
科研仪器英语口语每日一练(遣词造句-数值) 2017/7/19

  • 蒋超广州
  • 私聊


  • 2017/7/19 科研仪器英语口语每日一练(适合化工英语,外企面试口语,出国留学交流,日常英语口语)

    第二节 Money & Numbers

    数字 & 金钱
    1. 1 800 000 759. 235
    1 million = 1 000 000
    1 billion = 1 000 000 000
    1 trillion = 1 000 000 000 000
    2. fractions:
    1/2 1/4 2/5 a quarter , three quarters
    3. $1.23 $2 per kilo
    4. a couple of dozens of, a dozen, scores of a gross of (=144) hundreds of thousands of
    5. 89% 0.7%
    6. times, multiply, minus, add, divide
    7. Carl is 26. He was born in 1979.
    8. The United States has a territory of 9,372,610 square kilometers.
    9. Canada is the second largest country in the world with a small population of 28,529,000.
    10. deposit / withdraw money from the bank
    I make a monthly deposit of RMB1,000 at Guangdong Development Bank.And now I have a bank balance of 35,000 already.
    11. Credit cards allows you to overdraw money from the bank.
    apply for a credit card / to be pre-approved for a credit card application
    a credit rating credit card, cash or charge, to put something on lay-a-way

    12. open an account, checking account, savings account
    13. bank teller, bank manager, loan officer
    14. take out a loan, repay a loan, an interest rate of 17.5 percent
    take out a mortgage on your house
    15. accountant repossess
    16. a student loan
    17. to budget your money, to work out a budget
    18. I’d like to have this check cashed / cleared.
    19. cashier's check
    20. money order
    21. foreign currency
    dollar euro Franc Mark yen ruble shilling rupee pound
    22. A: What’s the exchange rate today?
    B: One dollar equals 8.3 yuan.
    23. A: How do you want your money?
    B: In one hundred yuan notes, please.
    24. to be paid by the hour
    I earn $10 an hour.
    25. I make/earn a wage of $600 a week. / His salary is $3 000 per month.
    26. His overtime rate is time and a half/ double/ triple time.
    27. Our payday is on the 9th of every month.
    28. Holiday pay
    year-end bonus
    pension social welfare benefits the dole (Australian) health care card
    29. She got married to a really loaded man. I’m talking big bucks.
    30. Ever since I became broke, my roommate has been trying to give me some money.
    But I don’t take charity from people.
    +关注 私聊
  • yzx2011





