
The Emoticons Have It: Chinese Reactions to Kim Jong-il's Death

  • zouhua1210
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  • The Emoticons Have It: Chinese Reactions to Kim Jong-il's Death


    China and North Korea may officially be as close as ※lips and teeth,§ as Mao Zedong famously said, but that hasn*t kept Internet users in China from greeting news of the death of Kim Jong Il with mixed emotions.


    Kim*s death was the top trending topic on Sina Weibo, China*s most active Twitter-like microblogging platform. It attracted more than a million posts by midday Monday according to statistics posted on a special topic page.


    One indicator of how Chinese Internet users are taking Kim*s death: the use of emoticons. While a number of the service*s users have decorated their posts with candles and broken hearts to indicate mourning, at least as many have opted instead to festoon their feeds with thumbs up, victory symbols and animated faces in various states of laughter.


    Among the laughing emoticons, many come attached to jokes referencing the film ※2012,§ in which China builds arks to save humankind*s elite from an impending cataclysm.

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  • zouhua1210


    ※Kim Jong Il has gotten on the boat,§ quipped a Weibo user writing under the handle Chongqing Ocean. ※I*m starting to believe 2012 is really going to happen,§


    Others accompany tongue-in-cheek posts noting that Kim*s death comes closely on the heels of the death of Czech playwright and Velvet Revolution hero Vaclav Havel.

    另一些人发布的玩笑式微博则指出,金正日死讯传出,发生在捷克剧作家、“天鹅绒革命”英雄哈维尔(Vaclav Havel)死后不久。(。。金正日死于17日,哈维尔18日。。)

    ※Havel has made yet another contribution to mankind,§ wrote user Caijun Zhinan. ※He decided to take Kim Jong Il with him when he went.§


    In a possible nod to Kim*s alleged fondness for drink, normally voluble political blogger Wu Jiaxiang opted to simply post an animation of glasses clinking in celebration.


    Journalist Fan Wei, meanwhile, has used emoticons to produce this chart predicting how each country would feel about Kim*s demise (from left to right: North Korea, South Korea, Japan, the U.S., the UK, Russia, China, Others)


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  • zouhua1210


    Among those posting candles, many worried about what Kim's death would mean for China, which has long worried that a collapse of the regime in Pyongyang could bring South Korean and U.S. troops perilously close to its border.


    Writing on his Weibo account, Hu Xijin, editor of the nationalistic tabloid Global Times, predicted a diplomatic struggle. 'South Korea, Japan and the United States will do whatever they can to influence North Korea, even frighten her,' he wrote:


    In this crucial moment, China can absolutely not back down. China has to strenuously protect the special Sino-North Korean relationship -- this has bearing on China's strategic interests in Northeast Asia. China has to help North Korea get on the right path toward prosperous development.


    Commenting on reports of North Koreans mourning Kim on the streets, a number of Weibo users have noted similarities with the death of Mao in 1976. Among them was former Yahoo China President Xie Wen, who pointed out that Mao's death was followed quickly by the arrest of the Gang of Four -- an event that precipitated China's embrace of economic reforms. 'It's similar to the mood on the streets on Sept. 9, 1976,' Mr. Xie wrote. 'Who knew that four months later Mao's wife would be arrested?'




