


  • 以下是我个人翻译的《现场核查及抽样参考要求》及相关表格和填写说明,拿出来与大家讨论。感觉翻译的难点有两个:1. 这份文件有些地方非常口语化,语意含混不清,让人费解。而英语讲究逻辑性,经常用which, as之类的连词,句子结构非常清楚,容易理解。要在译文中体现较强的逻辑性,又要充分表达出原句的意思,让我费了不少脑筋。首先要吃透中文,再翻译成英文。就像薛范先生说的:“掰开了,揉碎了,重新塑一个。”2. 本文中出现了很多文件名,尤其是“国药管安[2000]1号”之类的提法,很难准确翻译。不知道ruojun或poorlittle有没有这方面的资料可供借鉴。具体翻译内容见下,我有理解或表达错误的地方请大家不吝赐教,尤其是ruojun和poorlittle两位老师哦。

    现场核查及抽样参考要求 Ed. 3.3
    On-site Inspection and Sampling Requirements Ed. 3.3
    现场核查:on-site inspection或field inspection。FDA的网站上这两种提法都有。

    To the applicants and relevant research organizations: To ensure the on-site inspection and sampling for drug registration, please make preparations as required below.
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  • happyjyl


    1. Submit a set of application dossier- including a hard copy of the application form and the acceptance letter respectively- and the on-site inspection notice letter within 2 working days of receipt of the on-site inspection notice letter to the Acceptance Office of the Business Department of SIFDC, located in 1500 Zhangheng Road, Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park. The mobile phone number of the contact person should be provided simultaneously.
    Hard copy: 硬拷贝(由电子计算机,缩微胶卷等复制的无需专门设备即可阅读的打印件)。与之相反的是soft copy:软拷贝(显示在屏幕上的内容)。
    收到……2日内:within 2 days of receipt of sth.由于这里的2日明显是指工作日,(比如星期五收到现场核查通知书,星期一才能递交资料。)所以译为within 2 working days.
    SIFDC:上海药检所(Shanghai Institute for Food and Drug Control)的简称。

    2. Arrange the round trip transportation of the inspectors.

    3. The detailed contents and procedures of the on-site inspection and sampling can be found in Procedures and Requirements of On-site Inspection and Sampling for Drug Registration (Trial) issued by SFDA, Notice of On-site Inspection and Sampling for Drug Registration issued by SHFDA and the Decree No. [2006] 265 issued by the Drug Registration Division of SFDA. The first two can be downloaded at the Regulations Column of SFDA website http://www.sfda.gov.cn and at the Announcements Column of SHFDA website http://www.shfda.gov.cn.
    SFDA:国家食品药品监督管理局(State Food and Drug Administration)的简称。
    SHFDA:上海食品药品监督管理局(Shanghai Food and Drug Administration)的简称。
    [2006]265号文”姑且先翻译为Decree No. [2006] 265 issued by the Drug Registration Division of SFDA,因为它是SFDA药品注册司颁布的,不知道还有没有更好的译法。

    4. File the original records- records of tests of APIs and excipients, formula and process research, quality research, stability study, pilot production and tests of the samples, pharmacology and toxicology study and so on- as required by Temporary Regulations on Experimental Records of Drug Research (Decree No. [2006] 1 issued by the Drug Safety and Supervision Division of SFDA). Bind the records as required by Form 7. The records may be bound with thread, glue or staples, but not in the form of loose leaves. List the contents and number the pages. Try best to bind the records of an item together. Provide original records likewise for commissioned research and contact with relative research organizations beforehand to arrange things.
    样品试制:pilot production或trial production
    [2000]1号)”因为是SFDA安监司颁布的,所以翻译为Decree No. [2006] 1 issued by the Drug Safety and Supervision Division of SFDA。

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  • happyjyl


    5. Get the following documents ready and present them in the inspection.

    (1) A copy of completely filled and thoroughly checked Drug Research Declaration Form. Indicate in brackets whether the quantity is minimum, half, or maximum quantity in the Pilot Sample Quantity Column. Sign, stamp and date where indicated on the last page.
    “请对该申报表逐项详细核对,内容应填写完整,”这句话语序颠倒了,应该是先填写完整再详细核对,所以这里翻译为completely filled and thoroughly checked。
    Where indicated:在注明处(即在规定处)。

    (2) A set of application dossier, including the application form and the acceptance letter.

    (3) The original copy in quintuplicate and a hard copy of Drug Research Inspection Report Form. Fill in on computer the first three lines of the form and print. Include the site of pilot production and quality test in the inspection site. Sign and stamp where indicated. The form can be downloaded at the Announcements Column of SFDA or SHFDA website.
    文件份数的表达方式:一式两份in duplicate;一式三份in triplicate;一式四份in quadruplicate;一式五份in quintuplicate;一式六份in sextuplicate;一式七份in septuplicate;一式八份in octuplicate;一式九份in nonuplicate;一式十份in decuplicate。

    (4) A set of Drug Research Summary Form (See Table 1-6), filled in truthfully and completely by the applicant except the bold-framed part remained for inspectors, indicated where the content does not comply with the designed forms, signed and stamped by the person in charge of the inspected organizations after checking. Inspection results not consistent with those in Drug Research Declaration Form and Drug Research Summary Form will be recorded in the credit file according to the severity.
    “粗框部分”译为bold-framed part,“诚信档案”译为“credit file”。不知道这算不算Chinglish。

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  • happyjyl


    (5) A copy of pre-filled Inspection and Ensealing Records of Original Records (See Form 7).

