Measurement of fatty acids in whole soybeans with near infrared spectroscopy
Charles R. Hurburgh
Agricultural Engineering Department, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011, USA; tel: +1-515-294-8629
email: Charles R. Hurburgh (tatry@iastate.edu)
Improvement of nutritional and/or functional properties of soybean oil by modification of soy fatty acid composition is one of the objectives of plant breeders. A major element of breeding is rapid identification and tracking of traits in seed samples. This discussion summarizes the progression of whole-soybean fatty acid calibration developments at Iowa State University. Emphasis was placed on linolenic acid (18:3) and total saturates (16:0 + 18:0). Normal soybeans have 12-20% (of the oil) saturated fats; modified low saturate soybeans have 6-8% saturated fats. Normal soybeans have 6-12% linolenic acid; modified low linolenic soybeans have 1-3% linolenic acid. Infratec 122x/1241 and Bruins OmegaG NIRS units were calibrated to measure fatty acid levels as a percentage of total oil content, in whole soybeans. The first Infratec calibrations (in 1998) did not remain accurate as soybean genetics changed. Iterations of the calibration process yielded calibrations for total saturates and linolenic acid with standard errors of prediction (on 2005 crop samples not included in the calibration pool) of 1.0% percentage points and 0.8% points, respectively. These were sufficient to classify modified versus normal concentrations of the two fatty acids. The NIRS units could not determine the specific percentages within the classes of modified and normal soybeans
Lipid Technology
Volume 19 Issue 4, Pages 88 - 90
Measurement of soybean fatty acid content by near infrared spectroscopy
<<农业工程学报>>2007年 第23卷 第01期
作者: 柴玉华, 谭克竹,
期刊-核心期刊 ISSN : 1002-6819(2007)1-0238-04
为探索近红外光谱技术在大豆脂肪酸测试中的应用,寻找一种快速的检测方法.以黑龙江省各地的25份大豆品种为材料,采用Perten8620型近红外光谱仪对搜集到的样品进行扫描并得到光谱数据,采用多元线性回归(MLR)和偏最小二乘法(PLS)对试验数据进行了多元统计分析.结果表明:在1700~2300 nm范围内检测大豆脂肪酸含量是可靠的,并且PLS模型的性能优于MLR模型.该文还对近红外仪中的滤光片组合作了初步探讨,表明不同的滤光片组合对测量精度有一定影响.