


  • 参加USP药典培训时的培训资料,原稿为英文,中文只是参考,供大家学习:
    I appreciate the opportunity to speak to your group today.
    I want to start by briefly talking about three laws passed by the U.S. Congress which have established the legal framework within which FDA operates. The first of these laws is the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act). Two other laws are the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (or DSHEA) and the Dietary Supplement and Nonprescription Drug Consumer Act both of which amended the FD&C Act. FDA develops regulations based on the laws set forth in the FD&C Act and other laws under which FDA operates.
    我想首先简要地谈论一下在美国国会通过的三部法律,FDA正是这些法律建立的法律框架内进行运作的。第一部法律是《联邦食品,药品和化妆品法》(FD&C Act)。另外两部法律是膳食补充品健康教育法(DSHEA)和膳食补充剂和非处方药消费者保护法, 两个法律都补充了食品,药品和化妆品法。 在上述FDA赖以运作的三部法律基础上,FDA制定了相关规章。
    It is one of these regulations which I am going to discuss this afternoon. That is Title 21 Part 111 of the Code of Federal Regulations which is entitled “Current Good Manufacturing, Packing, Labeling, or Holding Operations for Dietary Supplements” or as this regulation is also known “the Dietary Supplement GMP’s”. Before I talk about the Dietary Supplement GMP’s, I need to first talk about the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act.
    In October 1994, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) was signed into law by President Clinton. Under DSHEA, a dietary supplement is defined as a product taken by mouth that contains a “dietary ingredient” intended to supplement the diet. The “dietary ingredients” in these products may include: vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, and substances such as enzymes, organ tissues, glandulars, and metabolites. Dietary supplements can also be extracts or concentrates, and may be found in many forms such as tablets, capsules, softgels, gelcaps, liquids, or powders. They can also be in other forms, such as a bar, but if they are, information on their label must not represent the product as a conventional food or a sole item of a meal or diet. Whatever their form, DSHEA places dietary supplements in a special category under the general umbrella of “foods,” not drugs. DSHEA also requires that every supplement be specifically labeled as a dietary supplement.
    1994年10月,总统克林顿将膳食补充剂健康教育法(DSHEA)签署成为法律。根据DSHEA,膳食补充剂的定义是:一个含有“饮食成分”,由口摄取的饮食补充产品。在这些产品可包括:维生素,矿物质,草药或其他植物,氨基酸,以及诸如酶物质,器官组织,代谢产物。膳食补充剂也可以提取浓缩物,并可能有许多形式,如发片剂,胶囊,软胶囊,液体或粉末。它们也可以以其他形式出现,如条状食品(?).但如果是这样,他们的标签信息不能代表作为传统的食品或者是单纯的肉或食物。无论何种形式,DSHEA都是把膳食补充剂作为一种特殊的类别的“食品”,而不是药品。 DSHEA还要求每种膳食补充剂必须在标签上特别标注。
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    I have mentioned the term “dietary ingredient”. Now I want to introduce another term and that is “new dietary ingredient”. A “new dietary ingredient” is one that meets the definition for a “dietary ingredient” but was not sold in the U.S. in a dietary supplement before October 15, 1994 when DSHEA was signed into law.
    我已经说过“膳食补充剂成分”这个术语。现在我要介绍另一个词就是“新膳食补充剂成分”。 “新膳食补充剂成分”,是一个符合 “膳食补充剂成分”的定义,但这种成分在1994年10月15日DSHEA被签署成法律之前没有在美国出售。
    Now let’s talk about FDA’s role in regulating dietary supplements versus the manufacturer’s responsibility for marketing them.
    Before DSHEA was signed into law in October 1994, dietary supplements were subject to the same regulatory requirements as were other foods. However after DSHEA was signed into law, it created a new regulatory framework for the safety and labeling of dietary supplements. Under DSHEA, a firm is responsible for determining that the dietary supplements it manufactures or distributes are safe and that any representations or claims made about them are substantiated by adequate evidence to show that they are not false and misleading. This means that dietary supplements do not need approval from FDA before they are marketed. Except in the case of a “new dietary ingredient” where the manufacturer and distributor must demonstrate to FDA why the ingredient is reasonably expected to be safe for use in a dietary supplement, unless it has been recognized as a food substance and is present in the food supply. This notification must be sent to FDA at least 75 days prior to marketing the product. Failure of the manufacturer or distributor to file this notification may make the dietary supplement containing the new dietary ingredient adulterated under the FD&C Act.

