我们的仪器是VARIAN ICP-820MS,坏了有一段时间了,因为VARIAN品牌已经被转手几次的缘故,现在已经找不到厂家维修,先看看国内有哪家公司可以做ICP-MS维修的,可以跟我站内。我们仪器购于2009年,错误信息如下: Error Code is 12105 "The plasma failed to ignite during the ignite phase of the ignition sequence. The optical plasma looker failed to detect the presence of a plasma within the ignite phase of the ignition sequence. The time limit for the ignite phase is specified in the ignition page of the MS software. Note: This error is the same as error#2130 PLASMA_DID_NOT_LIGHT."