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  • 第一篇:


    最低检测浓度/极限(Minimal detectable concentration/limit, MDC/MDL)是反映最低可区别于零值的浓度,又称分析灵敏度(Analytical sensitivity)。功能灵敏度(Functional sensitivity)为<20%CV时所能检测到的最低极限浓度,它反映在实际样品检测时所能达到精确定量的检测极限。


    One of the fundamental characteristics of any analytical method is the smallest concentration that can be reliably measured. A number of terms and concepts have been used to describe the lowest concentration an immunoassay can report, and this multiplicity of terms can be genuinely confusing. What follows is a discussion of some of these terms and how they relate to answering the fundamental question: What is the lowest concentration I can report with this assay?

    Analytical sensitivity
    The formal definition of analytical sensitivity is "the lowest concentration that can be distinguished from background noise." This concentration is properly termed the assay's detection limit, but it is most commonly referred to as sensitivity. Typically, this value is established by assaying replicates of a sample that is known to have no analyte present. Then the measured counts (CPS) from these replicates are used to calculate a mean and standard deviation (SD). The analytical sensitivity is determined as the concentration equivalent to the mean counts obtained from the zero sample plus 2 SD for immunometric assays, and the mean minus 2 SD for competitive assays. This is what is published in the "Analytical Sensitivity" section of IMMULITE® and IMMULITE® 2000 package inserts.

    In the real world, analytical sensitivity has limited practical value. The real limitation is that, for any assay, imprecision increases very rapidly as concentration decreases. This phenomenon is readily apparent when looking at the assay's precision profile, which is a graphical representation of how the imprecision of an assay changes with the measured concentration. (See Figures 1 and 2 for examples.)

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    Not only at the analytical sensitivity, but even at concentrations significantly above it, imprecision may be so great that results do not reproduce well enough to be of real clinical utility. Consequently, analytical sensitivity does not typically represent the lowest measurable concentration that is clinically useful.

    This limitation of analytical sensitivity has always been with us, for RIA and IMMULITE, and applies to all methods by all manufacturers. Since patient samples are not typically run in replicates, the lack of reproducibility may not be readily apparent in routine testing. However, the overall quality and usefulness of the results are affected. This is why the lower limit of the reporting range in the IMMULITE and IMMULITE 2000 software is often set at a concentration above the analytical sensitivity. DPC sets the reporting limits for every assay to what a comprehensive assessment suggests is the range of effective and reliable performance for the assay, relative to its intended clinical use.

    The limitations of analytical sensitivity, for describing the lower limit of clinically effective assay performance, led to the development of another concept.

    Functional sensitivity
    About a decade ago, in reaction to the limited utility of analytical sensitivity as a measure of assay performance, a group of researchers evaluating TSH assays developed a concept they termed functional sensitivity.1 They defined it as "the lowest concentration at which an assay can report clinically useful results." Clinically useful results for TSH were deemed to be good accuracy with a day-to-day CV of not more than 20%. While this choice of CV limit was somewhat arbitrary, the researchers felt that, for TSH, a CV of 20% was the most imprecision that could be tolerated for clinical purposes.1

    Since CV is the standard deviation expressed as a percentage of the mean, a CV of 20% implies the SD would be 20% of the mean. For a sample with a TSH concentration of 0.1 µIU/mL, for example, the range encompassing 95% of the expected results from repeat analysis would be ±40% (±2 SD), or 0.06 µIU/mL to 0.14 µIU/mL.

    Although originally developed only for TSH assays, the concept of functional sensitivity and the use of a 20% CV as the limit of clinical usefulness have been widely applied to other immunoassays. The concept has gained acceptance because it provides the laboratory with an objective and clinically meaningful indication of the practical lower limit of an assay.

    When developing a new assay, DPC uses essentially the same approach, evaluating both precision and accuracy to establish the concentrations at which the limits of clinical usefulness are likely to be reached. The software reporting range is based on this evaluation. For competitive assays especially, there is usually a significant difference between the analytical sensitivity and the lower reporting limit. The reporting range, as set in the IMMULITE and IMMULITE 2000 software, represents DPC's recommendation for the CLIA'88* "reportable range"-which is the concentration range over which assay performance is documented as valid.

    Verifying assay performance
    Currently, for laboratories using automated immunoassay systems in the US, the only sensitivity-related performance characteristic that CLIA'88 requires to be verified by the laboratory is the lower limit of the reportable range. Some laboratories may also choose to estimate the functional sensitivity of a new assay; and, historically, some have wanted to verify analytical sensitivity. Each of these assessments is a different experiment with distinct protocols and requirements. So the first step is to decide what is to be verified and then use the appropriate protocol and evaluate the data accordingly.