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    There is no authoritative list of dietary ingredients that were marketed before October 15, 1994. Therefore manufacturers and distributors are responsible for determining if a dietary ingredient is “new” and if it is not, for documenting that the dietary supplements it sells, containing the dietary ingredient, were marketed before October 15, 1994.
    我们并没有在1994年10月15日之前就在被销售的膳食补充剂成分列表。因此,由制造商和分销商来负责决定饮食成分是不是“新” 的.如果它不是,他们还需负责记录他们所销售的膳食补充剂包含成分是1994年10月15日前销售的。
    The second law which I want to talk about is the Dietary Supplement and Nonprescription Drug Consumer Protection Act which was signed by President Bush in December 2006. The requirements of this law became effective in December 2007. This law requires firms to have a record keeping system in place for maintaining records of adverse event reports. It requires reporting serious adverse events to FDA. FDA has published two guidance documents which help dietary supplement firms understand their obligations under this law.
    第二,我想谈的是美国总统布什在2006年12月签署的关于膳食补充剂和非处方药消费者保护法。这项法律的规定在2007年12月生效。该法要求企业有一个记录不良反应事件报告的系统。它要求报告严重不良反应事件给FDA。 FDA已公布两份指导文件,帮助企业了解本法规定的义务。
    Be aware that there are certain specific label requirements for dietary supplements; however, due to the limited time I have, I am not going to discuss them during this presentation.
    请注意,膳食补充剂标签有一定的具体要求,但是,由于时间有限,我不打算在此讨论他们。 And lastly I wanted to mention that manufacturers of foods and feeds need to register their firms with FDA pursuant to the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act, commonly known as The Bioterrorism Act of 2002, before manufacturing and selling their products in the U.S.
    Now I would like to turn to a discussion on the Dietary Supplement GMPs in Part 111 of the regulations.
    Compliance with this regulation is based on the number of employees for a firm as follows:
    • For a firm employing 500 or more persons this regulation took effect on June 25, 2008
    • For a firm employing fewer than 500 but more than 20 persons this regulation took effect June 25, 2009
    • For firms employing fewer than 20 persons this regulation will take effect on June 25, 2010
    • 对于雇用500人以上的公司,本规例已于2008年6月25日起生效
    • 对于雇用500人以下20人以上的公司,本规例已于2009年6月25日起生效
    • 对于雇用20人以下的公司,本规例于2010年6月25日起生效

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    In preparing my talk today, I tried to determine what might be the best way to present this material and what would be most beneficial to you. I finally decided that I would try to identify the areas FDA will focus on when we perform dietary supplement GMP inspections.
    There is a guidance document which FDA has issued for Investigators to follow when conducting these inspections. This guidance document is located on the FDA web site and I would encourage you to look at this document when you have the opportunity.
    This document is called Compliance Program 7321.008 entitled “Dietary Supplements – Import and Domestic” and it has an implementation date of March 26, 2010. FDA Investigators will follow this compliance program when conducting inspections of both domestic and foreign dietary supplement firms.
    这份文件称为合规计划7321.008题为“膳食补充剂 - 进口和国产”,它有一个2010年3月26日的实施日期。 FDA的检查人员将遵循这一合规计划来进行国内和国外膳食补充剂企业的检查。
    I am going to go through step by step and describe the highlights of what your firm should have in terms of procedures and records and what we as Investigators will look for when conducting these inspections. Keep in mind that most but not all of the sections I am going to discuss may apply depending on your firm’s operations.
