
科研仪器英语口语每日一练(遣词造句-面试与工作) 2017/7/20

  • 蒋超广州
  • 私聊


  • 2017/7/20 科研仪器英语口语每日一练(适合化工英语,外企面试口语,出国留学交流,日常英语口语)

    INTERVIEWS 第三节之一

    面 试
    1. May I know your full name?/What's your full name?
    2. My family name/surname is Chen, and my given name/first name is Ming.
    3. But please call me Alex.
    4. A: Can you tell me about your educational and work background ?
    B: Well, I come from Shenyang, and studied at Liaoning University for four years before I got the job at the New Century Hotel. I have worked at the hotel for 2 years and am currently employed there.
    5. What are your qualifications?
    6. What’s the starting salary?
    7. What possibilities are there for advancement?
    8. A: Do you have any current references?
    B: My manager will vouch for me.
    9. This is a very impressive resume, Mr. Smith.
    10. A: Hi, I’m calling about your ad in the paper for the position of manager / electrical engineer
    / typist… .
    B: Please send us your resume / C.V.
    11.A: When can you come in for an interview?
    B: Is Friday afternoon ok with you?
    12. A: Hi, I’m here for an interview / an appointment / a meeting with Alex Jia.
    B: Can I have your name please. … Yes, you can go to his office right now.
    13. A: What kind of work-related experience do you have?
    B: Well, I worked for two years as manager at IBM.
    14. A: What can you bring to our team?
    B: Well, I’m a very hard-working / dedicated / focused employee. /I’m a people person. / I’m very team-oriented. / I can work very well with others. / I’m good at meeting deadlines.
    15. A: Do you have any other questions about the job?
    B: Yes, please tell me about the health benefits / holiday / salary.
    16. A: We’ll call you.
    B: Ok, should I expect to hear from you by next Friday / the end of the week / the 15th?
    17. What's your intended area of study?
    I intend to study physical sciences and related disciplines.
    Humanities and social sciences are my interested areas of study.
    18. What's the name of the college/university/institution you are applying to enter?
    I'm applying to enter Kingstown University.
    19. A: Who's financing your study?
    B: My parents are. But I plan to do some part-time work to cover part of the tuition and my living expenses.
    20.A: Are you going to immigrate to Canada after you finish your studies there?
    B: No, my parents are here and they're getting old and cannot easily adjust to a new living environment. The language will be a real problem for them. So I'll come back and take care of them.

    JOBS 第三节之二

    工 作
    1. You’ll have a starting salary of $2,800 a month.
    2. This position offers an opportunity to move up as there will be frequent on-the-job trainings.
    3. What benefits does this job provide?
    4. She turned it down because she didn’t want to work as a temp. She wants to commit to something bigger and more serious.
    5. People check the employment office and the classified ads for job openings.
    6. He was fired the first day on the job.
    7. My boss wants me out of my job sixty days.
    8. The company has been downsizing.
    9. Pink slips are in the mail for those positions that have been eliminated.
    10. I’m between jobs.
    +关注 私聊
  • symmacros



    wonderful, learning more from this post.