    If a laboratory chooses to evaluate analytical sensitivity, the goal is typically to verify the value given for that performance measure in the package insert. It is essential that the sample used for an analytical sensitivity study be a true zero concentration sample with an appropriate sample matrix. Any other type of sample may bias the results. The usual protocol involves assaying 20 replicates of the zero sample, followed by calculating the mean and SD of the CPS. The analytical sensitivity is estimated as the concentration equal to the mean counts of the zero sample plus 2 SD for immunometric ("sandwich") assays like TSH, or minus 2 SD for competitive assays like T4. Technical Services can assist in calculating this concentration. This protocol yields an initial estimate, which is usually adequate for comparison with the analytical sensitivity listed in the package insert. However, multiple experiments encompassing several kit lots are necessary to obtain a robust and accurate assessment.

    In assessing functional sensitivity, the aim is to determine the lowest concentration corresponding to a laboratory-specified goal for day-to-day (interassay) imprecision representing the limit of clinical usefulness for a given assay. Commonly, a CV of 20% has been used as the goal, based on the original application of the concept to TSH. However, this CV may not always be the most appropriate limit. For some assays, a CV greater than 20% may be consistent with clinically reliable and informative results, while for others, a CV less than 20% may represent the limit of clinical usefulness. The performance goal needs to be set for each assay, based on its intended clinical application.

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    Having determined the day-to-day CV representing the clinically useful limit of reproducibility, the next step is to estimate the concentration at which the CV might reach this limit. On the basis of prior studies, package insert data, and estimates made from the assay's precision profile, Technical Services can usually help to identify a "target range" of concentrations bracketing the predetermined CV limit.

    Ideally, this study should be performed using several undiluted patient samples, or pools of patient samples, with concentrations that span the target range. However, these samples may be difficult to obtain. Reasonable alternatives include patient samples diluted down to concentrations spanning the target range, or control materials in or near this range. If there is a need to dilute any type of sample for the study, the diluent used is critical. The routine sample diluents are intended only for diluting very high concentration samples; for some assays, they may have a measurable, though very low, apparent concentration. Use of these diluents can bias the results of the study.

    The samples should be analyzed repeatedly over a number of different runs, ideally over a period of days or weeks, to assess the day-to-day precision. (A single run of 20 replicates does not provide a valid assessment of functional sensitivity.) Having collected the data, calculate the CV for each sample tested. The functional sensitivity is the concentration at which the CV reaches the predetermined limit. This concentration can be estimated from the study results by interpolation, if it doesn't happen to coincide with one of the levels tested.

    Verifying the lower limit of the reportable range is one part of the process of verifying the entire reportable range. This is typically accomplished by performing replicate analysis on a series of three to five samples with known concentrations spanning the reportable range. These samples can be obtained using a single sample, with a concentration near the upper limit of the range, which is then diluted to give additional samples spanning the entire reportable range. The results obtained are evaluated for both reproducibility and recovery of expected values to determine that the assay's performance meets clinical usefulness needs across the reportable range.

    So, why is the lower limit of the software reporting range 1.0 µg/dL (13 nmol/L) when the package insert says the sensitivity is 0.3 µg/dL (3.9 nmol/L)? In this example, the assay is a competitive assay and the imprecision of the assay exceeds clinically useful limits at a concentration well above the analytical sensitivity.

    If the imprecision is such that you cannot say with certainty that results of, say, 0.4 µg/dL (5 nmol/L) and 0.7 µg/dL (9 nmol/L) are in fact different, might it not be better to report both as "< 1.0 µg/dL" ("< 13 nmol/L") rather than to risk having a physician interpret explicit results as showing a clinically meaningful difference?

    Ultimately, it is usually not the assay's detection limit (analytical sensitivity) but rather the reproducibility of results which determines the lower limit of clinically reliable assay performance in routine practice.