    Subpart B – Personnel
    • You must have written procedures for preventing microbial contamination and hygienic practices for employees. (111.8)
    • You must have training documentation for employee(s) that includes the date of training and the type of training they received. (111.14)
    • You must identify who is responsible for quality control operations and their qualifications. (111.12(b))
    部分B - 人员
    •您必须有防止微生物污染和员工的卫生规范的书面程序。 (111.8)
    •您必须有员工培训的文档,包括培训日期和培训类型。 (111.14)
    •您必须确定是谁负责质量控制以及他们的资质。 (111.12(b)项)

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    Subpart C – Physical Plant and Grounds
    • You must have written procedures for cleaning the physical plant and for pest control. (111.16)
    • If water is a component of the dietary supplement, you must review water records to make certain that the water complies with applicable national, Federal, State, and local standards. (111.15(e))
    • You must assign one or more employee to supervise overall plant sanitation. (111.15(k))
    • You must keep records required under this subpart which includes the cleaning of the physical plant and for pest control, and records to document that water if used as a component of the dietary supplement meets the required standards. (111.23)
    C小节 – 实际厂房及场地 •您必须有实际厂房清洁和害虫控制的书面程序。 (111.16) •如果水是膳食补充剂组分,您必须审核水记录,要确保水符合适用的国家,联邦,州和地方标准。 (111.15(e)) •您必须指定一个或更多的员工,以监督整个工厂的卫生条件。 (111.15(k)) •您必须保持本节法规要求的记录,其中包括厂房清洗和病虫害控制,以及水的文件记录,即作为膳食补充剂组分的水符合规定的标准。 (111.23)
    Subpart D – Equipment and Utensils
    • You must have written procedures for calibrating instruments and controls that you use in manufacturing or testing a component or dietary supplement; for calibrating, inspecting, and checking automated, mechanical and electronic equipment; and maintaining, cleaning, and sanitizing, as necessary, all equipment, utensils, and other contact surfaces. (111.25)
    • If your firm uses freezers, refrigerators, or other cold storage compartments to store components or finished batches of dietary supplements, you must have a thermometer or temperature-recording device to allow for recording the temperature. You must have an automated device for regulating temperature or an automated alarm if you are using a manual system. (111.27(a))
    • If you use wet processing, you must clean and sanitize all contact surfaces, before use, and after any interruption during which the contact surface may have become contaminated. (111.27(d))
    • You must determine if automated, mechanical, or electronic equipment used in manufacturing, packaging, etc., is capable of operating satisfactorily within the operating limits required by the process. (111.30(b))
    • You must establish appropriate controls for equipment (including software on a computer controlled process) and ensure that changes are approved by QC personnel and instituted only by authorized personnel. (111.30(d))
    • You must establish appropriate controls to ensure the equipment functions in accordance with its intended use. 111.30(e))
    • You must document the date of use, maintenance, cleaning, and sanitization of equipment. (111.35(b)(2))
    子部分Ð - 设备及用具
    •您必须有书面程序对测试组分或膳食补充剂使用到的仪器和控制进行校准;也要有书面程序对自动化,机械和电子设备进行校准,审计,检查;如有必要,对所有设备,器具,以及其他接触的表面进行维护,清洗,消毒也需要有书面程序。 (111.25)
    •如果你的公司采用冷冻机,冰箱,或其他冷藏装置来存储组分或成品膳食补充剂,你必须有一个温度计或温度记录装置,以便记录温度。你必须有一个自动温度控制仪器,或者如果您使用的是人工系统,必须有自动报警装置。 (111.27(a)条)
    •您必须确定生产或包装中用到的自动化、机械或电子设备能够在其工艺要求允许范围内良好地运作。 (111.30(b)项)
    •您必须建立适当的对设备的控制(包括计算机控制工艺所用的软件),并保证如有变化必须得到QC人员的批准,并只能由被授权的人员制定。 (111.30(d)项)
    •您必须建立适当的控制,以确保设备的功能符合其既定的用途。 111.30(e)段)
    •您必须对设备的使用、维修、清洗、消毒的日期进行书面记录。 (111.35(二)(2))

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    Subpart E – Requirements to Establish a Production and Process Control System
    • You must establish a specification for components, in-process materials, labels, packaging components, and finished products where control is necessary to ensure the quality of the dietary supplement. (111.70)
    • You must establish in-process specification and finished product specifications and determine whether those specifications demonstrate that the product has the appropriate identity, purity, strength, and composition. (111.75)
