本文主要对LIBS技术在考古学应用中的三个方面进行了简述,即化学成分表征、赝品伪品的识别以及间接测年,随着LIBS技术的逐步成熟,相信在该领域,LIBS技术将有更广阔的用武之地。 参考文献: 1. F. Colao, R. Fantoni, V. Lazic,V. Spizzichino, Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for semi-quantitative andquantitative analyses of artworks—application on multilayered ceramics andcopper based alloys, Spectrochim. Acta B 57 (2002) 1219–1234. 2. I. Osticioli, J. Agresti, C.Fornacelli, I. Turbanti Memmi, S. Siano, Potential role of LIPS elemental depthprofiling in authentication studies of unglazed earthenware artefacts, J. Anal.At. Spectrom. 27 (2012) 827–833. 3. L. Robbiola, L.P. Hurtel,Standard nature of the passive layers of buried archaeological bronze—theexample of two Roman half-length portraits, in: I. MacLeod, S. Pennec, L.Robbiola (Eds.), Metal 95, James & James Science Publishers, London, 1997,pp. 109–117.