一个分析软件往往有很多文件组成,包括了很多怪怪的扩展名,下面我给你讲解一下ARL分析软件的众多扩展名的文件类型,看不懂英文的提问我负责讲解哦!! 扩展名------ 类型 -------------------------------------详细解释 ASC--Analytical task:Auto control---------All data related to control sample for automation Mode ALY--Alloy sort File ------------------- All data related to an alloy used for Quality sotr APS--Analytical Task:Auto prod -------- All data related to Production Samples for Automation Mode ASS--Standardistion:Auto standardisation--All data related to setting-up Samples forAutomation Mode ATS--Type standard:Auto type standard----All data related to type Standards for Automation Mode BCH--Batch context File -----------------Analytical task to be run in sequence CAL--Calibration Task------------------- Analytical task used to measure the calibration standards CHO--Program choice --------------------All data related to program choice CIS--calibration attribute import-------All data related calibration standard import CTL--Analytical task:control sample-----Analytical task used to measure the control samples CXS--calibration attribute export-------All data related calibration standard export (continue)
扩展名------ 类型 -------------------------------------详细解释 DAT--Ddtabase---------------Instsrument alarms and modification reasons. DIN--Standardisation Initialisation Task--- Analytical Task used to initialise the setting-up Samples. DMP--I/O Tracing File-------- Recorded data of communication lines. DUP--Standardistion update Task--Analytical Task used to update the setting-up Samples. EMU--ICS Dialogue Save State File----Simulated analytical results used for lff-line measurement. HED--Database-----------------Instrument alarms and modification reasons IPR--Integrated Profile------------------- All data related to profile by integrations LDH--Laser Drift File--------------------All data related to Laser Drift History MCF--calibration Transfer File-------Data related to calibration standards (continue)