    • You must qualify the suppliers of components and maintain documentation on how you qualified the suppliers. (111.75(a))
    • You must conduct at least one appropriate test or examination on each dietary ingredient to verify its identity or you may submit a petition to FDA for exemption from this testing requirement. (111.75(a)(1))
    • You must conduct and document appropriate tests or examinations to ensure the finished batch product specifications are met in the manufacture of the product (111.75(b) and(c))
    • You must collect representative samples of components, packaging, labels, in-process materials, finished product, or at other locations as necessary to ensure specifications are met. (111.80)
    • You must collect and retain reserve samples of each lot of packaged dietary supplements which is distributed. These samples must be retained for one year past the shelf life date (if shelf life dating is used) or for two years from the date of distribution of the last batch of dietary supplements associated with the reserve sample. (111.83)
    子部分E - 建立生产和工艺控制系统的要求 •您必须为组分,中间物料,标签,包装材料和成品建立规格,实施必要的控制以确保膳食补充剂的质量。 (111.70)
    •您必须建立中间物料规格和成品规格,并确定这些规格是否证明该产品具有适当的特性,纯度,剂量和组成。 (111.75)
    •您必须对零部件供应商进行资格确认,并保留如何确认的文档记录。 (111.75(a)条)
    •您必须对每个膳食成分至少进行一项鉴别测试或检查;或者您可以提交豁免申请给美国FDA免除这一测试要求。 (111.75(1)(1))
    •您必须采集必要的组分、包装、标签、中间物料、成品或在他处生产的代表性样品,以确保符合规格。 (111.80)

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    Subpart F – Quality Control
    • You must establish and follow written procedures for the responsibility of the quality control operations, including written procedures for conducting a material review and making a disposition decision, and for approving or rejecting any reprocessing. (111.103)
    • QC personnel must review and approve the documentation setting forth supplier qualification. (111.105(b))
    • QC personnel must review and approve the documentation setting forth the basis for in-process specifications in order that the identity, purity, strength, and composition of the dietary supplements are met. (111.105(c))
    • QC personnel must review and approve the documentation setting forth the basis for why the results of appropriate tests and examination for each product specification ensure that the finished batch of the dietary supplement meets product specifications. (111.105(d))
    • QC personnel must determine that all manufacturing specifications are met. (111.105(h))
    • QC personnel must review and approve all laboratory control processes associated with the production and process control system. (111.110(a))
    • QC personnel must ensure that all tests and examination are conducted and they must approve all results of this testing and examinations. (111.110(b) and (c))
    • QC personnel must conduct a material review and make a disposition decision when product specifications are not met. (111.113)
    • QC personnel must review and approve all processes for calibrating instruments and controls and periodically review calibration records and inspections /checks of automated, mechanical, or electronic equipment. (111.117)
    • QC personnel must determine whether all components, packaging, and labels conform to established specifications, and make required disposition decisions. (111.120)
    • QC personnel must approve any treatment and in-process adjustments of components, packaging, or labels to make them suitable for use. (111.120(d))
    • QC personnel must approve and release from quarantine, all components, packaging, and labels before they are used. (111.120(e))
    • QC personnel must review and approve all ma-ster manufacturing records and all modifications to the ma-ster manufacturing records. (111.123(a)(2))
    • QC personnel must review all monitoring for the production and process control system. (111.123(a)(3))
    • QC personnel must determine whether all in-process specifications which are established are met. (111.123(a)(6))
    • QC personnel must determine whether each finished batch conforms to the established product specifications. (111.123(a)(7)
