environment problems related to use and waste management of products containing harmful substances. For this reason it is very important to regulate consumer products.

    The whole population, including vulnerable groups such as children, are subject to exposure to consumer products, either directly or indirectly through the environment. Reducing the amount of hazardous substances in products is also important in order to reduce the amount of hazardous waste.

    Will keep the best products
    The new regulations will affect the kind of consumer products that can be traded in Norway. When formulating the regulation, SFT has emphasised international industry standards and the impact assessment shows that it is fully technically possible to fulfil the requirements.

    -We wish to keep the best products on the market, while products with the most worrying effects for health and environment will no longer be legal, says the SFT Director General.

    Products comprise a significant source of emissions of chemicals. The proposal will contribute to a significant limitation of potential emissions of these substances, even though it hasn’t been possible to quantify the emission reduction. The proposal is important in order to reach the ambitious targets for reduced emissions of hazardous substances, and is a part of the following up of report number 14 to the Storting (2006-2007) Working together towards a non-toxic environment and a safer future (government white paper).

    A ban on production, import, export and trade
    SFT recommends that the ban will include production, imports, exports and trade of consumer products that contain one or more of the ten substances when the substance content in the product exceeds or is equal to established limit values.

    Delimitations to other product groups and other legislation
    Furthermore, SFT recommends that the proposal for regulating certain hazardous substances in consumer products is established as a new chapter in the product regulation. The demarcation line towards other legislation will consequently be the same as for the product regulation. This means that the regulation will not include consumables, food packaging, fertiliser, tobacco and medicines. These products are regulated in other legislation.

    Additionally we suggest that means of transport, rigidly mounted equipment for means of transport, tyres and similar fittings for means of transport are specifically exempted from the range of application of the regulation. The regulation will not cover substances and products that are already regulated through harmonised EU legislation (product regulation) either. This will for instance include certain substances in electrical and electronic products that are regulated through RoHS.

    English version
    SFT's letter to the Ministry of the Environment, including appendix 1, 4 and 5 will be translated and published here after August 18, 2008.

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    melu 发表:talent兄,想问一下,此帖不是在环保指令综合讨论版块的吗?为何现在在RoHS版块?

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    melu 发表:talent兄,想问一下,此帖不是在环保指令综合讨论版块的吗?为何现在在RoHS版块?

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    lotus_sum 发表:应talent的邀请,我把转移过来,另外PoHS作为与RoHS相对应的不同主体的执行法规也是放在这个版面比较合适!melu不要太过介意,环保指令区十版主本属一家,无所谓你我!

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