作者分析电子衍射图谱(见附件)后认为,纳米线沿【0001】取向,有共面(2-1-10)和(01-10),详见下列英文文字(从论文中摘录)。[0001]和(2-1-10)很好理解,因为电子衍射图谱中标有,但(01-10)就很奇怪了,图中并没有啊,作者是如何得出的? Transmission electron microscopy shows that the individual nanowires are single-crystal wurtzite ZnS, with trace amounts of CdSe possibly interspersed within the lattice. From the diffraction pattern recorded from a bundle (Figure 2a,b), the single-crystal pattern clearly indicates the orientation alignment among all of the nanowires in the bundle along [0001], and they share the same side surface of (2-1-10) and a top surface of (01-10).