    • QC personnel must approve and release or reject each finished batch for distribution, including any reprocessed finished batches. (111.123(a)(8))
    • QC personnel must review and approve all records for packaging and labeling operations. (112.127(c))
    • QC personnel must determine whether finished packaged and labeled dietary supplements conform to established specifications, and are approve for release or are rejected. (111.127(d))
    • QC personnel must conduct a required material review and make a required disposition decision for returned dietary supplements. (111.130(a))
    • QC personnel must approve or reject any salvage and the redistribution of any returned dietary supplements. (111.130(b))
    • QC personnel must review and approve any decision about whether reprocessed dietary supplements meet product specifications and either approve for release, or reject, any returned dietary supplement that was reprocessed. (111.130(d))
    • QC personnel must review and approve decisions about whether to investigate a product complaint and review and approve the findings and follow-up action of any complaint investigation performed. (111.135)
    子部分的F - 质量控制
    •您必须建立和遵循书面程序明确质量控制工作的责任,包括进行物料审查并作出处理决定,以及批准或拒绝任何再加工的书面程序。 (111.103)
    •质量控制人员必须对确定供应商资质的文件进行审核和批准。 (111.105(b)项)
    •质量控制人员必须对建立中间规格的基础文件进行审核和批准。这些规格是为确保膳食补充剂特性、纯度、剂量和组分符合要求而设定的。 (111.105(c)项)
    •质量控制人员必须对相关文件进行审核和批准,确定为何对各个产品规格进行的适当测试和检查的结果能够确保膳食补充剂成品符合产品规格。 (111.105(d)项)
    •质量控制人员必须确定所有的生产符合规格要求。 (111.105(h)条)
    •质量控制人员必须对所有与生产和工艺控制相关的实验室控制进行审核和批准。 (111.110(a)条)
    •质量控制人员必须确保所有的测试和检查均被执行,他们必须批准该测试和检查的所有结果。 (111.110(b)和(c)项)
    •质量控制人员必须进行物料审查并对不符合规格的产品进行丢弃处置。 (111.113)
    •质量控制人员必须对所有仪器校准和控制过程审核和批准,并定期审查校准记录,以及对自动化,机械或电子设备进行审计/检查。 (111.117)
    •质量控制人员必须确定所有组分,包装和标签是否符合既定规格,并作出必要的处置决定。 (111.120)
    •质量控制人员必须对组分、包装和标签的任何纠正或过程中调整进行批准,使之适合使用。 (111.120(d)项)
    •质量控制人员必须对所有组分、包装和标签在使用前进行审批和放行。 (111.120(e)段)
    •质量控制人员必须对所有主生产记录以及所有对于主生产记录的改动进行审核和批准。 (111.123(1)(2))
    •质量控制人员必须对所有生产和工艺控制系统的监控进行审核。 (111.123(1)(3))
    •质量控制人员必须确定是否所有中间过程控制规格符合要求。 (111.123(1)(6))
    •质量控制人员必须确定是否每批最终产品符合既定产品规格。 (111.123(1)(7)
    •质量控制人员必须对每一批待分销成品进行批准放行或拒绝,包括任何再加工成品批次。 (111.123(1)(8))
    •质量控制人员必须对包装和标签操作的所有记录进行审核和批准。 (112.127(c)项)
    •质量控制人员必须确定是否完成包装和贴标的膳食补充剂符合既定规格,并批准或拒绝放行。 (111.127(d)项)
    •质量控制人员必须对退回的膳食补充剂按要求进行物料审查,并作出必要处置决定。 (111.130(a)条)
    •质量控制人员必须对退回的膳食补充剂进行的任何任何回炉和再分销进行批准或驳回。 (111.130(b)项)
    •质量控制人员必须对关于是否重新加工的膳食补充剂符合产品规格的任何决定进行审核和批准,要么批准放行,要么拒绝任何再加工后的退货。 (111.130(d)项)
    •质量控制人员必须对是否进行产品投诉调查的决定进行审核和批准,并对发现项以及任何投诉调查后的整改措施进行审核和批准。。 (111.135)

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    Subpart G –Components, Packaging, and Labeling
    • You must visually examine containers of components to ensure they are appropriate for use and examine the paperwork for those shipments to ensure those materials are consistent with your purchase order. (111.155)
    • You must visually examine containers of labels and packaging to ensure they are appropriate for use and examine the paperwork for those shipments to ensure those materials are consistent with your purchase order. (111.160)
    • You must examine, quarantine, collect representative samples, perform an QC review for approval, and use some form of identifier or code to allow the trace back of each unique lot to the supplier. (111.155 and 111.160)
    • You must clearly identify, hold, and control under a quarantine system for disposition, any component, packaging, and labels which have been rejected and are not suitable for manufacturing, packaging, or labeling operations. (111.170)
    • You must have written procedures and keep records documenting compliance with this subsection. (111.180)
    子部分的G -组分,包装和标签
    •您必须对组分容器进行目测以确保它们适合使用,并检查这些货物的相关文件,以确保这些物料与您的订单一致。 (111.155)
    •您必须对标签和包装的容器进行目测以确保它们适合使用,并检查这些货物的相关文件,以确保这些物料与您的订单一致。 (111.160)
    •您必须对进厂物料进行检查,隔离,采集有代表性的样本,执行质量控制审查批准,并使用标识符或代码,使每批物料都能追溯到供应商。 (111.155和111.160)
    •你必须在一个丢弃物料隔离系统下清楚地鉴别、持有和控制任何因不适用而被拒的组分、包装和标签。 (111.170)
    •您必须有书面程序并保留记录,以对符合本款规定进行存档。 (111.180)
    Subpart H – Ma-ster Manufacturing Record
    • You must have a written ma-ster manufacturing record (MMR) for each unique formulation of dietary supplement manufactured and for each batch size.