    (6) An original copy and a hard copy of agreements, commission research contracts and reports relating to drug research. A hard copy of legal registration certificate and relative qualification certificates of the commissioned organizations.

    (7) An original copy and a hard copy of original vouchers of materials involved in the whole drug research- APIs, main and specific excipients, reference standards, reference preparations, packaging materials, special reagents and materials for research and test, and experimental animals- including invoices, payment vouchers, consignment vouchers, receiving vouchers, mailing vouchers and so on. Provide relative accounts and original consignment and receiving vouchers of materials. If the original vouchers are kept in the research organizations and are therefore impossible to present on the inspection site, present the hard copy stamped by the research organizations and legible color digital photos.

    (8) Relative service records of devices and filed electronic spectra.

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  • happyjyl


    6. Research staff, persons in charge of pilot production, test, quality assurance and registration, heads of the organizations, keepers of the APIs, samples, original records, files and credence, and finance staff should be on the inspection site and support the inspectors. All relative staff should be on site and sign in person.

    7. The heads of the inspected organizations should be familiar with the research of the applied product and present to inspectors the process and questions subject to explanation. Present stamped written reports for problems such as failing to agree with relative requirements or to submit application for change as required and remarks in the Remarks Column of Drug Research Summary Form.
    “Present stamped written reports for problems such as failing to agree with relative requirements or to submit application for change as required……”这里的to submit application是指problems such as failing to submit application for change as required。

    8. Inspectors may question the research staff on the applied product, take pictures or copies of the site, device, instruments, relative documents, credence and original records, and require the heads of the inspected organizations sign and stamp on the inspection records and copies when necessary.

    9. Prepare appropriate packages to seal samples according to the drug registration requirements on sample quantities, generally two independent outer packages- for 2 and 1 times of the required quantity respectively. Repackage the samples for products with specific test requirements (such as sterile test, pyrogen reaction and bacterial endotoxin test for APIs).

    10. Sign, stamp, submit and make necessary corrections as required at the end of the inspection. Submit the sealed samples, sampling records and credence, and relative application dossier to the designated drug control institution within 5 working days of sampling.

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  • happyjyl


    Instructions for Filling in the Forms

    The forms are designed to ensure the on-site inspection. The applicant should prepare materials and clear the sites for inspection beforehand and may modify the forms and indicate in the Remarks Column if the designed forms do not match the facts.

    Form 1: (1) Category: A: APIs, including microorganisms (bacteria, virus, yeasts and so on) and key materials (resins, chromatography columns and so on) needed in the drug manufacturing process. B: Excipients. C: Reference standards. D: Marketed reference preparations. E: Drug packaging materials. F: Specific reagents. G: other materials such as experimental animals and cells. (2) Present original source vouchers of all the APIs, reference standards, marketed reference preparations, specific excipients, specific reagents and drug packaging materials. Fill in the quantities, batch numbers, purchase dates, warehousing dates, requisition dates, consumed quantities and remained quantities according to the account books and remained samples.

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  • happyjyl


    Form 2: (1) Category: 1. Pilot products for formula and process research. 2. Samples for quality and stability study. 3. Samples for pharmacology, toxicology and clinical study. 4. Samples for registration. (2) Fill in the actual remained quantity. (3) Fill in the exact room or workshop where the batches are pilot produced. (4) Applicants may modify the form and fill in “-” where not applicable but should not omit the basic contents.
    注释:处方和工艺研究用的是小试样品,在质量和稳定性研究中小试、中试和大生产样品都会用到,所以在翻译时应注意把两者区别开。一个翻译为pilot products,一个翻译为samples。
    “not applicable”经常写作“NA”。“NA”在实验报告中常用的意思有两个:“not applicable”(不适用)和“not available”(不可得)。所以如果在报告表格中写“NA”,应在表格下注明到底代表的是哪一个。

    附表3:(1)类别:1实验室,2 非GMP车间,3 GMP车间,4其他;(2)主要配件填写配套使用的模具及型号;(3)连续生产无投料量及产量无限制的设备在最大量和半数量栏内填入“不适用”;(4)设备安放场地应写明具体房间号。
    Form 3: (1) Category: 1. Laboratory. 2. Non-GMP workshop. 3. GMP workshop. 4. Others. (2) Fill in the fittings and their types in the Main Fittings Column. (3) Fill in “not applicable” in the Maximum Column and Intermediate Column if the input and yield quantities are not fixed for continuous production. (4) Fill in the number of the room where the devices are emplaced.

