


  • 悬赏金额:100积分状态:已解决
  • “多背一公斤”是一个民间志愿者团体。他们在“捐献时间”网站上发布了征集英语翻译志愿者的活动。我的想法是把需要翻译的文章节选一些,开个悬赏帖,然后把网友的回帖整理一下,用“仪器信息网”注册账号发布。这样既为社会做了一点贡献,网友们又有悬赏分可拿。何乐而不为?


    悬赏分发放原则:因为是志愿者活动,不是英语竞赛,所以悬赏分不是发放给翻译最正确的人,而是发放给参与最积极的5个人,每人奖励20分。所以网友们不要担心自己英语水平不够,just have a try!


深海的海豚 2006/11/23

[quote]原文由 [B]happyjyl[/B] 发表: Launched at the height of the Internet start-up boom, VolunteerMatch is the largest web-based volunteer-matching service in the country. Its founder, Jay Backstrand, began his career at Sun Microsystems where he was one of the principal organizers of NetDay, a service day that mobilized more than 25,000 volunteers to connect California schools to the Internet. Inspired by the Internet’s potential, Backstrand decided to create and run a website that would allow nonprofit organizations to post their volunteer opportunities for free. The idea took off, and before long he had left Sun to run the nonprofit site full time.[/quote] 随着互联网如雨后春笋般的发展,“志愿者联合”成为了国家中基于网络的最大的志愿者联合服务活动。她的创始人Jay Backstrand,开始就职于sun 微系统公司,在那里他作为“网络日”的主要负责人,动员了从加利福尼亚学校到英特网总数超过25000位志愿者参与服务,受互联网潜力的激励和影响,Backstrand决定创建并运行一个能够提供非盈利组织招募他们所需要的志愿者的免费网站。这个主意提出不久,他就离开了sun公司,全身心的投入到非盈利网站的建设和运行上来。 --好几个地方翻译的怪怪的,有点牵强,[em04],有问题请指正,谢谢! [em44]

勒疆石 2006/11/24

关于“寻找志愿者” 假如你刚到一个新的城市,想找一份志愿者工作;或者对某一社会热点产生兴趣;或者想利用周末做一些有益于社会的事情:你怎样才能把想法变成行动呢?成立于1998年的“寻找志愿者”为数以万计的美国人解决了这一问题。 “寻找志愿者”成立于互联网开始蓬勃发展的时候,是美国最大规模的基于网络平台的志愿者服务组织。该组织的成立者Jay Backstrand先生,起先在Sun Microsystems工作。在那里他是Netday的最初发起者之一,其目的在于通过网络将超过25,000名志愿者和加州的学校联系起来。Bacstrand洞察到互联网的巨大潜力,矢志创建一个网站,可以让非营利机构或组织提供他们的志愿者服务。这一想法一直萦绕着他,之后不久他便离开Sun全身心地投入这件事。 “寻找志愿者”一直不忘其最初的宗旨:为每位志愿者找到合适的地方!该组织建立了易于使用的网上数据库,提供全国(美国)范围内的志愿服务机会以及社区服务组织信息。志愿者可以通过输入地点、日期、服务类型等信息检索数据库,找到适合自己或者自己需要的机会。例如,可以允许志愿者带着孩子服务等等。如果一个准志愿者在数据库上检索到自己感兴趣的信息,首先他(她)应该给相应的组织发E-mail自荐;之后志愿者和中介组织之间会安排一次见面。 到2001年“寻找志愿者”和Bridgespan合作的时候,该网站已经有注册非营利组织17,000家,超过500,000名志愿者找到自己满意的志愿者服务。 该组织最初的200,000的资金来源于个人对网站的投资。当该组织规模扩大,将其工作中心一直圣弗朗西斯克之后,它的筹款措施也有所改变。这一发展迅速的组织起初的资金来源于个人捐献,后来转向小规模的基金会,然后转向国有基金会。同时,组织的高层管理人员开始寻找新的模式,在慈善事业之外可以支持组织运作的方法。基于这一点,他们把“寻找志愿者”发展成为公司形式,一个收费的定制化的网站,公司可以通过内网鼓励员工在其社团中进行志愿服务。同时,他们还通过一些许可,允许其他的互联网组织可以在自己的网站上使用“寻找志愿者”的信息。到2000年底,尽管双方的商业计划都开始盈利,但真正的收入—对于“寻找志愿者”来说的可用的有益部分—还是一个目标而已。 关键的问题在于: “寻找志愿者”和Bridgespan合作,开发其商业潜能,关键的几个问题是: 做怎样的改变才能使组织的商业机构开始良性运作? 还有哪些方法可以拓展现有的商业范围?哪种方法具有优先权? 展开新的商业运作应该采取哪些措施?如何使合作的商业组织得到应得的部分(通常他们付出比收获少)—不管是钱还是时间? 专业所限,有些地方很牵强!