    • You must identify the controls and procedures in the ma-ster manufacturing record to ensure that each batch of dietary supplement meets the established specifications. (111.205)
    • Each ma-ster manufacturing record must identify the specifications for all points, steps, or stages in the manufacturing process where control is necessary to ensure the quality of the dietary supplement and that the supplement is packaged and labeled as specified in the ma-ster manufacturing record. (111.210)
    • The ma-ster manufacturing record must include the complete identity of the supplement to be manufactured, a complete list of the components used, the weights or measure of these components, the theoretical and expected yield, a description of the packaging and a representative label, and other written instructions required by this section. (111.210)
    子部分的H – 主生产记录
    •您必须在主生产记录中指明控制和程序,以确保每一批膳食补充剂都符合既定规格。 (111.205)
    •每个母版生产记录必须辨识生产过程中每个需要受控的点、步骤和阶段的标准,以确保膳食补充剂的质量,并且膳食补充剂的包装与贴标操作与主生产记录上的要求一致。 (111.210)
    Subpart I – Batch Production Record
    • You must prepare a batch production record every time you manufacture a batch of dietary supplement. (111.255)
    • The batch production record must include the batch or lot number for the batch produced, the identity of the equipment and processing lines used, the date and time of the maintenance, cleaning, and sanitizing of the equipment and processing lines or a cross-reference to this information, the identity and weights of all components used, a statement of actual yield, the results of all testing performed, the dates and identification of persons performing all manufacturing, packaging, and labeling operations, the disposition of the batch, and any other information action which involved the batch. (111.260)
    子部分I - 批生产记录
    •您每生产一批膳食补充剂,必须准备相应的批生产记录。 (111.255)
    •批生产记录必须包括批次或批号,列明使用的设备和生产线,对设备和加工线进行维护、清洁和消毒的日期和时间,或交叉引用这些信息,所有用掉组分的鉴别和重量,实际收率的声明,所有测试的结果,列明执行所有生产、包装和贴标操作的人员和日期,批次丢弃处理,以及与该批产品有关的任何其他信息和行动。 (111.260)

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    Subpart J – Laboratory Operations
    • You must have written procedures for laboratory operations, including procedures for tests and examinations that you conduct to determine whether specifications are met. (111.303)
    • You must establish criteria for establishing appropriate specifications, use appropriate sampling plans, have criteria for selecting appropriate testing and examination methods, and have criteria for selecting standard reference materials used in performing tests and examinations. (111.315)
    • You must use scientifically valid laboratory methods for testing and examination. (111.320)
    • You must have records which document tests and examinations. (111.325)
    子部分的J - 实验室操作
    •您必须有书面实验室运作程序,包括为确定是否符合规格要求而进行的测试和检查的程序。 (111.303)
    •您必须建立标准能够判定是否建立了适当的规格,使用适当的抽样计划,有标准能够判定选择了适当的测试和检查方法,并且有判定标准能够选择用于执行测试和检查的标准物质。 (111.315)
    •您必须使用科学有效的实验室方法进行测试和检查。 (111.320)
    •您必须有记录对测试和检查进行存档。 (111.325)
    Subpart K – Manufacturing Operations
    • You must have written procedures for manufacturing operations. (111.353)
    • You must take appropriate precautions to prevent against contamination of components or dietary supplements. (111.365)
    • You must clearly identify, hold, and control under a quarantine system for appropriate disposition any dietary supplement that is rejected and unsuitable for use. (111.370)
    子部分的K - 生产操作
    •您必须为生产操作制定书面程序。 (111.353)
    •您必须采取适当的预防措施,以防止对组分或膳食补充剂的污染。 (111.365)
    •你必须在隔离系统下,清楚地鉴别、持有和控制任何因退回或不适合使用而丢弃的膳食补充剂。 (111.370)
