THEME:Identification of vocal cords vibration functions and modes
Abstract: This paper studied the estimation of harmonic to noise ratio (HNR) in transmitted sound signals(具体对象)by wavelet transform(具体方法). When normal and laryngeal pathological subjects phonate sustained vowels in breathy, falsetto, leakage and pressed modes in normal loudness, these HNRs in transmitted sound signals were estimted and compared with the HNR in human voice(过去时态).It is pointed thatfor normal subjects in a variety of vowels, the 20 dB. For normal subject in a variety of phonation modes, the variation of HNR in transmitted sound signals exceeds 18 dB and in human voice signals in within 12 dB(具体结果).The results indicate that the NHR in transmitted sound signals could more accurately image vocal cords vibration characteristics and could be an effective measurement for studying vocal cords vibration and clinical laryngeal disease diagnosis(具体结论)(现在时态).
Keywords: human voice; transmitted sound; harmonic to noise ratio; wavelet transform