jun来也 2006/11/24

其实楼主推出的帖子翻译。也就相当于说明了“捐献时间 分享快乐”网的由来。可能是基于希望大家都来参与啊!人人都献出一片“爱”,世界才会变得更加美好。 VolunteerMatch at a Glance Suppose you’ve recently moved to a new city and are looking for a place to volunteer, or you’re developing an interest in an important social issue, or you want to spend a weekend doing something to make the world a better place: how can you turn your good intentions into action? VolunteerMatch has provided an effective answer to this question for hundreds of thousands of people across the U.S. since its founding in 1998. 关于志愿者 如果你刚到一个新城市,想参加一些公益性的活动--志愿者工作;或是对某一社会热点有兴趣;或是想利用周末做一些公益活动:那你该如何把想法付诸于行动呢?在美国,成立于1998年的“寻找志愿者”组织为数以万计有此想法的人提供了帮助。

erma0402 2006/12/07

[quote]原文由 [B]happyjyl[/B] 发表: Launched at the height of the Internet start-up boom, VolunteerMatch is the largest web-based volunteer-matching service in the country. Its founder, Jay Backstrand, began his career at Sun Microsystems where he was one of the principal organizers of NetDay, a service day that mobilized more than 25,000 volunteers to connect California schools to the Internet. Inspired by the Internet’s potential, Backstrand decided to create and run a website that would allow nonprofit organizations to post their volunteer opportunities for free. The idea took off, and before long he had left Sun to run the nonprofit site full time.[/quote] 通过网络发起,VolunteerMatch 是美国最大的以网络为基础的志愿服务组织。它的创始人,Jay Backstrand从Sun Microsystems 开始他的职业,在那里他是NetDay的组织者之一,NetDay是指通过超过25000名志愿者通过网络连接加里福尼亚的学校。受网络潜力的启发,Backstrand决定创建并且运行一个网站,网站允许一些非赢利组织为他们的志愿者提供免费的机会。这种想法实施了,不久他离开Sun 开始全职从事他的非赢利班块。

    +关注 私聊
  • happyjyl


    VolunteerMatch at a Glance

    Suppose you’ve recently moved to a new city and are looking for a place to volunteer, or you’re developing an interest in an important social issue, or you want to spend a weekend doing something to make the world a better place: how can you turn your good intentions into action? VolunteerMatch has provided an effective answer to this question for hundreds of thousands of people across the U.S. since its founding in 1998.

    +关注 私聊
  • happyjyl


    Launched at the height of the Internet start-up boom, VolunteerMatch is the largest web-based volunteer-matching service in the country. Its founder, Jay Backstrand, began his career at Sun Microsystems where he was one of the principal organizers of NetDay, a service day that mobilized more than 25,000 volunteers to connect California schools to the Internet. Inspired by the Internet’s potential, Backstrand decided to create and run a website that would allow nonprofit organizations to post their volunteer opportunities for free. The idea took off, and before long he had left Sun to run the nonprofit site full time.

    +关注 私聊
  • happyjyl


    VolunteerMatch pursued its mission, “to help everyone find a great place to volunteer,” by creating an easy-to-use online database of volunteer opportunities with community service organizations throughout the country. Volunteers could search the database of listings by location, date, or type of nonprofit. They could also look for opportunities to suit their own needs; for example, rganizations that welcomed large groups or volunteers who wished to bring their children with them. Once a potential volunteer found an interesting opportunity in the database, she or he would send an e-mail referral to the nonprofit organization. From that point, the nonprofit organization and volunteer communicated independently to arrange a meeting. By September 2001 when VolunteerMatch and Bridgespan began working together, the site had registered over 17,000 nonprofit organizations and tracked over 500,000 referrals between volunteers and organizations.

