

  • zhangch221
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  • 悬赏金额:10积分状态:已解决
  • 用于电脑配色的分光光度计(带有积分球)一般是d/8度的几何条件,有没有人见过8度/d的?

tutm 2012/10/24

AATCC 评价方法6“Instrumental Color Measurement”中关于仪器描述: 2.3 Apparatus and Materials 2.3.1 Reflectance color measuring instrumentation illuminates a specimen and measures the amount of light which is reflected from the surface of the specimen. Illumination is normally done in a polychromatic manner (white light), however monochromatic mode is acceptable for non fluorescent specimens. Reflectance color measuring instruments may be broadly divided between two groups: Spectrophotometers and Colorimeters. 2.3 .2 Spectrophotometers (typically diffuselO°, using polychromatic illumination) separate and measure the spectrum of light reflected from the specimen, relative to a reference, white at regular intervals (wavelength intervals of 5 nm, 10 nm, and 20 nm are most common). This data may be used to calculate the needed tristimulus values (X,Y,z) for any given illuminailt and observer. Some spectrophotometers (typically O/diffuse) illuminate the sample with monochromatic light, and measure the amount of light reflected from the surface as the sample is illuminated at regular wavelength intervals. 2.3.3 Colorimeters measure the tristimulus values (X,Y,z) directly through broadband filters which are designed to produce colorimetric values for one illuminant and observer (typically C/20). Measurement of reflectance factors at specific wavelengths is not possible with a colorimeter. 2.3.4 Within these two categories, the instruments are further defined by their geometry. Two types of geometries are prevalent: Sphere (also referred to as diffuse/0° [d/O] or O/diffuse [0/d]) and 45/0 or 0/45. The first term in each geometry type refers to the method ( or angle) by which the sample is illuminated (ex: 45 degrees in a 45/0 instrument). The second term refers to the angle at which the instrument views the illuminated specimen (ex: 0 degrees in a 45/0 instrument). 2.3.5 Oiffuse/O (sphere) instruments illuminate the specimen indirectly when the specimen is placed against a port opening into a diffusely illuminated sphere, and view the specimen at an angle between 0 and 10 degrees from the perpendicular. This arrangement is designed to capture all light reflected from the specimen. Some sphere instruments with a viewing angle greater than 0 include a specular port which allows for the inclusion or exclusion of the specular reflectance. 2.3.6 O/diffuse (sphere) instruments are si milar, but the path of illumination and viewing are reversed. This method illuminates the sample at an angle between 0 and 10 degrees, and measures the amount of light reflected from the surface into the sphere. 2.3.7 Instruments with 45/0 or (0/45) geometry illuminate the specimen at the first angle and view the specimen at the second. These two geometries can be either circumferential (viewing or illuminating at 45 to the specimen 111 a complete circle) or directional. For most

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  • tutm



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  • tutm


    AATCC 评价方法6“Instrumental Color Measurement”中关于仪器描述:

    2.3 Apparatus and Materials

    2.3.1 Reflectance color measuring instrumentation illuminates a specimen and measures the amount of light which is reflected from the surface of the specimen. Illumination is normally done in a polychromatic manner (white light), however monochromatic mode is acceptable for non fluorescent specimens. Reflectance color measuring instruments may be broadly divided between two groups:
    Spectrophotometers and Colorimeters.

    2.3 .2 Spectrophotometers (typically diffuselO°, using polychromatic illumination) separate and measure the spectrum of light reflected from the specimen, relative to a reference, white at regular intervals
    (wavelength intervals of 5 nm, 10 nm, and 20 nm are most common). This
    data may be used to calculate the needed tristimulus values (X,Y,z) for any given illuminailt and observer. Some spectrophotometers
    (typically O/diffuse) illuminate the sample with monochromatic light,
    and measure the amount of light reflected from the surface as the sample is illuminated at regular wavelength intervals.

    2.3.3 Colorimeters measure the tristimulus values (X,Y,z) directly through broadband filters which are designed to produce colorimetric values for one illuminant and observer (typically C/20). Measurement of reflectance factors at specific wavelengths is not possible with
    a colorimeter.

    2.3.4 Within these two categories, the instruments are further defined by their geometry. Two types of geometries are prevalent: Sphere (also referred to as diffuse/0° [d/O] or O/diffuse [0/d]) and 45/0 or 0/45. The first term in each geometry type refers to the method ( or angle) by which the sample is illuminated (ex: 45
    degrees in a 45/0 instrument). The second term refers to the angle at which the instrument views the illuminated specimen (ex: 0 degrees in a 45/0 instrument).

    2.3.5 Oiffuse/O (sphere) instruments illuminate the specimen indirectly when the specimen is placed against a port opening into a diffusely illuminated sphere, and view the specimen at an angle between 0 and 10 degrees from the perpendicular. This arrangement is designed to capture all light reflected from the specimen. Some sphere instruments with a viewing angle greater than 0 include a specular port which allows for the inclusion or exclusion of the specular reflectance.

    2.3.6 O/diffuse (sphere) instruments are si milar, but the path of illumination and viewing are reversed. This method illuminates
    the sample at an angle between 0 and 10 degrees, and measures the amount of light reflected from the surface into the sphere.

    2.3.7 Instruments with 45/0 or (0/45) geometry illuminate the specimen at the first angle and view the specimen at the second. These two geometries can be either circumferential (viewing or illuminating at 45 to the specimen 111 a complete circle) or directional. For most

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  • zhangch221



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  • tutm




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