文献中说 1) the rod is viewed along a <110> direction, and show crossed {111} and {200} lattice fringes with a <100> direction along the rod axis. 2) the rods are single crystals with a [100] growth direction.
我用imageJ 对这个图做了fft 处理,可以得到d值大约为2.4埃和2.0埃,刚好对应了金的 {111} and {200} 晶面。这样的话,我就可以理解 作者在文中得出的这两个晶面。 我的问题是: 1)他是怎么看出the rod is viewed along a <110> direction的呢? 2)又是怎么得出a <100> direction along the rod axis的呢? 3)是不是the rod axis 就是growth direction呢?所以,从"<100> direction along the rod axis" 得到了"with a [100] growth direction "这样的结论?