MATTEL7420对应的GC-MS IDL与MDL,有附件,请参考 Note: Instrument Detection Limit (IDL) – 3 times the standard deviation of 1
replicate measurements of reagent blank.
Method Detection Limit (MDL) – Reagent blank fortified with 2-3 times of th
IDL. Seven replicate measurements are made. Calculate the MDL as follow
MDL = (t) x (S), where t=3.14(99% confidence level for 7 replicates) and s
standard deviation.
Since the MDL is statistically based, the MDL value obtained must
verified to ensure the instrument can accurately detect at this level.
Prepare a standard at a concentration equivalent to the MDL of eac
Analyze this standard with the number of replicates set to 10.
The average result shall be within ±10% of the MDL value.
If the average result is not within ±10% of the MDL value, prepare a new
standard at a higher concentration and repeat steps until an acceptable
value is obtained. This value is the MDL that shall be used
tive Identification