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  • happyjyl


    附表4:(1)类别:1质量研究,2 稳定性研究,3样品检验,4中间体检验,5原辅料检验,6药理毒理研究,7临床研究,8其他;(2)试验项目应按质量标准的检测项目,并按不同试验次数详细列出,不同次数情况雷同的可合并填写;(3)同一项检测项目涉及多个对照品及参比制剂的,应逐一列出名称及批号;(4)专用试验材料包括:专用试剂、实验动物、细胞、细菌、病毒等实验中用到的主要材料。
    Form 4: (1) Category: 1. Quality research. 2. Stability study. 3. Sample analysis. 4. Intermediate analysis. 5. APIs and excipients analysis. 6. Pharmacology and toxicology study. 7. Clinical study. 8. Others. (2) For items described in the specification, list every test results. If a test is done 2 times or more, same results of different test times may be filled in one place. (3) List all the reference standards, reference preparations and corresponding batch numbers. (4) Specific test materials include specific reagents, experimental animals, cells, bacteria, virus and so on.

    附表5:(1)类别:1质量研究,2稳定性研究,3注册样品检验,4 中间体检验,5原辅料检验,6其他;(2)设备安放场地应写明具体房间号;(3)主要附表包括:色谱柱及型号、多元泵、自动进样器、柱温箱、检测器等主要检测条件;(4)根据实际情况如无相应附表等应填写“无”。
    Form 5: (1) Category: 1. Quality research. 2. Stability study. 3. Sample analysis. 4. Intermediate analysis. 5. APIs and excipients analysis. 6. Others. (2) Fill in the number of the room where the devices are emplaced. (3) Main attached tables include main test conditions such as names and types of chromatography columns, multi-pumps, automatic injectors, ovens, detectors and so on. (4) Fill in “Naught” if no table is attached.

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  • happyjyl


    Form 6: (1) Fill in all the staff involved in the product research, including: 1. Persons in charge of the organizations, the project, the registration, QA, materials purchase and keeping, files and original vouchers keeping. 2. Operators and checkers of process research, pilot production, quality research, stability study, API analysis, excipient analysis, intermediate analysis and sample analysis. 3. Leaders and operators of pharmacology and toxicology study. (2) Fill in “Turnover” or indicate the reason for absence if the relative person has resigned or is not available on the inspection site.


    Form 7: (1) Fill in “Yes” for items under which tests have been done. (2) Fill in the address where original records are kept and the keeping department. (3) “Volume Sequence No.” refers to the sequence numbers of the original records. If records of different items are in the same volume, fill in the same sequence number and corresponding pages, otherwise fill in different sequence numbers and corresponding pages. (4) Indicate in the Remarks Column if some original records can not be bound or in other specific cases. (5) Original records of organizations which have obtained the GIP certificate from SFDA should be registered but not sealed.
    “个别原始资料无法装订的以及其他特殊情况”我翻译成“Indicate in the Remarks Column if some original records can not be bound or in other specific cases.”。感觉in other specific cases用在这里使句子结构不对,但一时也想不出该怎么改。请ruojun和poorlittle给点建议。

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  • 闲鹤野云


    Ruojun:To ensure successful implementation of on-site inspection and samplings for drug registration, applicants and relevant research institutions shall make relevant preparations.

    happyjyl 发表:以下是我个人翻译的《现场核查及抽样参考要求》及相关表格和填写说明,拿出来与大家讨论。感觉翻译的难点有两个:1. 这份文件有些地方非常口语化,语意含混不清,让人费解。而英语讲究逻辑性,经常用which, as之类的连词,句子结构非常清楚,容易理解。要在译文中体现较强的逻辑性,又要充分表达出原句的意思,让我费了不少脑筋。首先要吃透中文,再翻译成英文。就像薛范先生说的:“掰开了,揉碎了,重新塑一个。”2. 本文中出现了很多文件名,尤其是“国药管安[2000]1号”之类的提法,很难准确翻译。不知道ruojun或poorlittle有没有这方面的资料可供借鉴。具体翻译内容见下,我有理解或表达错误的地方请大家不吝赐教,尤其是ruojun和poorlittle两位老师哦。

    现场核查及抽样参考要求 Ed. 3.3
    On-site Inspection and Sampling Requirements Ed. 3.3
    现场核查:on-site inspection或field inspection。FDA的网站上这两种提法都有。

    To the applicants and relevant research organizations: To ensure the on-site inspection and sampling for drug registration, please make preparations as required below.

  • 该帖子已被版主-happyjyl加2积分,加2经验;加分理由:积极讨论
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  • 闲鹤野云


    1. Submit a set of application dossier- including a hard copy of the application form and the acceptance letter respectively- and the on-site inspection notice letter within 2 working days of receipt of the on-site inspection notice letter to the Acceptance Office of the Business Department of SIFDC, located in 1500 Zhangheng Road, Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park. The mobile phone number of the contact person should be provided simultaneously.

    Ruojun: Within 2 working days of receipt of the on-site inspection notification, the applicant shall submit a set of application dossier (including the application form and one hard copy of the acceptance letter) and the on-site inspection notification to the Acceptance Office of the Business Department of SIFDC (located in 1500 Zhangheng Road, Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park). The mobile phone number of the contact person should be provided simultaneously.em0703]

  • 该帖子已被版主-happyjyl加2积分,加2经验;加分理由:积极讨论