    +关注 私聊
  • happyjyl


    Backstrand secured the organization’s initial $200,000 in funding by approaching individuals in his personal and professional network. As the organization expanded to over a dozen employees and moved its offices to central San Francisco, its fundraising strategy expanded as well. The development team initially focused on contributions from individuals, but then shifted towards grants from small foundations and then to multi-year grants from national foundations. At the same time, the organization’s senior managers were eager to find ways to support VolunteerMatch’s activities without relying exclusiv ely on philanthropy. To this end, they developed VolunteerMatch Corporate, a fee-based customized version of the VolunteerMatch site that companies could host on their intranets to encourage employees to volunteer in their communities. They also entered into a few licensing deals, which allowed other Internet-based organizations to display a version of the VolunteerMatch database on their websites. By the end of 2000, although both of these business units were generating revenue, genuine earned income—meaning a positive contribution to VolunteerMatch overall—was still an ambitious goal.

    +关注 私聊
  • happyjyl


    Key questions

    As the VolunteerMatch team moved forward with Bridgespan to explore its earnedincome potential, several key questions emerged to guide the process:

    What changes would be required for the organization’s current business units to start making a positive financial contribution?
    What other opportunities to expand VolunteerMatch’s earned-income efforts existed, and how should they be prioritized?
    What would it take to implement the new ventures, and how could VolunteerMatch guard against undertaking initiatives that would subtract more from the organization—in dollars and staff time—than they could possibly add?

    +关注 私聊
  • happyjyl



    +关注 私聊
  • jun来也


    在“捐献时间 分享快乐”网站上/ http://www.donatehour.org/ 看到这么一组数据:
    已参与 607 志愿者
    共捐献 3527 个小时
    共使得 26962 人受益


    happyjyl 发表:“多背一公斤”是一个民间志愿者团体。他们在“捐献时间”网站上发布了征集英语翻译志愿者的活动。我的想法是把需要翻译的文章节选一些,开个悬赏帖,然后把网友的回帖整理一下,用“仪器信息网”注册账号发布。这样既为社会做了一点贡献,网友们又有悬赏分可拿。何乐而不为?


    悬赏分发放原则:因为是志愿者活动,不是英语竞赛,所以悬赏分不是发放给翻译最正确的人,而是发放给参与最积极的5个人,每人奖励20分。所以网友们不要担心自己英语水平不够,just have a try!

    +关注 私聊
  • 深海的海豚



    happyjyl 发表:VolunteerMatch at a Glance

    Suppose you’ve recently moved to a new city and are looking for a place to volunteer, or you’re developing an interest in an important social issue, or you want to spend a weekend doing something to make the world a better place: how can you turn your good intentions into action? VolunteerMatch has provided an effective answer to this question for hundreds of thousands of people across the U.S. since its founding in 1998.

    +关注 私聊
  • 深海的海豚


    随着互联网如雨后春笋般的发展,“志愿者联合”成为了国家中基于网络的最大的志愿者联合服务活动。她的创始人Jay Backstrand,开始就职于sun 微系统公司,在那里他作为“网络日”的主要负责人,动员了从加利福尼亚学校到英特网总数超过25000位志愿者参与服务,受互联网潜力的激励和影响,Backstrand决定创建并运行一个能够提供非盈利组织招募他们所需要的志愿者的免费网站。这个主意提出不久,他就离开了sun公司,全身心的投入到非盈利网站的建设和运行上来。


    happyjyl 发表:Launched at the height of the Internet start-up boom, VolunteerMatch is the largest web-based volunteer-matching service in the country. Its founder, Jay Backstrand, began his career at Sun Microsystems where he was one of the principal organizers of NetDay, a service day that mobilized more than 25,000 volunteers to connect California schools to the Internet. Inspired by the Internet’s potential, Backstrand decided to create and run a website that would allow nonprofit organizations to post their volunteer opportunities for free. The idea took off, and before long he had left Sun to run the nonprofit site full time.

    +关注 私聊
  • happyjyl


    呵呵,你真热情啊 先看了第一段,很不错,就是最后一句要纠正一下。



    lqqer 发表:VolunteerMatch has provided an effective answer to this question for hundreds of thousands of people across the U.S. since its founding in 1998