    Subpart L – Packaging and Labeling Operations
    • You must have written procedures for packaging and labeling operations and records must be maintained to document these operations. (111.403 and 111.430)
    • You must control the issuance and use of packaging and labels and perform a reconciliation of any issuance and use discrepancies. (111.410)
    • You must ensure that products are not contaminated during the packaging and labeling operations. (111.415)
    • You must assign a batch, lot, or control number to each lot of dietary supplement. (111.415)
    • You must be able to determine the complete manufacturing history and control of the dietary supplement through distribution. (111.410(d))
    子部分L - 包装和贴标操作
    •您必须有书面的包装和标签操作的程序,并且保留相应文档记录。 (111.403和111.430)
    •您必须控制包装和标签的发放和使用,并对任何签发和使用差异进行清点。 (111.410)
    •您必须确保产品在包装和标签操作的过程中没有被污染。 (111.415)
    •您必须对每一批每膳食补充剂都指定一个批号、批次或控制号码。 (111.415)
    •您必须能够判定所分销的膳食补充剂的完整的生产历史和控制。 (111.410(d)项)

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    Subpart M – Holding and Distribution
    • You must have written procedures for holding and distribution operations. (111.453)
    • You must hold product under appropriate conditions so the identity, purity, strength, and composition of the dietary supplement is not affected. (111.455)
    • You must maintain distribution records. (111.475)
    • Your reserve samples must be appropriately held to protect them from contamination and deterioration (111.465(a)) and they must be held in the same container closure system in which the packaged and labeled dietary supplement is distributed. 111.465(a)(2))
    子部分的M - 持有及分销
    •您必须有关于持有和分销运营的书面程序。 (111.453)
    •您必须在适当的条件下持有产品以使膳食补充剂产品的特性、纯度、剂量以及组成不会受到影响。 (111.455)
    •您必须保持分销记录。 (111.475)
    •您必须妥善留样,以防止污染和恶化(111.465(a)段),他们必须保存在密闭系统中,而且这一系统必须与包装和贴标后分销的膳食补充剂是同一个。 111.465(1)(2))
    Subpart N – Returned Dietary Supplements
    • You must establish written procedures for returned dietary supplements. (111.503)
    • You must perform and document material reviews and disposition decisions on returned dietary supplements. (111.535(b))
    • You must maintain records of any testing or examination conducted to determine compliance with product specifications on returned dietary supplements. (111.535)
    子部分N - 退回的膳食补充剂
    •您必须为退回的膳食补充剂建立书面程序。 (111.503)
    •您必须执行对退回膳食补充剂的物料审查和处置决定,并存档。 (111.535(b)项)
    •您必须保留为确定退回膳食补充剂合规性所进行的任何测试或检查的记录。 (111.535)
    Subpart O – Product Complaints
    • You must have written procedures for handling product complaints. (111.553)
    • You must review any product complaints that involve a possible failure of a dietary supplement to meet product specifications. (111.560)
    • You must retain records for each product complaint that relates to good manufacturing practices. (111.570)
    子部分O - 产品投诉
    •您必须有书面处理产品投诉的程序。 (111.553)
    •您必须审核任何涉及膳食补充剂可能不符合规格的产品投诉,。 (111.560)
    •您必须保留每个涉及到生产质量管理规范的产品投诉记录。 (111.570)
    Subpart P – Records and Recordkeeping
    • You must keep written records which are required by this regulation for one year past the shelf life date if a shelf life date is used, or two years beyond the date of distribution of the last batch of dietary supplements associated with those records. (111.605)
    • You must make all records required under this regulation available for FDA to review and copying when requested. (111.610)
    子部分的P - 记录和记录保存
    •你必须保存本规章所要求的书面记录,如果有货架期,则保存至货架期结束后1年;或者保存至与这些记录相关的最后一批膳食补充剂产品分销日期后的两年。 (111.605)
    •美国FDA可以要求审查和复制所有本规章要求的记录。 (111.610)

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