Please refer to 6/F of http://bbs.instrument.com.cn/shtml/20100613/2612200/ . 国家标准不可不知, 各行业如何应用, 可靈活处理。
药典可算是一种行业标准, 可能一般药物测试中, 由是否“五留双”而引起的不确定度对总不确定度影响很小, 故采用四舍五入已足够了。
[From p.10 of “British Pharmacopoeia 2009”:
In determining compliance with a numerical limit, the calculated result of a test or assay is first rounded to the number of significant figures stated, unless otherwise prescribed. The last figure is increased by 1 when the part rejected is equal to or exceeds one half-unit(五入), whereas it is not modified when the part rejected is less than a half-unit. ]
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我们试验所中多数测试都用四舍五入, 一来分别很小, 二来“五留双”不方便操作( There is no built-in function for“round-to-even” in Excel). 但仲裁测试中, 如果是marginal case, 则要小心复核, 有规范跟规范, 规范没指定修约方法就跟相关的国家标准(BS, ASTM etc.)