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  • 太白金星




    一、 分析灵敏度(检测限)
    1. 检测的最低分析物浓度为检测系统的分析灵敏度或称检测限。这个浓度限值对毒检验在法庭上特别重要,希望通过检测知道样品中究竟有无药物,这是很关键的。另外,肿瘤标志物及许多特定蛋白应该有一个可检测的最低浓度或某个量;如:前列腺特异蛋白(PSA),这是病人治疗后监视复发的重要信息;长期以来,临床对报告的前列腺特异蛋白有意义的最小量要求予以明确。核酸检测报告的阴、阳性也要求说明,能检出的最小拷贝的核酸量相当于多少病毒。因此,确定检测系统的可报告低限是重要的分析性能。
    2. 当前,检测限术语混乱。厂商使用各种词语,如:灵敏度(sensitivity),分析灵敏度(analytical sensitivity),最小检测限(minimum detection limit),功能灵敏度(functional sensitivity),检测限度(limit of detction)定量限度(limit of quantitation)等。迄今尚无标准定义,所以有必要了解每个词语的实际含义和确定这个含义的实验方式,怎样处理数据,怎样由数据作出估计,以及这个估计对该检验的医学应用是否有用。以下介绍的分析灵敏度分为具有定性含义的检测低限,和具有定量含义的生物检测限及功能灵敏度。
    二、 检测低限(Lower Limit of Detection,LLD)
    每次检测,总是做一个空白样品。检测方法常以空白响应量校准至零点,再检测各个检测样品的反应响应量。这些样品的反应响应量在扣除了空白样品响应量后,是分析物的对应响应量。但是,空白响应量也有波动。若重复多次作空白检测,以空白(响应量)均值和标准差表示这些空白均值的离散程指标。在确定方法性能或绘制标准曲线时,常常以空白均值表示空白响应量大于或小于空白均值,各有50%的可能性。当空白响应量小于空白均值,对同一个样品检测响应量(未扣除空白响应量),似乎反映分析物要多一点,检测方法好象灵敏些。当空白响应量大于空白均值,似乎原先可以检测出来的分析物现在测不出了。因此,检测方法必须说清楚:究竟怎样才算是可检测出来的分析物量?标准曲线从零开始,是不是报告的分析物量 可以从零开始?这就是检测低限要回答的问题。统计说明,如果空白响应量的波动服从正态分布规律:各个单次检测的空白响应量x空白有95%的可能性为:
    —2.s空白≤x空白≤ —空白 2.s空白
    即:∣x空白- 空白∣≤2.s空白
    95% 可能性:LLD= 空白 2.s空白
    99.7% 可能性LD= 空白 3.s空白

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    三、 生物检测限度(Biologic Limit of Detection,BLD)
    95% 的可能性:BLD=LLD 2s检测限样品
    99.7%的可能性: BLD=LLD 3.s检测限样品
    四、 功能灵敏度(Functional Sensitivity ,FS)
    五、 实验须考虑的因素
    1. 空白液:一份空白液用作空白,其他用于制备检测限样品。理想的空白液应具有和检验的病人样品相同的基体。但是,常使用检测系统的系列标准品中的“零标准”作为空白。对某些项目,可使用术后无某疾病的病人样品(如:前列腺肿瘤术后病人的无PSA血清)为空白样品。
    2. 检测限样品:在证实某方法的灵敏度性能时,对空白液加入分析物配制成检测样品,。加入的分析物量应是厂商说明的检测浓度。在建立检测限度时,有必要制备几份检测限样品,它们的浓度应界于预期检测限度高低一些的范围内。重复检测数:没有具体规定,但常推荐做20次。符合临床检验对重复检测实验的要求。厂商常推荐10次,为减少开支实验室也常采纳作10次
    3. 实验需要时间:如果主要从空白液的重复性了解检测低限,常常就做批内或短期实验。如果主要从“检测限”样品的重复性了解定量的检测限,推荐作较长时间的实验,代表天间测定性能。实际就做10次检测(10d)。
    1. 用甲状腺切除后恢复健康的病人血清为无甲状腺球蛋白的空白血清。将纯化的甲状腺球蛋白加入该血清,并用空白血清作系列稀释,组成0,0.25,0.50,1.0,2.0,4.0,8.0ug/L的甲状腺球蛋白样品.
    2. 空白血清作12次批内重复测定;对其它系列样品作天间重复测定,做了12d.记录所有结果,

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    1. 检测低限
    LLD= 0 3s0,现 0=0.098,SO=0.0137,
    ∴ LLD= 0 3s0=0.098 3×0.0137=0.139
    0.25× 0.041 =0.13ug/L
    0. 07625


    由前述,空白血清如以现有的吸光度均值为准,有99.7%的可能性出现的空白吸光度可高到0.139A.0.25ug/L甲状腺蛋白组减去空白后的吸光度均值为0.07625A,标准差为0.0253A;可推测,有99.7%的可能性出现最小的吸光度为0.07625 -3×0.0253A,即0.0019A;而空白吸光度减去空白吸光度均值可能有的最高值为0.0411A.这0.0019A在空白吸光度涉及的范围内.因此0.25ug/L不是本法的生物检测限。0.5ug/L的99.7%的最低吸光度0.025A(已减去空白),也在空白涉及的范围内.1.0ug/L的99.7%的最低吸光度为0.0518A(已减去空白),在0.0411A之外,说明1.0ug/L的样品吸光度有99.7%的可能性,一定大于空白的吸光度,能定量地报告结果。1.0ug/L为本法的生物检测限.

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